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Messages - Suiren

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Wai Dieters / Re: Cutting out veggies for some time
« on: April 16, 2013, 07:53:21 pm »

So diarrhea is to be expected when ODing on probiotics? Or would it be a bad sign?

Do you know of any quality low carb and low sugar fruits? (Preferably a decent amount of calories). Other than the ones I have named.

Wai Dieters / Cutting out veggies for some time
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:34:48 am »
I cut out all vegetables to see if it will help my indigestion problems and the acne I developed since eating a low carb/ ketogenic diet.

When searching for Paleo and Fruit only I came across the Wai Diet. I like some aspects of it, but others I don't, (so much sugar) so I am now trying to tweak it to my liking.

Until recently I ate a  omnivorous Paleo Diet with cooked veggies and some cooked meat. 
I don't have a lot of options. I CAN NOT go low carb again, because I don't have a spare liver or thyroid. My health was bad then and adding carbs resolved all the problems. So that is just not for me right now.
I also don't want to eat extremely high carb, and it seems loading up on fruits that can happen.

The diet allows raw meat aside from fish nowadays, which made it a lot better. My plan is to eat raw fish as well as raw grasfed and wild meat.

I want to cut out veggies until I get relief and then carefully reintroduce a few, one at a time.

I the meantime I am wondering how I can reduce the sugar in this diet and add some fat aside from olive oil.
What would be some good not so sweet fruits that still have a decent amount of calories and nutrients?

At the moment I am eating about 200g of raw meat or fish a day. Can't afford to buy much more (I still get a stomach ache and soft stools from raw meat, but hope it will stop). I eat bananas, coconut, avocado, cucumber, tomato and zucchini too. I don't season and drink only water. (the adding juice with oil part sounded a bit extreme)

I want to make sure I don't lose weight, as always. I get to 2700 cals with this diet, that is more than before, so I suppose there is no way I would lose weight?

Hot Topics / Re: raw breads
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:39:11 am »
nice tips. this is the recipe i was talking about.

This uses almond. If you don't have a problem with almond it should digest just fine. I like to use coconut flour, which I digest best.
I haven't followed a recipe yet, but I just made the batter with eggs and coconut flour and then blend it with apple, banana and cinnamon.
I have also used dates before, with ginger, all spice, gloves and a bit of cocoa powder to make something gingerbread like. I "bake" on paper. The cookies need to sit for a little before I can pull them off well though.

I have tried some raw vegan recipes. They really are creative. I think raw vegans are definitely reaping some benefits from eating raw, good quality foods. If they were to add raw meat it would be good (So many seem to be Vitamin B12 deficient). It is better than SAD, vegetarian and regular vegan...

And then there are fruitarians...I have no idea how they can eat so much fruit. My body would be begging me to stop.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:29:41 am »
Suiren, you can just search the internet. The first link that I found said: "Adult women need about 46 grams protein a day."
Which sounds about right. So 100-200 grams meat/fish would be enough for you.

My recent food journal entries say I consume about 56g. I guess that is fine too :)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:27:38 am »
maybe just try and add more offal anyway, if you can get it.  and think about digestive enzymes and those probiotics I mentioned, if anything they will help you digest the carbohydrates you are eating and hopefully cut down on the gas.  I think if your guts heals enough from this you will be able to slowly taper off carbs without losing weight and also stop supplementing, this could take a year of good steady healing tho.

I will definitely look into the digestive enzymes and probiotics too. I have been considering them for weight gain before, but now I have even more reasons.
The weight loss is not my biggest concern when dropping carbs, I lost it slowly over time and the stabilized at a lower weight. But what was scary is how it threw my body off and all those problems I listed above appeared (liver, thyroid, gallbladder, hair loss, PMS, acne, fatigue, inflammation)
But I suppose if my gut is better I will be absorbing my foods much differently. So it might be a different story.
I was not planning to go very low on carbs again. That was more or less a coincidence that this happened. I think my carb intake (about 170) is not extremely high compared to a lower carb SAD diet (275g)? At least I am not binging on carbs  ;) I like eating a small amount of veggies and fruits...a little bit of everything, just balanced atm.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 03:02:12 am »
Bio eggs are fine; I buy free-range at a farmers market, but have never had problems with the bio eggs either. But check at the better shops, the supermarket where I buy also has pastured eggs, and actually from two different producers.

If you have problems finding good meat, just eat it less often.. and you don't need to eat tons of meat and protein anyway, especially considering you're a woman at 50kg.

The fear of PUFA in fish regarding the thyroid sounds unfounded to me, but maybe there is some connection, I couldn't say for sure.

How much meat is good then you think? I eat meat daily atm, less than I used to. About 2 filets, or two chicken breasts at day or about 250 grams...something around there.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:57:15 am »
Raw grass fed is best

Whether raw grain fed is better than seared grass fed, I can't really say.

What problems are you having with raw grass fed.

It feels very "cold" in my stomach at first and then results into a stomach ache that feels very different from digestive pains (but it was room temp. meat). My whole stomach feels sore, with some sharp pains and a few times I got nauseated.
If i eat small amounts, I get the cold feeling too and some discomfort but it subsides.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:54:57 am »

Thank you, that was very detailed. I will try to defrost and then leave it a bit. It makes sense.

I am going to suggest that you work on getting offal instead of carbs and upping fats to keep your weight up.
But I just got off of low carb (25-69 g a day halfed because of breastfeeding) because of all the problems I developed on it.
I went LC last year August, I started losing weight and looked really shitty, my skin was not as clear anymore (it was nice and clear at first when switching to a moderate carb Paleo diet), by the end of September I looked like death, my face was sunk in, I had dark undereye bags, I was always tired. I got my period back despite breastfeeding exclusively still (too early imo) and started having PMS.
In October my hair started falling out and the little zits got worse, I started having inflammatory pains, first in my right arm, then all over my body. I also developed joint pains and swollen finger joints.
My acne and PMS worsened with every month. My cycle was long and irregular. I got my period every 40 days instead of every 29, I would only get black sticky blood, instead of regular red blood, it would last for 11 days (my period used to be 3 days long only, 3 days of light bleeding and never the slightest pain or discomfort!!), I would get backaches that felt like back labor and I had to sleep off the pain. I would have very painful cramps too.
In January my labs came back and showed that my liver enzymes were elevated, and my thyroid was not doing well anymore. I was told to start taking levothyroxine for my thyroid. A more detailed test of my liver showed a lot of inflammation and my enzymes were so high, my doctor was considering hospitalizing me if they don't drop soon.

I had started the detox with herbs just a little before that and my skin was improving fast.
I went back on more carbs. From then on every lab result got better. My liver went back to normal, my thyroid was better than ever, my pains went away, the fatigue, my period was almost normal again, I gained weight, my hair loss slowed down, etc. Every problem just gone like that.
I have all the test results and will post them in my journal.

If anyone knows why that happened, please share. From what I have read it either says too low carb is not good for many or going low carb quickly is not good.
Either way, that is how my body responds and it is telling me it is doing better with a moderate amount of carbs right now.

I would feel awesome if it wasn't for my digestive issues and blemishes that are not fully gone (possibly from the digestive issues).

Do you get enough minerals Suiren, I forget, do you eat any seaweeds?  Maine Coast and Frontier Brand are legit and should be added to meals/water.  Kelp is especially good to heal the gut as it is mucilaginous but also has iodine, so it doesn't cause bacteria overgrowth in the intestines.

I love to consider and observe things like face mapping and iridology, whether or not its truly legit I cannot tell.  In myself I do see some coincidences, but they may be just that!  I still think its interesting:)

I don't think I get enough minerals. I even heard that we can't get all the minerals into our diet with food...I eat nori once in a while. Is that okay for seaweed?

The face mapping seems to be true for some, but not everyone with liver issues will break out I think.
It seems to match my past and current problems that are connected to hormones and seem to also worsen my digestive issues in turn. I hate how it is all connected ;)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:43:09 am »
That makes sense. Thank your for explaining.
So once all my food is of better quality my sensitive gut should do better transitioning. That is something to look forward too.
The salmon was the really orange looking kind with skin. I ate it off the skin unseasoned and uncooked. My husband had a rendevous with the toilet all night and my throat got really sore and swollen with some cold symptoms. Not sure if it was tasted stronger than expected.

I'm not sure you are understanding me correctly. Like I said, I have been wanting to get off of grainfed, and have reduced it, but I was just asking DaBoss88 what he thinks, since he recommended grain fed. I wasn't sure how he meant it.

I have never seen a naturopathic doctor :) would be nice though. I have seen regular physicians and basically just got test results so I could decide what to do and make sure my strategy was working.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:29:07 am »
I would try eating the salmon.  If you start to notice negative symptoms from it, then back off.  Otherwise, it's wild and fresh, and that's waaaay better than grainfed beef.

I would eat more if it wasn't for my thyroid. The PUFA in salmon can aggravate Hashimotos. :(
I recently got another affordable fish at the organic store here. It was called Pangasius filet and I tolerated it well. I will have to see if it has PUFA.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:48:47 pm »
For bacterial problems I've been doing a raw version of scd/specific carbohydrate diet. You know you can eat grain fed meat raw? It's not ideal. But it's still better than cooked. I've eaten a lot of lower quality foods raw when there's nothing else available. Say I'm at a friends house and all they have is regular eggs, I might down a couple just cause there nothing else.

Also if you're able to find it raw beef fat is usually very inexpensive, high calorie, and good for you.

So would grainfed raw be better than grasfed cooked or seared?

I read some really scary things about grain fed raw meat too.

But then there is still the issue that raw gives me a stomach ache. I tried many types, wild, grasfed, lamb.
I have been eating it in small quantities hoping my stomach will get used to it but no change so far.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:44:35 pm »
No lol  ;D OD is short for overdose.
Alaska wild salmon is one of the most affordable fish here. A few times I bought fresh fish at the store and had a swollen throat from it.

I don't eat ground meat often. I was just saying that we found frozen ground lamb yesterday, and that is the only lamb we have come across so far.
What exactly is the problem with frozen meat?
We can not get any suitable meat that has never been frozen. Some is shipped frozen and stores often had their meat frozen at one point too.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:25:02 pm »
Oh, and I forgot but we have not been able finding pastured eggs at all here! The best we can get is Bio and I am not sure these are okay to be eaten raw?

Another question

Has anyone found face mapping to be true?

I did not have acne before changing my diet. Since switching from SAD to Paleo, my acne has slowly increased and went really bad when I cut out most of my carbs and did LC.
The detox has improved my skin much, but I still break out. Just my problem is less severe (and my skin is not dry and oily anymore since the herbs).
Looking at these maps it tells me most of my problems are mostly of the digestive kind.

I get it worst on my cheeks (stomach, fallopian tubes)
Second by the mouth (large intestine, colon)
A little on my forehead (small intestine, bladder)
And sometimes by my eyes (liver, gallbladder)

I think cleansing and somehow relieving these parts would relieve my body and promote normal function again. I haven't had as many problems for long. Sometimes I am thinking that detoxing after changing my diet, loaded my body with a lot of toxins it could not get rid of at once (maybe too much at a time?). My digestive tract not being able to adjust as well could have contributed with that (creating more toxins and problems).

That would explain why my liver and gallbladder had problems (from my blood tests).

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:03:39 pm »
When we don’t get proper meat, we don’t eat meat. (By “we”, I mean my “instincto” friends and I). When we don’t get proper eggs, we don’t eat eggs. That’s very simple. I agree with CK's advice.

By the way, unfrozen New Zealand lamb is quite proper and cheap. We often find it in supermarkets in most countries.
Of course, if you pre-mix and season raw foods, then you get digestive problems because you cannot feel which ones and how much of each you can eat in accordance with your digestive capacity.
  Having plenty of raw food along with some cooked food sooner or later leads to problems for most people. There’s a reason why people on standard cooked diet cannot tolerate much raw food.

Best whishes
That is one of the reasons I went back to eating more cooked foods (as some have suggested here too). I seem to be absorbing and digesting them better and keep my weight more stable.

I seem to have problems with unseasoned and separate foods as much as tossed together. I tried both.
I think my body will have a problem with anything at the moment. I am not sure if my stomach is reacting to the change in my diet (I had less problems on a SAD diet, very minor bloating).
It makes sense to me that digestion would be different taking out grains especially.
But my body does not seem to be adjusting.

We paid 5.29Eur for 500g of frozen new zealand ground lamb yesterday. Compare that to ground beef which is only about 2.20. Deer and normal lamb is even more.
The only affordable fish is salmon, but I don't want to eat a lot of salmon, because it would be salmon OD and I worry about PUFA considering my thyroid.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:30:35 pm »
How about digestive enzymes - full range of pancreatic enzymes with HCl - taken with your meals?

Yes, I have thought about that. What do I need to look for? Are there different types?
HCl would help with low stomach acid?

I was also thinking about seeing a gastroenterologist to get a few tests done to figure out where exactly I have problems (if I even have bacterial overgrowth). That way I can adjust my strategy.

You might be better off without grainfed meats. Try avocados, nuts, seeds, and other things to replace those grainfed meats.

I was wanting to get off of grainfed completely soon. We have been buying other meats as much as possible from the stores and plan to order from a few online sources that don't seem too expensive (thanks littleelefant!)

I have also been eating more avocado for fat/ calories. But with prices from 1.60 to 1.99 it can be hard to afford when you are buying other foods that cost a bit.
Seeds and Nuts seem to get me super bloated, at least at the moment. More than other foods.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:10:05 am »
I am cooking foods because some of the meats are only organic not grasfed or wild. We can not always get that.
Also way back when I started I had more problems digesting raw and got stomach aches from raw meat and veggies.
I still do. I think I need to better a few things first since I am obviously not digesting well. I don't want to throw my body off any more. I am happy with my liver back to normal and my TSH at 2.2 without meds. I want to keep a certain balance.

I understand a raw diet is great, but I feel I still can and have made improvements with cooked meats. So until I am able to digest a bit better this will have to do.

Hot Topics / Re: raw breads
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:40:37 am »
We use normal paleo bread mixes, often with coconut or almond. I have made raw cookies with banana and apple that way.
I never tried anything thick like a bread loaf but small coolies take at least a day to harden and dry out.
The cookies are really good.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Bloating, digestive problems?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:30:55 am »
 I have come to believe I may have a digestive / gut issue. 
Because I am very freaking bloated right now!  :o I look pregnant.
I have been having worse problems since getting off of a low carb Paleo diet. As some may remember, vlc (25-69 g of carbs shared with the baby I breastfeed) was not good for me. I lost hair, my hormones went all over the place, I started having acne, severe PMS, my thyroid and liver enzymes skyrocked, I was tired and had inflammatory pains....I am probably forgetting a few things...but you get the picture. It was bad. I don't have a spare liver or thyroid.

I am not sure what causes the bloating at this point. It seems like everything gets me bloated. I only know my worst enemy is sweet potato and rutabaga.

I know there are diets like AIP,  GAPS etc. that could help with this. Maybe it is SIBO. 

But my problem with giving these a try is that I am worried I will have a hard time getting enough calories (I was underweight 99lbs, don't want to go there again)  from my usual fat sources and it would also be hard to get enough carbs it seems.
Currently I eat a lot of bananas. But I was diagnosed with a fructose malabsorption before....I don't seem to have many options here...

To summarize my symptoms again: bloating, stomach belching, sometimes constipation, mild cramps in my intestines. My stools are sometimes hard, but mostly okay, normal brown, I think I have seen some fat or something on them before? Def. no blood.

I have had digestive issues since I was a child. So I tend to forget it is not normal. It worsened in my teens, and in 2006 I was diagnosed with a fructose malabsorption. I felt a lot better reducing fructose and reintroduced it after a half year. I always felt like I was able to tolerate a moderate amount of natural fructose.

I really feel I have had issues there for a while and I want to take care of this problem now, because I can see it causing (or having caused) a lot of damage.
I would appreciate recommendations regarding gut healing tailored to my needs.

my hair has gotten thicker and grows much faster now. my nails as well. The speed of growth really picked up after adding dairy.

I am eating raw butter daily. Is that dairy enough or is it missing benefits?

I usually avoid dairy. I am not sure if it is good or bad for me at the moment. If I get any benefits from it. But I would like to give raw cheese another try when I have some more things sorted out.

I think my hair loss stopped btw. I have been losing a normal amount for over a week. I am too scared to celebrate it just yet though....
I also noticed a lot of regrowth. Some from about 3 months ago, and some barely 1 month old. I look like a hedgehog. Now I have regrowth from 2010 somewhere around my back length, from my postpartum shed around my shoulders plus the short frizzies. I look awesome. Like I got electrocuted .

Journals / Re: a strong mother...
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:50:11 am »

a little bit about iodine, selenium and hashimotos.  have you looked into any orthomolecular treatments?

I have never heard of orthomolecular treatments!

Have you ever tried the herb called Dong Quai?  It's a very safe balancer for female hormonal issues.

When I first lost hair in 2009/10 I took a menopause supplement that had it. It helped a bit back then. I will consider adding it! I don't feel all is fully balanced yet. I still have mild PMS and breakouts.

Health / Re: blood glucose, high fat, depression
« on: March 12, 2013, 05:08:36 am »
Hi little Elefant!

I think you have gotten some great advice, also as far as the insulin goes from Adora!

You know I also have a weight gain problem. But I managed to go from 45 to almost 50kg (I'm 165cm tall) (100-110 lbs at 5'5") recently, while not even eating a very high amount of calories.

Summer last year I was trying to eat high carb AND high fat. I consumed about 81% fat, up to 3700 calories. There were carbs in there, even though it seems unlikely given the high fat content, about 90-140 g at the time. I did NOT gain an ounce, I even lost some weight and my face looked weirdly I lost fat in my face.
I gave up counting calories and eating lots of carbs and fat because it was frustrating. I ate a very low amount of calories, drifted into ketosis (30-60 g of carbs a day, shared with a baby due to breastfeeding).
I lost a bit more weight, I was fatigued, started losing my hair, had horrible PMS, bad acne, I had heart palpitations, chest pain, my thyroid was acting up again (TSH - 5), I had inflammatory pains in my body, my liver enzymes were so high my doctor suggested hospitalization...did I forget anything? Well, I felt like falling apart a bit too.

I am the type of person that when things don't work out naturally, and my body does not sort itself out after about 3 months, I take things into my own hands. Which means I go pestering a bunch of doctors and I do a TON of research. I turn into a research machine  ;). It honestly is a bit stressful, and I have been told that by Iguana too. But I just feel that it would be even more stressful to watch myself falling apart. Not to mention I was having problems that were getting unbearable and painful.

So my research made me try a few things. I don't know if it is for you, and I don't mean to make actual recommendations, but I just want to share this and you can extract from it whatever you like and what makes the most sense to you.

1. Detox and regulating hormones. I chose (herbal) supplements for fast results and ease of use. And fast results I did get. All problems bettered within two weeks. My hair loss lessened a bit, my acne went from bad to mild acne, my skin turned very rosy, felt warm and I could feel blood rushing through it for the first two weeks. It got very it has not been this soft since I was 14, dry spots disappeared. My next period was MUCH better, almost normal. My liver and thyroid tests turned out a bit better. I put on a little weight (went to 47.5 kg) and my face started looking more "plump" again. It even feels like it..very odd actually (I first noticed my face getting more flabby after pregnancy, or my skin not being a plump in general, which I rad is due to pregnancy hormones, since your body wants you soft and stretchy for birth ;) and should subside..which it did not really do for me) To me it seemed that my body finally started depositing fat in some places, which I know you have a problem with too.

2. I then read that ketosis can cause problems in some people that have a history of certain illnesses/ problems. With my thyroid problem and being underweight while eating lots, I totally fit the description. I also had every single symptom.
I upped my (good) carbs slowly, and now eat between 140-170 g of carbs. That is when I saw more bettering too. Pretty much all my problems improved. My liver enzymes were almost normal, my thyroid went back to the *3.2 TSH I had been able to maintain on Paleo, my hair loss lessened again, it went back to almost normal...etc.
And most importantly, since I added some more carbs, made sure I eat enough calories without forcing myself (so having a general idea of what I need to eat, but making it tasty and readily available so I easily reach my goal), a variety of things I gained even more weight.

I think my problem was a combination of many things. I had changed my diet, but was still full of toxins from my prior lifestyle, and adding more toxins because my body was trying to detox fast after going Paleo, but not doing a good job (my guess).
To top it off I was unable to absorb and digest my food and calories. I assume I could have lacked calories and nutrients due to poor absorption.
I am have been prone to hormone related problems and autoimmune diseases. I think the diet that drastically differed from what my body knew, might have thrown it off even more. Hormones CAN be affected by diet. Hormones also can lead to a million other problems in your body. I read something that suggested that almost everyone has a (at least minor) hormone related problem. Our hormones really are connected to everything.
The way you describe your problems, it sounds like you have major problems absorbing, digesting etc. That is something that can't be caused by something like not working out enough, or not eating enough of [insert rpd foot]. I personally think you have a bigger problem, than just not eating a perfect diet or not maintaining a perfect lifestyle and exercise routine. So I would look further.

Work with doctors. They are not perfect (at all), but they have the tools to investigate further. You could get your intestines checked for example, to see if you have damage from a previous undetected Gluten issue (Celiac can also cause one to be malnourished).
I would assume that after getting a bunch of check ups, you will have more clarity, and in case something is found, at least you will know your "enemy" and can target the problem more specifically.

Nachwort: Das tut mir uebrigens sehr leid mit deinem Mann. Ich denke du machst gerade eine sehr schwere Zeit durch und es ist verstaendlich, dass der Stress da bestimmt auch ein Grund fuer deine Probleme ist.
Falls du Freunde und Familie hast dort, wuerde ich versuchen viel Zeit mit ihnen zu verbringen, viel zu unternehmen, leichte Aktivitaeten, vielleicht etwas hobbymaessiges, um einfach den Stress auch erstmal etwas wegzunehmen.
Fuer dein Problem gibt es sicher einen Grund und eine Loesung. Mann muss die Sache vielleicht nur einfach mal anders anpacken. Nicht nur auf eine Sache vertrauen, sondern alles versuchen. So wuerde ich es jedenfalls machen.
Es ist ganz wichtig fuer deinen Mann und deine Tochter, dass du wieder bei Kraeften bist. Selbstmordgedanken, wie alle depressiven Gedanken, sind erschreckend und quaelend, aber ich bin mir sicher diese sind nur eine "Begleiterscheinung" der Misere in der du gerade steckst, und werden auch ganz schnell verschwinden wenn die Dinge sich etwas bessern.
Ich selbst habe keine Selbstmordgedanken, aber seit meiner Schwangerschaft spielen meine Gedanken auch manchmal verrueckt. Das aussert sich am ehesten dadurch, dass ich staendig Angst habe meinem Sohn koennte etwas passieren und in meinem Kopf spielt sich dann etwas zuviel Kopfkino ab (was ich frueher nie hatte) und das macht es noch viel schlimmer. Ich bin sicher, dass es bei mir hormonell bedingt ist, denn es fing genau 2 wo. nach der Geburt an. Es ist jetzt viel besser und eventuelle Gedanken verwerfe ich gleich wieder. Jeder hat Sorgen und auch schreckliche Gedanken, nur geben wir ihnen normal nicht so viel Bedeutung.
Ich habe mir immer wieder gesagt, dass es totaler Quatsch ist was ich mir zusammen denke und es auf die Hormone geschoben. So hat es wenigstens etwas an Schrecken verloren. Ich hoffe du kannst die Selbstmordgedanken beiseite schieben und dich auf alles Gute und Schoene konzentrieren. Ich bin zur Erkenntnis gekommen, dass man als Mutter weniger fuer sich selbst lebt, als fuer sein Kind.
Bevor ich Mutter wurde und einen liebenden Ehemann hatte, liess mich meine Krankheitsgeschichte ziemlich kalt. Natuerlich wollte ich leben, aber mit dem Tod haette ich mich einfacher abgefunden. Als mein Sohn auf die Welt kam (und ich noch Probleme mit dem Krebs etc. hatte), fand ich den Gedanken daran, dass seine Mutter vielleicht sterben koennte, bevor er gross war, einfach schrecklich. Umso mehr habe ich deswegen beschlossen "das kann einfach nicht passieren, und damit basta"...
Was ich damit sagen will - trotze deinen Problemen, lach sie aus, spiele sie herunter, sei ueberlegen. Irgendwann glaubt man wirklich dran.

Sorry for the German everyone, but you all know, me has bad English and some things I can't express the same way in another language  l)

That is a lot of vomiting! If it hasn't calmed down now and she can't keep food or liquid down for long I would got to the ER. I think this much vomiting is very serious if it continues.

Even organic eggs here don't guarantee that chicken eat their natural diet. Naturally fed chicken eggs are impossible to find here.

Is she still vomiting now? Or has it calmed down?
If it calmed down and she is nursing or eating and keeping things down she should be fine. If she is not better you can tak her to a pedi and explain what she ate. I don't think you have to mention she ate raw foods, since it would result in the same treatment anyway? Someone correct me if I am wrong.
I hope she feels better soon! I have never given my 18mo. eggs, but so far he has been fine with raw lamb, beef and fish.

Journals / Re: a strong mother...
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:53:29 am »
Thank you both!

The DIM (diindolylmethane) supplement I am taking supposedly balances women's hormones, removes bad estrogens and promotes good estrogen and progesterone.
But lately I have not seen as much bettering as I did the first month. Maybe it just needs more time...or maybe the supplement is not powerful enough alone.

I read that Robb Wolf recommends it to be taken with calcium D glucarate. So I will look into that.

But it would be great if there would be alternatives in case this won't help.

Journals / Re: a strong mother...
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:27:59 am »
Yeah I do supplement with things that I feel my lifestyle can't provide enough of!

A quick update for early march:

My results are here! And they are great!
My thyroid levels were completely normal. That I have never seen since I know I have Hashi's. My TSH alone dropped from 4.9 in January, to 2.2 as of late February! And it used to be as high as 8 in 2010.
An ultrasound also looked normal again for the first time. The technician said my thyroid is working normally and producing enough hormones, but I do have some scarring from back in the day. So the "destruction" halted so to say.

My organs were also looked at and they looked picture perfect in size, blood flow etc. Good news for once!
I also got my hormones checked but haven't discussed the results with my doctor. They seem normal now, but I want to find out what "normal" would be the best "normal"?
Something certainly must still be off since I still have mild PMS, hair loss and "acne" or skin is not completely clear.
Then there is also this weird dryness, which I have had since pregnancy and that has now caused problems with my eyes.
I put lanolin under my eyes bc I did not know what else to do and my skin is almost normal again under my eyes. A bit dryer than normal, but not like eczema.

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