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Topics - phatdave

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Off Topic / Devon :)
« on: November 02, 2009, 06:33:03 am »
Anyone live in Devon?

Off Topic / Preserved/untouched parts of the UK
« on: October 16, 2009, 09:27:35 pm »
Which parts of te UK are still relatively preserved/untouched?

I'm most interested in woodland.

General Discussion / Looking at uncultivated wild fruit
« on: October 11, 2009, 07:04:38 am »
Looking at uncultivated wild fruit

'A fruit wants to be eaten so that its seed can be spread'

Example: Rosehip

The fruit is sweet, the seed is difficult to digest and
contains cyanide, the colour is bright.

Why are some poisonous fruits sweet?
What is the role of vitamin C in fruits?
Are wild fruits edible enough to be a significant ammounts in a humans diet?
Why do poisonous fruits and edible fruits look so simliar?

Do rosehips and other 'edible' uncultivated wild fruits actually want to be eaten?

Thank you

Health / Scabies and scary western medicine
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:35:25 am »
Hey guys and gals,

Basically my girlfriend gave me what we think is scabies from her travelling in Africa. (according to an english doctor)

Now I actually am just starting a course of the infamous Humaworm, which on its website is does unsurprisingly say it cures such things.

Anyway, so number....

1. I was curious if anyone had any experience with scabies, and any possible treatments, cures and successes.

2. Whether or not having an amazing raw paleo diet that cures so many things, coupled with a paleo lifestyle might give a boost to my immune system etc such that I might just cure it naturally.

3. Whether or not anyone has any experience with Humaworm in regards to such skin mites...

and last, but by no means least,

4. Whether or not me submitting to my girlfriend and the western world of medicine by covering my body in what I can only tell is a mild (0.5%) insecticide or 'toxic poison' for 24 hours, and ingesting some equally dodgy sounding pills is a good idea, or a bad idea. (i think the common one in the lotion is promethrin although hers was different chemical in the lotion begining with m)

Basically now a days I let very little if any of that sort of crap anywhere near my body, but in this case am I being totally overboard by refusing treatment on the grounds that it is obviously a nasty horrible death bringing chemical all over my body!

Hmm, its a tricky one, poison, or girl?

Would love some opinions on this one, am I being the big girl? (no offence to women, just a turn of phrase, actually you are tougher than us guys :) )


Off Topic / Natural bedding - any suggestions for an alternative to a bed?
« on: September 21, 2009, 06:00:28 am »
Im re-decorating my very brightly coloured london bedroom as the colours are finally getting to me!

It will be fun experimenting with some homemade clay and starch paint.

I wanted to try sleeping on the floor, but I dont think the rock hard planks of the floor are going to be as nice to sleep on as the earth/grasses/leaves etc outside. Therefore I was looking for a natural material that would be a nice alternative, considering my girlfriend would really raise an eyebrow if i started bringing that sort of stuff inside to sleep on! :D

I thought of natural rubber, but didnt like the idea of sleep next to latex (dont know why, just slightly odd stuff given that people can be allergic to it no?) and I also considered bamboo matts but they are only a few mm's thick. Hmm.

Maybe a nice thick wool blanket? Hmm.

I remember hearing some guys saying they just throw down a blanket and thats it, which is great - but I cant help that think maybe thats a little too 'hard' (however is probably a lot better than much much too soft like beds).

So what are you primative (yet indoor) sleeping habits/materials?

Thanks guys!

(ps just found a site called paleoplanet which is alot of fun! :D Maybe we could meld the two and make a super duper paleo site!!  :D)

Health / Constant paranoia and anxiety with zero carb
« on: August 28, 2009, 06:46:16 am »
If anyone has any experience of paranoia and anxiety when on zc, please let me know - if it is just a phase, or perminate.

Health / errm, i think i got pinworms from travelling...
« on: August 14, 2009, 04:17:23 am »
...itchy butt, sleeplessness, worst at night, all the symptoms....

Dont want to take drugs, anyone have any experience?

hehe, thanks!

General Discussion / Why is there amylase in saliva?
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:50:21 am »
I know amylase breaks down starch into simple sugars. What rawpaleo food contains starch?

I know the answer is perhaps a simple one, but google can be unhelpful if you cannot phrase the question correctly.

Thanks guys/gals!


Off the top of my head, i have a few, but was wanting to get a god idea what with so many people falling sick this time of year and onwards.

I have...

1.Minimise sugar consuption
2.Minimise stress
3.Minimise pollutants
4.Plenty of rest/sleep
5.Plenty of sunlight
6.Plenty of water
7.Plenty of exercise
8.Plenty of healthy fats
9.Adequate protein

Anyone have any to add? or any to question there?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / ARMY + ZERO CARB/RAW PALEO
« on: July 01, 2009, 10:12:50 pm »

I was think about joining the british army.

I think i might have to abandon zero-carbing/raw paleoing because it would surely be impossible.

If anyone has an experience or thoughts that would be most useful.

Right now it is the only thing holding me back.



this is something i sent to a particular paleo someone.....hope you all feel lucky to be included  ;)

(or of course 'un' lucky (depending on if you are a half full/empty kinda person :) )


i'll tell you one thing, liver smoothies were definately a phase! One i dont think I'll repeat!

Liver is such a treat, it utterly defeats the point of doing all that to it. Essentially I was trying to mask the taste, and in the end it was horrible!

I think raw liver is such a mega food, I wouldn't eat it everyday. You can tell when you've had enough, and if you imagine killing an animal, the ratio of liver to the rest is fairly small! I think this animal/ratio logic isnt a bad idea to get a vague balance of what to eat. But even better than that is getting back to being in sync with your body....

Sorry I actually wasn't intending to say all this at all! Instead I was actually going to say that today I had raw liver, and it was FANTASTIC. Having bought a lovely lambs liver from a happy grass fed sheep, I.....

-Got a medium pan, put about a couple millimeters of water and heated till it boiled, than turned off the heat. I than put 1/3 of the whole liver in (about a decent handful pieceish :) ) I popped the lid on, and left it for 5 or so mins. I did turn it over and left for a few minutes.

This is not to cook it in anyway, but warm it.. (body tempishish/warm meat of ANY sort is better. Think about it :) )


-I then cut the liver into very thin slices using an incredibly sharp knife....and made a nice circular arrangement on a plate with them....

-I then sprinkled sea salt, ground black pepper, paprika and garlic powder to taste into the used water, and added a bit more water to make about a cup of 'broth'. The simpler the better, maybe next time no chilli...

-I poured this into a beautiful blue, handless cup - which i placed in the centre of the plate.

I ate with chopsticks (2 skewers!), savouring and sipping whilst listenning to my flatmate recording her beautiful music, while thinking about the universe and how we're are all part of a big picture. Oh, and really relishing the soft textures/flavours with the peppy/salty broth.

It was both delicious and spiritual. Super, mega good for mind and body.

So there we go. Never again am I going to soberly take for granted something that has such wonderful potential. Or rather IS wondeful.

Each to their own of course :)

Hope you had fun reading this, I had fun writing it.

David A-C


Hi, my names David Ashley-Cowan and I am British, and currently live in London. I recently turned 22.

The change to my diet and lifestyle in the past few weeks to that of RAF etc. have been incredible, but like most I find that because I dont 'have' to hunt for my food I unsurprisingly find myself eating honey sandwiches, smoking joints and drinking mojitos. Sure thats all gravy, but I'm old enough and wise enough to know that what goes up must come down, and ultimately me feeling crap the next day/next moment is surprise surprise, a direct result.

So, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, am I going to keep going round and round for the rest of my life?". I figure the only way to mold my otherwise jelly-like will into something of substance is to make a plan. Rules like this suck, but than so did having to hunt everytime you we're hungry - so it is a fair compremise.

1 Month plan:

1)Diet- Anything edible that is; ripe, seasonal, wild and truely native to Europe. (fruit/nuts/herbs/misc) + (land/water/sky/misc)
2)Exercise - Any exercise, but must be daily and varied. ( is comparable)
3)Lifestyle - Think "would a homo-sapien be doing this?"

All the usual.

I will have to be constantly making compremises, but if cheat no-ones loses but me.

Someone once said to me, "It may not be the easy way, but its the right way. And thats why it makes you happy."

Well, I figured without a plan I will simply repeat history. So thats it.

Should be easy, I love this stuff :)


General Discussion / UK equivalent to SLANKERS?
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:40:20 pm »
After reading some of 'Lex's Journal' I had to find out what his 'Dog and Cat mix' was......sounds great! Slackers looks like a absolute gem, and I am very envious of all you US peeps! I guess I should be happy for you, because after all I want everyone to be eating good meat....  :)

I get my meat from London’s farmers markets which are awesome; I love ‘em. Only problem is that the farmers I talk raise an eyebrow at the mention of the lesser known cuts/organs like 'spleen' etc and I would love to find somewhere similar to slackers that might better set-up to cater for such demands (and many even supply such ground mixes with a bit of everything like the before mentioned 'Dog and Cat mix'!).

Of course give the size of the UK this may not be possible, and I would still nevertheless consider myself lucky to have the great choice offered at the markets in London. I should of course keep asking around at the markets and try to befriend some of the farmers!

Any ideas/sources would be much appreciated.

Thanks and all the best!


Display Your Culinary Creations / Liver smoothies
« on: May 28, 2009, 12:02:08 am »
Have made 2 liver smoothies now.

1st) Lambs liver that was grass fed, but finished on grain, and 3 duck eggs - both from borough food market in London. ('Ginger Pig' butcher for the meat)

-Just some Celtic sea salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper
-Made approx. 1/3rd of a litre, or maybe around 10oz glass (or a little under of both) and of a perfectly glossy consistency.
-Rich and Delicious, a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Taste was powerful.
-Disgusting to your first reactions, but ignore the bad habits you've learnt and really listen to your body.

(Takes some mental strength to re-train yourself to eat something so radically different.)

2nd) Lambs liver that was entirely grass fed (225gs), with whitish marrow from similar grass fed lambs (50g/5dspns)- both from Marylebone farmers market in London.

-Just a pinch of salt, and some fresh ground black pepper -- plus 1 chunk of both ginger and fresh red chilli (1/2 inch cubed..), splash of filt. water to whiz.
-Made approx. 1/3rd of a litre, or maybe around 10oz glass (or a little under of both) and of a very thick dessert consistency.
-Rich and fatty, substantial and nutritious. Milder, but with spicy undertones.
-Delicious and pudding like, ate half with spoon / other half blended with some water and downed - refreshing and nourishing.

(100 grass fed tastes better)

1 per week for me at the moment, these shakes make me feel incredible. Might experiment with cacao  .....

All the best.


General Discussion / Wild Fruit
« on: May 27, 2009, 10:39:58 pm »
I do best on low to very low carb. Having two cartons of VitoCoconut water yesterday (about 30gs of sugar) was enough to show me this. And for this reason I dont eat much in the way of modern/cultivated fruit. Wild/uncultivated fruit however is something I am no so quick to rule out......

Here is a nice website of some wild fruits in the uk. I am yet to research if they are native to uk/europe, but I suspect at least some are.

I plan to go for whatevers ripe and in season, and maybe dry (at a very low temp) some, then powder, to make a decent supplement to my animal fat/meat/organ etc diet.

Let you know how it goes.... :)


Welcoming Committee / HELLO!
« on: May 22, 2009, 01:02:13 am »
Hi. I've posted a couple of times, but am new so hello!

I think eating these foods are a very good idea, and personally do very well limiting carbs. I've quite slim, so weight loss isnt my goal, but rather just being healthy and strong. I'm 21, live in London, and have a keeen interest in all things human biology. I'm currently thinking about what to do with my life, and have settled on studying...yes...HUMAN BIOLOGY! Huzzar! I really should be writing a personal statement instead of being on here, but this is much more fun!

So hello everyone!


General Discussion / Paleo JOBS / CAREERS
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:01:13 am »
Hi all,

I'm 21 and live in London (although from the countryside originally) and have toyed with various different diets for the past year since travelling. However my story is for a different post....

Here I just wanted to talk about jobs, partly because I currently feel so helpless in trying to decide a future career, or find suitable jobs, or studies etc.

I guess all  really want to ask the forum is this...

Many different people have different jobs, some of which would have been considered very bizarre pastimes to do in the era of our ancestors ( for example a cavemen sitting in a cave all day in a suit doesn't exactly 'fit the mold' so to speak - but importantly this is not to say this is a negative thing, because it is ultimately all about the individuals happiness :) )

Add to this that there are some things to me that just feel more 'natural' and inkeeping with what my body wants over time. For example constantly moving gently with short periods of maximum exersion makes me feel heathlier than being sedentry or on the other hand going full pelt all the time. Or being outside makes me happy....etc

Hope this makes sense so far.

And to my point. I was wondering if people could give any experiences of they're jobs, and whether they make them happy or not, but also whether of not thats for some paleoish reasons. For example someone might say they love they're jobs as a sprinter, for whatever reasons, but one factor is that they get to be fairly active constantly, and then very active for a little bit - which is perhaps inkeeping with our evolutionary build. Or perhaps a builder might love being outside, using his head, but also his hands etc.

I hope this doesn't seem to abstract, I simply just feel very lost with career paths, and studying etc, and none of it just really seems to click with me in anyway. This is maybe a route of inspiration, considering that this is a like minded community in regards to the model of what the human body is designed for, and wants. Not only in diet, but in lifestyle choices, including career paths too.

Hope this makes sense.


ps. i appreciate that it is ultimately my decision, and should be based on many factors, not just how 'paleo' something is - which, however important it my be, is of course only one factor to consider. But alas, 21 I am, and mighty curious, and mighty undecided. Thanks!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / IM 100% CRAZY!
« on: November 04, 2008, 10:57:15 am »
Sorry guys, I read one little thing and went off on one. I think my brain was just about to expode apon hearing so many contradicting things. I appreciate when you are coming from.

I want facts, not fiction. Science, not ideology. I want real superior health, and not that of fantasy.



ps i have to find this great artical on paleo diet i found a couple of weeks ago. would love to hear peoples opinons.

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