Raw Paleo Diet Forums > Welcoming Committee


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The LEAST that moderators/Craig administrator can do is check the IP address of people joining to see if the country flag lines up with IP.  I realize spammers can use virus infected computers in different countries as a poxy, so it's not a fool proof thing.  BUT, we have one guy from Antarctica, too.  I mean, hello?  Did his IP address match up with that?  Is he really there doing research?  If not, why even have flags? 

To swallow this BS is so laughable I have to wonder at the validity of rpd in the modern world!  Andrew, zero carb surfer dude at least has his head on straight on this!  I think I'll follow him.  And Rawzi too.  Why isn't she like a moderator or something???

I would venture to say that Dr. Rugby is not a female - certainly not the one in the photo - and is not a native English speaker (obviously).  S/he/it posted the exact same hello on zero carb, fyi.  And people there at least hit it up on the UK / US issues that come up.
Queen of Reason, aka Satya

My guess is India.

ip address showed canada.

Actually, Satya, we  mods all were rather suspicious.  Plus, if all websites  were to ban everyone who  wrongly registered a different country as their origin, then I would have been banned from numerous forums/websites as I've, on occasion, put in the wrong country (eg:- uzbekistan/united states) on some forums, due to haste.

    Hi Satya.  Thank you.  That's my approach.  I tend confront >: them fast when I am positive that they are uncaring, ignorant or disconnected scammer spammers.  You saw how obvious Dr Rugby Sr was.  I like knowing whatever they are presenting.  I went to his/her website before -X  replying, I almost always do, or I Google it.  I don't necessarily think my way is the superior way, it just feels right to me.  Maybe I'm just on imagine I'm moderator automatic pilot.


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