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Messages - LePatron7

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Hot Topics / Re: I love salt
« on: October 11, 2013, 07:22:23 am »
finding raw animal blood is extremely difficult, everyone iv asked was scared to sell. the only way I see getting it is to butcher animals yourself or find someone who raises animals and tell them u need raw blood for your sick dog.

I haven't asked yet, I plan to wait to see the info you post. But Miller's usually comes through with my strange requests. They didn't have beef fat or brain on their web site till I told them I wanted it. If I tell them I want GF beef blood they might be willing to provide it.

General Discussion / Re: Temporarily Eating Cooked Foods, what to do?
« on: October 11, 2013, 12:57:14 am »
I appreciate the feed back. I'm going with Van's advice, just relaxing and enjoying myself on my vacation.

Generally, Iguanna and GS, I'd bring my own food where ever I go. I also have a cooler with ice packs lol. But in this case I won't be able to take any of my own food. So it looks like I'll be eating some cooked food for a few days. When I get back I'll be eating 100% raw again.

As for before I leave. I've decided to up my fat. Next meal I'll eat 3 oz. Then the 2 meals after that 3.5 oz per meal. When I get back I'll probably increase my fat consumption since I missed so many meals and I order every other week.

Off Topic / Re: Biohacking - Dave Asprey interview
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:50:26 pm »
The same understanding of the brain that will allow brain modifications will also allow us to completely get rid of illnesses like ADHD, schizophrenia, etc.. That's my thought.

Not being argumentative, but I disagree, and being schizophrenic myself that's saying a lot! While debatable, Dr. Hoffer talks a lot about how being schizophrenic may be beneficial in some way and the problem lying in not having the proper nourishment.

While I know I was functioning very poorly pre orthomolecular medicine, orthomolecular medicine improved my condition substantially. The combination of eating raw and orthomolecular medicine has lead to me functioning incredibly well. I do very well in school, much better than before I was officially diagnosed schizophrenic. I've even come up with orthomolecular supplement, diet and toxin elimination strategies of my own through research and open mindedness that orthomolecular doctors don't know about (as far as I know). I think my having schizophrenia has played a big part in me thinking outside the box, and having different views.

So in a way I agree with Dr. Hoffer, that by nourishing the body properly, eliminating toxins, etc. in a way it may be beneficial. And who knows maybe using some unnatural means of eliminating schizophrenia would eliminate those benefits.

General Discussion / Temporarily Eating Cooked Foods, what to do?
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:06:13 pm »
Hey everyone, for the next few days I'll be eating cooked food as I'll be going on vacation to visit family, and unfortunately it's one of those rare instances I'll need to eat cooked food.

I plan to eat all my fruits and veggies raw, and ask for my meat as rare as possible.

I'll continue with my supplements, meds, etc.

However I'm not sure what the best way to approach this is. I'm thinking of eating massive amounts of raw foods right before leaving.

For example instead of eating 2.5 oz beef fat per meal, eating like 5 oz, or maybe even more.

What do you guys think?

Hot Topics / Re: I love salt
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:00:03 pm »
i will spend time and make sure to dig up the relevant information if anyone finds the above link unsatisfactory although I know that this si the foundation that did that particular study.

Please do. I'd love a thread on the benefits of animal blood. I may even start asking for it from Miller's.

Hot Topics / Re: WA state GMO labeling issues currently at hand.
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:12:46 am »
This kind of labeling may finally turn people on to the idea of how much genetically modified foods they are eating.

I think I've seen that 85%+ of processed foods contain GMO's.

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:18:58 pm »
I've been eating a lot of coconut meat. I saw a youtube video of a guy using a screw driver and a hammer. He hammered the screw driver into the coconut and made 3 holes, then poured out the coconut water. Then he hammered the coconut around the perimeter, and it literally cracks in half. I tried it (a second time) and literally the coconut cracked right off the meat, and I was left with a ball of coconut meat. Yum! I plan to eat some avocado later too. I've been eating a lot of beef fat, and feel some different fat sources would be a good change.

Hot Topics / Re: I love salt
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:38:41 pm »
Can someone please find me an article promoting sea water drinking that doesnt include a disclaimer saying make sure it is only a tiny amount just like any other toxic substance comes with the same warning.

And can someone please respond to me about pouring salt on the mucous membrane of a slug and what evidence one has that it would react any differently inside the human body.

I can't believe we're even having this discussion. It's ludicrous to think that the reason a snail dies when coming in contact with salt has anything to do with it being bad for humans.

The article explains why salt kills slugs, and covers (very little) on why it doesn't kill humans.

By your logic (salt killing a snail) no animal should be alive in the ocean. Or at least they should all be very unhealthy and on the verge of death (like a snail most likely would be if placed in ocean water).

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: October 07, 2013, 07:05:12 am »
I decided to cut out the liver. I noticed I was having trouble sleeping at night, which I think might have been due to the copper in the liver. I've continued taking FCLO, 1 tsp daily.

I recently started experimenting with various forms of magnesium. The first one I added was "magnesium-L-threonate." It's supposed to be able to directly penetrate the blood brain barrier and help the brain. Here's a link with more info.

I then decided to add magnesium taurate, which is supposed to be good for the heart.

I've been eating a lot more carbs, like 6-10 pieces/servings of fruit daily.

I've also started adding a pinch of Real Salt to each gallon of distilled water I drink to "restructure" the water.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:31:51 pm »
Well, I suppose we could go the whole hog and have one of our female members parading topless in photos,  as a  stunning representative of  the raw, palaeolithic diet.

I think it's best to avoid the pole dancing, or having members parading topless (to attract potential RPDers).. lol

General Discussion / Raw coconut
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:51:21 am »
I've been reading about the benefits of coconut oil for schizophrenia. Specifically I've been seeing that the fats with their microbe killing properties are very helpful since a contributing factor in schizophrenia can be microbial.

I bought a coconut, cracked it open, and tried eating some of the coconut meat. But it's difficult. Anyone have any tools they recommend for scooping out the meat? Or a company that offers raw coconut meat at a decent price? I'm also interested in hearing about centrifuged coconut oil/ any type of coconut oil you think is high quality.

Thanks in advance.

Hot Topics / Re: Different Kinds of Salt
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:03:45 am »
Thanks SVRN. I'll definitely look into that  ;)

Hot Topics / Re: Different Kinds of Salt
« on: October 03, 2013, 02:49:01 am »
also I do regularly consume salt just so you know due to my inability to find unsalted raw cheese. WHen I get a particularly salty variety I notice that about a half hour to an hour after eating the cheese my leg pain will flare up. THis is without fail every time and I feel a throbbing in the blood vessels in that area this sued to be a constant problem for me before going raw and only returns these days after I eat salt or smoke tobacco.

So salt doesn't work for you. Thanks for your input. I do quite well with lots of salt so long as I balance it with my potassium intake. I typically consume 1/2 tsp daily and salt my food heavily. It works well for me.

Health / Re: what causes mental problems?
« on: October 02, 2013, 11:56:16 pm »
There are soo many factors involved in mental illness. But here are a few that could help.


Magnesium promotes a relaxed state which is very helpful. It's important to balance calcium and magnesium, you want about a 1:1 ratio of each.

Omega's 3 & 6

You want to balance your omega 3's and 6's. An imbalance can lead to irritability and aggressiveness which can worsen symptoms. So lots of grass fed meats, grass fed animal fats, and wild caught ocean fish. You'd want to moderate consumption of fatty plant foods since their omega 3:6 balance is off.

Heavy metals

Excess copper, aluminum, etc can be a problem. Ways to balance those involves using certain minerals that lowers their levels. Ie taking zinc lowers copper levels. There's some good info on the Weston Price website

Gluten and Casein

It's probably best to eliminate gluten and casein. I've seen a lot linking them to mental health problems.

Orthomolecular Therapy

Orthomolecular therapy has been very effective for me. Combined with RPD it's been even better. Dr. Hoffer has lots of info online, he even has a journal filled with nutritional info on treating mental illness.

Hot Topics / Re: Different Kinds of Salt
« on: October 02, 2013, 11:43:25 pm »
Not really trying to get into whether or not anyone thinks salt is bad or good, this thread is for discussing different kinds of salt.

I've read on the WPF that the bones are mainly made of calcium and phosphorus salts. That's why I was asking about different kinds of salt.

Here's a book by Dr. Brownstein who uses "unprocessed salt, like Real Salt" to help patients -

And here's a youtube video with Dr. Brownstein on the benefits of "unprocessed, high quality salt." - Salt Your Way to Health 7 15 10

I've seen magnesium chloride in Magnesium oil, and potassium salt. But I can't find anything on calcium chloride being used for anything except dissolving ice on roads.

General Discussion / Re: How much do you guys spend a month on food?
« on: September 28, 2013, 05:41:38 am »
I also like the beef fat from muscle meat trimmings. I don't like suet. I think eating beef fat instead of butter significantly brings down the cost of food. I've seen butter selling for $10+/lb, and I pay about $3/lb (includes shipping) for beef fat. I assume both have about the same fat content.

Off Topic / Re: Cancer drug advertising
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:52:11 pm »
I was never much of a conspiracy theorist, but seeing how much it's failing people and by suggesting ANYTHING different and getting results, almost leaves me with no other logical conclusion than they are conspiring to keep us sick, or we've hired (elected) some of the DUMBEST people in all of history to choose what's best for the masses.

It's funny how you're only left with those 2 options. It's true though. It's either intentional or they're retarded.

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:46:51 pm »
I've recently increased my Vitamin A consumption. I was probably getting very little since I didn't eat much organs for some time.

I added in the FCLO liquid, I take 1-1.5 tsp daily. I also started eating an oz of grass fed beef/veal liver daily.

1 tsp of the FCLO has 200% DV, 1 oz of liver has 100% DV. I know the WPF says that traditional peoples consumed as much as 10x the amount found in the SAD back in the 60's. Anyone have a recommendation for how much Vitamin A is optimal?

General Discussion / Re: Does anyone here eat kelp? Use Lugol's iodine?
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:43:12 pm »

This is where I got mine.

That's the brand I use too (except I buy it off Amazon).

I take the 2% solution. I put 50 mg in a gallon of distilled water and drink it through out the day. I use most of the recommended supplements for the iodine protocol.

I take lots of unrefined sea salt (Real Salt). And most of the supplements they recommend. It took some time building up to that dose.

I started with much less, maybe a drop or two daily. Even that caused horrible detox symptoms until I started using a lot of salt.

Off Topic / Re: Cancer drug advertising
« on: September 26, 2013, 09:06:53 am »
Carrying on a step further... I was curious about the folate (vitamin B9) that is promoted so much in these enriched wheat items. One slice of bread contains 30-37 mcg of folate. One pound of raw grass fed beef contains 27 mcg.

Exactly why we should all be eating LOTS of whole grains.. Just like the website I posted says lol

And make sure to limit fat, especially animal fats.

Hahaha... Sad but when you think about it. ALL the dietary advice given by the main stream is terrible advice.

Off Topic / Re: Cancer drug advertising
« on: September 26, 2013, 08:21:19 am »
I'm sure the husband eats plenty of "healthy grains" and does long endurance cardio while wearing sunscreen. Cancer is just a thing that "happens"

Woah buddy. Don't be knocking grain consumption and sun screen.

If you look at this link, you'll see tons of benefits of grains.

Lot's of good info on the benefits of grains here -

And the dangers of getting sun -

Those are both VERY REPUTABLE sources.... lol To think that's what doctors are actually recommending.

(So it's clear this is a joke. Grains and sun screen are bad).

General Discussion / Re: Kopi Luwak scat coffee
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:31:21 am »
Is.. is that poop coffee?

Primal Diet / Re: finding a "doctor"
« on: September 25, 2013, 09:26:44 am »
how can I find a nutritional consultant that uses raw meat and dairy?

I don't think there are doctors, or even nutritionists that recommend raw animal foods. Like CK said, you might be able to find one in support of Weston Price promotes.

There are exceptions. I've already mentioned Dr. Tom Cowan, as well as the Price Pottenger Nutritional Foundation.

Any doctor associated with the Weston Price Foundation or the Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation will definitely at least be open to raw dairy.

Health / Re: Achlorhydria (lack of stomach acid)
« on: September 25, 2013, 09:09:05 am »
As far as stomach acid, unrefined sea salt, like the Celtic Gray salt, tends to work very well.

I definitely agree. I personally use Redmond's "Real Salt." Here's a link with some info on healing low stomach acid naturally.

Here's what the link has to say about cabbage -

"”Vitamin U?” You may be thinking, “I’ve heard of A, B, C, D, E, and K… but not U!” That’s because it’s not a real vitamin, just a label for a powerful healing enzyme found in cabbage. It is applauded for it’s anti-ulcer abilities and quickly cures stomach ulcers and heals the stomach lining. When stomach acid has been chronically low for years, the stomach lining may be inflamed and unable to tolerate acid supplementation.  In this case, vitamin U is useful in soothing an inflamed stomach lining and correcting low stomach acid. "

A google search for "low stomach acid natural cures" will yield even more results.

For your digestive problems, I definitely recommend fermented foods. You can make your own sauerkraut, pickles, kimchee etc. which will be rich in probiotics which will help heal your gut. However they have to be naturally fermented and home made.

Here's a link on sauerkraut (fermented cabbage).

Here's a link on my favorite pickle recipe.

In addition to fermented foods, I'd recommend temporarily eliminating complex carbs, and possibly trying a high fat raw-specific carbohydrate diet. It would only be temporary till some healing in your gut takes place. The SCD (short for specific carbohydrate diet) can also help candida.

I'd also suggest making sure your enzyme pathways are functioning optimally. Low nutrient levels can hinder enzyme function, which could cause problems in digestion. The poor digestion could increase the amount of food that goes undigested, which would then feed bacteria in the gut, worsening your candida and digestive issues. So increase your consumption of magnesium, zinc, manganese, and possibly other nutrients.

""Enzymes are protein molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body. Magnesium is required to make hundreds of these enzymes work." - Dr. Carolyn Dean"

"Over 300 different enzymes depend on zinc for their ability to catalyze vital chemical reactions. Zinc-dependent enzymes can be found in all known classes of enzymes (4)."

"Manganese (Mn) plays an important role in a number of physiologic processes as a constituent of multiple enzymes and an activator of other enzymes (2)."

General Discussion / Re: Making a 'raw paleo diet' facebook fan page?
« on: September 25, 2013, 08:51:29 am »
I think it would be neat. A raw paleo diet facebook page could spread the message about..

food awareness, talking about stuff like Food Inc. Healthier more humane animals. The benefits to the environment from eating raw. Health benefits. Articles on cooked food dangers. Comparisons between vegan and raw paleo.

The list goes on and on.

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