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Messages - RawZi

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A parfleche is a hide bag: It's what many of the First Nations peoples used to carry pemmican and fat in.

    I want a parfleche.  Sounds like what the Mongolians made their koumiss in too.

I was wondering if less airtight containers than mason jars might better mimic the natural containers (like grass-lined holes) that first nations people used to make high meats, but I suppose the problem in the modern world is that containers that aren't airtight would stink up the fridge.

    I have poked holes in the top of a small mason jar to ferment a tiny portion of chicken.  It was small enough, and the holes so tiny that it really didn't pose a problem.  Having vegan friends over, any high meat in clear glass really freaks them out I imagine, but no one has said anything.

Why do Aajonus and his followers apparently suck eggs out of the shell instead of cracking them into a container? Less mess?

    That's a requirement?  I've more often heard him telling people to blend it into milk or kefir.  I think he says if you crack it into a container and leave it that way in the fridge more than a day, it starts losing vitamins.

He says his family name means "from the planets." Does anyone know German who can confirm or deny that? Where does he claim this name came from?

    From a town called Planitz.

Why does Aajonus refrigerate his high meats?

    I wish he would say.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: AV on Aware Talk Radio
« on: October 23, 2009, 06:55:44 pm »
    Marilyn Gang is a water diviner?

What about a parfleche?

Has he since come up with another alternative other than feces for cancer victims who refuse to eat high meat?

    What's parfleche?

    I think he comes up with different things.  I'm not even sure if he suggests high meat to all of them.  I think it depends on the glandular and iridology analysis.

He recommends ball jars whatever they are.

    They're a brand name of mason jars?  I have no idea where the name mason came for jar anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Suet question
« on: October 21, 2009, 05:45:10 am »
    I find marrow very edible, especially the softer marrows.  I like smooth fats.  It's hard for me to get much suet down.  I know people say drink more water, but there's just so much water I can handle.

    I do it twice a day. 

General Discussion / Re: Suet question
« on: October 19, 2009, 02:47:18 pm »
    Living in the US, you'll only be able to find frozen IF you're lucky.  Another few months you can find fresh fat everywhere.  Maybe a Canadian company has it.  I find no problem with connective tissue anyway, it digests, as long as it's raw.

General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs: whites and yolks.
« on: October 19, 2009, 08:34:18 am »
    Two year eight month raw egg discussion still on going.  Add your experiences, etc if you like:

"Wolves usually tear into the body cavity of large prey and pull out and consume the larger internal organs, such as lungs, heart, and liver. The large rumen (weighing about 60 kg or 132 pounds for a moose) is usually punctured during removal and its contents spilled. The vegetation in the intestinal tract is of no interest to wolves, but the stomach lining and intestinal wall are consumed and their contents further strewn about the kill site." (Wolves: behavior, ecology, and conservation, by L. David Mech, Luigi Boitani, 2003)

Wolves will even laboriously nibble away at a frozen stomach to avoid ingesting its contents: "If the stomach of a large prey animal freezes before wolves find the carcass (e.g., if it died from starvation, accident, or earlier wounding by wolves), the wolves commonly consumed the entire stomach wall by laborious nibbling with their incisors." (Mech and Boitani, 2003)
It's definitely less essential to survival for carnivores, but I can't find any research indicating that it's even a normal, regular practice for wild carnivores who are eating a diet with sufficient nutrients and calories. There is tons of info on the Web re: coprophagia among wild herbivores and domesticated dogs (who eat deficient diets containing foods they are not designed to eat, like grains and soy), but precious little of it re: wild carnivores. If you don't believe me, do a little googling yourself. Here are some examples:


"Capybara, rabbits, hamsters and other related species do not have a complex ruminant digestive system. Instead they extract more nutrition from grass by giving their food a second pass through the gut. Soft fecal pellets of partially digested food are excreted and generally consumed immediately. They also produce normal droppings, which are not eaten.

Young elephants, pandas, koalas, and hippos eat the feces of their mother to obtain the bacteria required to properly digest vegetation found on the savanna and in the jungle. When they are born, their intestines do not contain these bacteria (they are completely sterile). Without them, they would be unable to obtain any nutritional value from plants.

Gorillas eat their own feces and the feces of other gorillas. Similar behavior has also been observed among Chimpanzees. Such behavior may serve to improve absorption of vitamins or of nutritive elements made available from the re-ingestion of seeds. ...."

Whereas when domesticated dogs engage in regular copraphagia, it seems to be viewed as an aberrant behavior, possibly "due to various medical problems." ("Owner Documentation of Coprophagia in the Canine,"

One common factor cited as reasons for regular coprophagia in both wild herbivores and domesticated dogs is diets deficient in certain nutrients that are plentiful and biovailable in meats, such as folate and B12 (cobalamin) (Handbook of behavior problems of the dog and cat, by Gary M. Landsberg; "COPROPHAGIA AND FEEDING,"

    I've never eaten "COPRO", nor has aajonus advised anyone I know to, nor have they tried it.  I first read about it years ago in a book provided at a vegan restaurant, while I was vegan.  In aajonus' book it says he prescribed it to a very sick woman who wouldn't try high meat.  Eating it got her well. 

    I started a discussion on it on GI2MR; because a well respected member of these forums threw the idea out there on forum there that aajonus is decredited because as part of primal diet you have to eat poop.  One of the vegans responded to my discussion on like the 26 page of it that his daddy showed him more or less that definitely carnivores eat stomach contents, so that I should too or become vegan again. 

    I had a dog who ate commercial non-organic dog food.  After getting very sick, we switched to a nearly vegan fresh diet, which worked so well.  The dog did eat poo sometimes.  Now I understand.  Thank you.

How much is a lot of butter to you? I had periods where I'd eat as much as half a pound of butter a day and still have those few white hairs (which stand out because the rest is black).

    Raw local cultured grass grazed butter was the base of each meal.  I ate three meals per day, no snacks, drank no water nor milk ever during that time.  I was better hydrated than ever.

From the interview these points seem to be more interesting:

1. Lubrication Formula for building muscle (Blend : butter, egg, honey, lemon). The principle seems to be "lots of fat". I wonder if it works better than "gomad".

2. He says gray hair is caused by free radical minerals (especially Aluminum). But it seems he also has gray hair...
 "eating lots of raspberries with coconut cream and a little butter helps get read of Aluminum"

Anybody tried them?

    I had a few gray hairs.  They went away after eating a lot of butter.

    After living mostly on moisturizing formula (same recipe as lubricating formula but it's the name when a woman uses it) for about five weeks already my muscles looked and felt better than ever.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« on: October 17, 2009, 03:43:14 am »
This Coming Tuesday

Time: October 20, 2009 from 12pm to 1pm
Website or Map:
Phone: (646) 716 - 8138
Event Type: internet, radio, interview, with, dr., aajonus, vonderplanitz, ph.d., nutrition
Organized By: Jim Ellingson
> Get the complete announcement at:
> (including more background, links, photos)
> Internet Radio interview with
> Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. Nutrition
> Special Host Marilyn Gang Discusses The Primal Diet with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. Nutrition,
> Tuesday October 20, 2009 at 12:00pm EST
> On The Debbie Papadakis Show on Aware Talk Radio
> Join special Host Marilyn Gang, BA, MA, CNP, founder of the Toronto Dowsers,, former trustee of the American Society of Dowsers, along with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D, an extraordinary
> American nutritional consultant, creator of the Primal Diet, author of "We Want To Live", and authentic Raw Food diet advocate.
> They shall be discussing Aajonus' perspective and experience on food,
> nutrition & real health.
> Join us and contribute to this vital discussion on this week's show. Call
> in with your questions.
> Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
> Time: 12:00 noon EST, 9:00 a.m., PST
> Call in number for your questions: (646) 716 - 8138
> Click to listen to the show:
> - OR -

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Off Topic / Re: Zero Carb "Meatup" in Los Angeles
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:12:27 pm »
What I find truly annoying about Charles' site is that one has to register to view the pages and the password is tricky to remember(Maybe there's a way to change it, but I forget).

    I thought maybe I had joined before.  I had never posted.  I tried with my email address though, but it didn't work, so I registered. 

    Lex, I used your name as a reference.  I thought that was better than leaving that part of the registration blank.  Do they tell you each time someone says you referred them?  Do you get some kind of credits?  If so, what kind?

Off Topic / Re: Zero Carb "Meatup" in Los Angeles
« on: October 14, 2009, 12:11:13 pm »
 If you are interested you can find the pictures starting here:

...  I think Charles posted a short video he took as well.  


    Thank you.  I'd like to see the video too if possible.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:11:41 am »
Lex don't you notice a sweet taste in your mouth? When I drink water, ride my bicycle, go swimming and even when it's time to eat I have this sweet taste in my mouth. I know when I ate other meats than beef and fat this taste changed according to the kind of meat and fat I ate (horse meat was way to sweet after a time).

You also explained once that food is a liquid in the small intestines so if you eat just meat and fat this liquid moves threw to the big intestines

    I'm eating more carbs now, and much fewer eggs, but no one knew the answer at the time.  Eggs and or water always drew a sweet taste coming from my mouth.  What is that?

    Maybe related, maybe not, my first taste of cooked vegetable (eggplant) made a lot of (plain non smelly in any way) water come out of me.  No problem, but very strange.  Absolutely not necessary.  I don't need eggplant.  Would that be the water from the small intestine?

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Milk Question
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:57:23 am »
Anyone know if Raw milk spike's insulin?

    Aajonus says drinking raw milk, for him, if it's room temperature and he drinks it slowly, that it actually prevents his need for insulin injections.  Forty-seven years ago he was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic, yet as long as he drinks raw milk, no need for medicine. 

    I don't know about insulin spikes though.  I've really never had one, I think.  My bg has never been above 100 AFAIK.  I'm sure there must have been big releases of insulin when I've eaten carbs, as my pancreas never let my bg go up.

General Discussion / Re: Mixed meats in 1 sitting
« on: October 11, 2009, 06:32:05 am »
    I usually don't mix eggs with meat either.

    I couldn't tolerate whites the first several months of RAF.  Something must have strengthened in me, because I tolerate both yolk and white as well as each other now.  I'm not sure about whites with meat though, as I really don't combine them.  I drink raw milk and if I combine, the combination is usually milk and egg.

    Olive oil doesn't work as well for me as animal fat in general.  I don't maintain my body temperature as well with oil, and I get dehydrated.

    I do combine meats in a meal occasionally, I've noticed no problem.

    I don't do raw surf and turf either, no reason, just haven't tried yet.

    I’m writing this because some people who read the blog may have no idea that local lives can be affected for months or a year etc. I hope your family’s health fares perfectly despite the temporary change in diet. Is your family able to totally avoid packaged food again now and go back to their previous eating?

They sat it out with the neighbors. They are eating cornflakes for breakfast! Horrors! Water is still waist deep so i cant fetch them yet.

    My family went through something like that and half got coughs from grain and packaged food due to fruit trees destroyed by the natural occurrence. Food availabilities were back to somewhat normal in little over a month but no more fully ripened local fruit for about a years and a half, food we had depended on for the bulk of our diet. Other families’ members died due to illness from temporary changes like no running water for same amount of time etc.  Believe me, donations were appreciated of toothbrushes, paper-towels, toilet tissue, etc. 

    Think about it, how life might be different in the Philippines right now than it was before this natural catastrophe.  If anyone can help the people in the Philippines, please do.   

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus New conspiracy theory
« on: October 10, 2009, 02:13:20 pm »
    I hate to consider it, but the bulk of the vaccine industry along with government that supports it seem like they could be conspiracy.  I have read from several sources that I know to be reliable that aajonus several months ago was abducted and shot up with multiple vaccines and chemicals while unconscious.  I just think they may have intentionally picked him to do that to, being that they consider him their enemy.  I hope that they try to disprove this by all of those who do that in the world halting their injecting of foreign chemicals into anyone ever again from this day forward, and just say they made past mistakes, realize the wrongs, will never do it again and ask our forgiveness.  Each and every person, even a king, a president, a doctor or anyone else is very capable of making a mistake or even many.  Most people would forgive them.  Look at those evangelists that admitted their actions to their flocks.  The madness of treating people with harmful pharmaceuticals should stop.  People want government and health care, and they would prefer to keep both over them yet not to be scared to open their mouths or to think.

Hot Topics / Re: Health of okinawas
« on: October 10, 2009, 01:54:02 pm »
they eat raw goat meat to,, its a common dish from what i read.

    Where did you read it?  I was just now looking to Google to look at their diet when I ran across your comment.  Would you help me find a good site that mentions it?  I eat raw goat meat and raw goat high meat that I've made.  It's not that I don't believe it, just don't remember reading or hearing about how or if they eat goat.  Maybe theirs is a diet to emulate.

    Oh, I found plenty:

Journals / Re: Martins journal
« on: October 10, 2009, 05:58:40 am »
Sorry for not updating. I´m still zero carb. I have had a weak stomach for periods. I had one period when hade to sit on the toilet constantly for like 7 8 days. I went to to the doctor i got som immodium and some "flagyl" antibiotics. It made things better but now again i have really loose stools.

...   I also have hade periods when i feel quite good. . I think one of the problems is getting enough energy. I have lost like 3-4kg. But at times when i have been able to eat some more i have felt good respons in my body.. 

    I'm glad you feel good sometimes.  Hopefully you are recovering.  I myself would avoid immodium and flagyl.  Immodium can be dangerous for eyes, and flagyl can cause problems for decades.  I've never done completely ZC though, so I don't know what you're going through at all.  You do what you have to do though.  Diahrrea holds its own dangers.  I had very loose stools the first month of RAF.  I was lucky.  I didn't have to do anything about it.

Journals / Re: livingthelife's journal
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:30:18 pm »
    Good to see you back :)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Experiment
« on: October 09, 2009, 10:50:15 pm »
Hi :) David, good morning!

    We're each different.  The only way I can tolerate tropical fruit is in small quantity, and then mixed in a bowl with butter, honey and egg.  I'm very happy to have found these 3 RAF foods.  Previously I could not tolerate any tropical fruit.  I couldn't tolerate them when I was semi cooked paleo either.

    I haven't eaten much eggs lately.  No taste for them.  I did feel better when I was eating more eggs though.  I will probably work the larger quantity back into my diet.  Before I was RAF I tried egg Rocky style, and I could not get it to my throat.


Health / Re: Teeth Recovering on RAF
« on: October 09, 2009, 10:40:54 pm »
    Have you made miso, sauerkraut and kimchi?  I have.  You don't have to use salt.  Of course it's a different product then.  I have been vegan.  When I was, unsalted kraut helped me.  Eating raw meat now, sauerkraut doesn't seem to work.  Kimchi I find a bit spicy.  Miso I felt was helping me, but not so much with the salted, yet so with the unsalted.  I got medical tests done.  Turned out miso was definitely not helping me, salted or not, rather the reverse.  It was hurting my health.

    I have taken raw unsalted cheese and left it for months in the refrigerator.  I've done the same with salted raw cheeses.  The mold, consistency and taste of the unsalted raw consistently comes out excellent.  The salted has more inconsistent results, and never as good.


Health / Re: Teeth Recovering on RAF
« on: October 09, 2009, 01:19:23 pm »
    It depends on what the rest of your diet is and the state of your health and teeth.

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