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Messages - RawZi

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    They do sell grass grazed bison meat.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi there.......
« on: July 21, 2009, 04:15:16 pm »
    Hey Elainie :)  How are you doing?  I hope you have a great day!

    How much lower in avidin are fertile eggs over non?

    If there was a formaldehyde dip on the scallops, would that do it too?  And the raw chocolate?

    When the Native Americans started doing what?  Taking supplements?  Eating more fruit?  Also, these days people mix salt, vinegar, onions etc with their tomatoes for meat sauce.

General Discussion / Re: Tea?
« on: July 21, 2009, 04:01:07 pm »
    I'm tolerating cold better than ever.  You haven't been at this a full year yet, I have (+).  You may not even need tea once next Winter comes.  I went swimming with non-paleo friends the other day.  I tolerated the water temperature better than them.  That is so unlike the old me.  I wouldn't even go in the water many a time in the past, as it was too cold for me.

    That being said, no use feeling guilty for drinking a cup of tea some day if you feel cold.  I think your body will tell you when you don't need that kind of help.  Eating saturated (raw) fats helps me keep healthy in cold.  When your body says give tea up, listen then, no worry now.

    I think eggs are good in the beginning, and then when healed, you can basically cut them out.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Favorite raw paleo recipe
« on: July 21, 2009, 03:41:07 pm »
    I don't eat recipes anymore, haven't for a while.  Last was Moisturizing formula ala books by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.  It's really tasty and satisfying, but I just eat the individual ingredients now when I have them.

    What's yours?

    I have eaten raw meat months old, not using salt, vinegar, nothing like that.  I was fine.  I am curious though, has anyone here ever thrown up or anything from high meat?  I never have, but I'm just wondering if the anaerobic stuff might ever bother me in the future.

    I'm pretty used to high meat.  It's kind of funny.  I opened a jar of slightly high fish recently, and when my son  -v smelled it, he feared for my health and told me to not consider eating it for that reason.  It smelled good  :P to me.

Hot Topics / Re: My experience with vitamin D supplements
« on: July 21, 2009, 03:28:57 pm »
    I would go with fish too.  Around the time I started eating (raw wildcaught) salmon, after having eaten "nothing with a face" for decades, my bones got very noticeably better and my six month depression went away.  Sun certainly never did that for me, and supplements are never alone. Supplements don't make sense to me.  I look fifteen to twenty pounds less than I weigh, likely all because my bones have more weight to them than they used to.

Off Topic / Re: handling stress
« on: July 21, 2009, 03:22:54 pm »
    Fresh air, exercise, good company.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« on: July 21, 2009, 03:19:54 pm »
Reply #11 on: Yesterday at 07:22:21 PM »

Thanks, RawZi. I only need something on rare occasions, such as when I accidentally eat the wrong thing or cheat too much, so it would preferably be something I could store a long time. Your mention of herbs reminded me that I do have ginger tea, thanks. It's not truly raw, but as an occasional medicinal I think that would be OK on a RPD. I could drink that and eat raw bone marrow or suet when my stomach needs soothing.

Re: tofu, I can't stand the taste or mouth feel of straight tofu, even when mixed with other foods. I can't imagine how anyone could think it tastes good. To me soy is one of the nastiest foods on the planet. The only soy food I liked that I tried was soy ice cream, and even that was not as good as dairy ice cream or avocado ice cream or sorbet.

    Maybe terramin clay would work, as it's easier to keep around. 

    Soy masquerades around as scramble, sausages, etc, the key word being masquerade.  It's really not food at all.  That being said, I'm fine avoiding cacao altogether and coffee, but if I had to have soy ice cream, cacao and coffee have been the only (ayurvedic) antidotes to get that ice cream down my gullet.

    I do like marrow a lot, I'm sure I posted that somewhere on this forum recently.

It gives me troubles and it is well documented to cause deficiencies in vitamin A and other nutrients and contribute to myopia, blindness and certain cancers. Maybe he meant it gives less troubles than the gluten grains?

    Rice can contribute to myopia? No wonder I found it so acidic.  Thank you!

Apparently, the potassium in bananas is not nearly as well absorbed as that in meats/liver? This is truly fascinating and unexpected--AND WONDERFUL. HOORAH! I didn't expect my deficiencies to be cured within days of eliminating fruits and increasing my meat/fat/organ intake after one last week of increased fruit intake. It will be interesting to see if meat & fat alone prevent the cramps, or if I will need to continue eating liver as well.

    Thank you.  I was getting muscle cramps lately, and have not been eating liver.  No wonder the lamb liver looked so good to me tonight in Whole Foods.

They seem much more concerned with stopping humans from eating meat than they are with the actual welfare of the animals. When it suddenly becomes illegal to use millions of animals for food, as in this case, they are either starved or slaughtered and dumped into landfills, not put in massive animal refuges and kept alive with cleared land and expensive feed at government expense.

    How sad.

Europeans and Asians, and such historical cultures as the Celts, Turks, Mongols, Huns, Tatars, Scythians and their predecessors have been eating horse meat for at least tens of thousands of years. According to the Romans and others, most or all of these cultures regarded raw horse flesh and blood as very nutritious and a secret weapon that gave their warriors an advantage. There are even some horses in the Stone Age cave drawing in the Raw Paleo Forum logo image (all the animals portrayed were eaten by the people who drew them).

    Is horse these days generally healthier to eat somehow than other meats?

You can all laugh at me now...

The reason for it? Not eating enough raw fruit&veg earlier I think, especially fruit.

    That sounds like an 80/10/10rv'ist.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« on: July 20, 2009, 03:33:54 pm »
    There were hundreds of varieties of mangoes and bananas, several varieties of bread fruit and sops, lemons bigger than grapefruit, small grapefruit full of seeds, bitter oranges full of seeds, several varieties of guava, a bunch of varieties of spondias, I could go on all day and night listing the fruit where I lived.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Explain INstincto Diet Fully
« on: July 20, 2009, 01:34:13 pm »
I know what the intensively farmed fruits are and we avoid them like the plague: 
- sweet yellow mangoes (the ones we export and make into dried mangoes)
- cavendish bananas (the ones we export because us natives don't like this variety)
- Dole and Del Monte Branded pineapples and small papayas. (the ones we export)

I have a customer who is in the business of distributing pesticides and these fruits are their main business.

The fruits we do not export are merely planted and left alone to grow by themselves.  The Philippines never runs out of fruit.  There is always something in season.  Every month we look forward to something new.

I think the people with bad experiences with fruit are pointing out to their own rotten fruits, maybe their own fruits suck, but our organic / wild be default fruits in the Philippines rock.

    I have lived in the tropics, and the fruit was REAL!  Fruit other places rarely compares.

    Thank you for the blog GS :)

    For a few years while I ate about 30% of my food cooked, I avoided nightshades after reading Ann Marie Colbin's theory on nightshades.  I used to have joint pains, and going without the nightshades got rid of most of them.  I'm mostly to all raw now, except when making my partner happy.  A little tomato or eggplant raw don't seem to bother me.  If I ever go 100% no carb all meat paleo, or Wai I guess I'll have to stay away from that family again.   

    I believe some Native Americans may have eaten some of their meats, which were often raw, with peppers and tomatoes before white man got here.  Could it be more suited to some people than others?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: cloned meat?!
« on: July 20, 2009, 01:14:43 pm »
Are you eating cloned meat? You probably don’t know. It’s becoming common practice... but the FDA doesn't require labeling of cloned meat!

Birth defects in clones are quite common. Cloning has been found to produce unhealthy animals who suffer tremendously. Clones often die young, suffer birth defects, and commonly need antibiotics. 1

The Center for Food Safety says that as many as 50% of cow clones have what's called "Large Offspring Syndrome". Symptoms include unusually high birth weight ...
A recent study found differences in the composition of the milk and meat of cloned animals. 5


So there's no way of knowing if you are buying cloned meat or not! ... We should have the right to choose, especially when it comes to what we eat.
... That's another reason why I choose grass-fed beef. I don't have to worry about whether or not I am eating some science experiment developed in a test tube.

So when choosing meat for your next meal, consider the following two options.
• Cattle raised as nature intended -- in an open field free to roam and feast on their natural diet of grass
• Something developed in a scientific experiment that has not been properly researched, not to mention fed an unnatural diet of grain and given massive doses of antibiotics.

    I do use (raw) milk sometimes.  The farms I get it from let the animals breed with eat other, they never artificially inseminate nor any other artificial means.  I haven't specifically checked that about the meat, but I eat mostly (raw) buffalo, and I don't think buffalo let you mess with them much.  The rest is free range or sustainably harvested wild caught.  Do you ever think they'll clone the game animals for hunting?  I'm thinking of hunting squirrel.

The way I maintain pretty good discipline is by not buying the stuff I don't want to eat. So, even when I was occasionally buying mints to allow myself the occasional stomach-settling treat, I bought only the smallest bag of it, because what I buy and keep in the house I tend to eat. Even so, I was playing with fire, because sugar and carbs are my biggest food addiction, and I occasionally went overboard, so I've decided not to get any more. I think I'll probably restrict my stomach soothing to bone marrow or Milk of Magnesia in the future. Any other suggestions for raw Paleo zero carb stomach soothers?

    I've never tried Milk of Magnesia.  I bought a bunch of fresh local basil from the organic market this evening.  Me and my partner were out at a vegetarian restaurant.  I asked the waiter for tomatoes, but he could only serve the dishes on the menu.  So I got a fresh fruit juice.  Then I asked him about the scrambled eggs.  He said they were free range, but he much more recommended their tofu scrambler.  I know they must have had salad there, but vegetables in any form have messed up my stomach lately.  I tried the tofu, but it tasted like paper to me, so I had him bring me eggs, and gave the scrambler to my partner.  Good thing as he does love tofu.  It was great quality for tofu, but it's still not food to me.  Tofu just takes away my energy, my appetite and my desire to live.  The eggs were runny.  I was glad.  The smell is weird to me, of cooked animal things.  So anyway, at the market after got the basil, cause that just seemed like the only vegetable that my stomach might like.  I'll tell you if it's a good tummy soother later, if I get to that.  I got a bamboo-fiber shirt too in the mall with the restaurant and the market.  I put it on right away, I'm wearing it now.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Goose Fat + Skin
« on: July 19, 2009, 01:40:46 am »
    I've eaten raw duck fat.  It was good.  My cats liked it too.  I realize there are differences in the fatty acid profile in goose fat, but I would try it.

Like others, I'm guessing that maybe your GI system has not healed and adapted to the point where it can digest fats well. I used to have trouble with them myself. Supplementation might help during this transitional stage, though it would probably take some experimentation to figure out what supplements help you through this. Magnesium is known to help with anxiety, panic and sleep and it's one of the supplements that helped me most in the past to heal the ravages of modern carb eating.

    What does everyone think of (raw) eggs to heal the GI?

    Just as well.  Decent (raw) dairy is incredibly hard to get anyway. I hope you're problem is solved soon, and you're feeling better.

Don't they eat ants?  That's meat too.

    I was attracted to eating ants as a kid.  It was fun :)

Humans who buy into the vegetarian delusion of pacific, cuddly, infantilized, neotenized, 100% vegetarian primates and adopt a vegetarian or near-vegetarian diet tend to suffer the same pernicious effects that occur in nonhuman primates who who eat too much fruits and do not get enough animal nutrients from insects, grubs, worms, lizards, small animals, feces or other sources: vitamin and mineral deficiencies, tooth decay, and other afflictions. The fruit of their ignorance of nature is suffering. Vegetarianism is clearly the diet of masochists.

    I know!!

To give you some background, I have been eating raw meat, fat, jerky and 1 piece/cup of fruit a day for 1 1/2 weeks now.

I have lost weight, and think I am in ketosis now. I am very tired and sometimes have brain fog, but get surges of a kind of energy a while after eating fat.

The problem is I am having very panicky overall feeling of dread and physical anxiety and tension. I am also having 'paranoid' thoughts about people and situations. I have also had trouble sleeping, lying in bed with my mind racing.

I'm fairly tough minded, and could get through the tired and fog if there's a goal in sight, but there's no way I can do this for a few months.

Has anyone got any advice...if you've experienced it how long does it go on for? Any tips to make it better?

I don't really want to give up on raw paleo cause I believe in it, but feel like I can't go on like this and it may be dangerous.

    I know dairy is not paleo, but maybe for the first month you can do raw grass grazed dairy.  I found the kefir helps core apnea and the butter helps restless leg syndrome. Also dairy made me sleep longer. It might help you get you the rest you need in this transition period.  Then when you're past this time, wean yourself off the dairy.

General Discussion / Re: Milk-fed baby lamb livers
« on: July 17, 2009, 03:09:45 pm »
What do they feed the other baby lambs if not milk?

    I think they really mean that the animal wasn't old enough to eat anything else yet, or that they didn't feed it fomula.

General Discussion / Re: Are there any Nutarians out there...?
« on: July 17, 2009, 03:05:22 pm »
    Do yours grow in Australia or Hawaii?

Hot Topics / Re: And this guy calls himself a doctor??
« on: July 15, 2009, 06:50:39 pm »
Uma Thurman also does a raw meat diet(though I think that Demi Moore is(was?) a Raw Vegan. There's also carol Alt, the model, who follows a raw omnivorous diet, which seems a little processed. I've also heard from a relatively secure source that Val Kilmer is a follower of the Primal Diet(at least as of some months ago).

    I always thought Uma was getting younger looking and healthier with time.

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