General Discussion / Looking for techniques to produce Bee Brood
« on: May 16, 2014, 05:47:39 am »Could anyone point me to links / documents about bee brood specific knowledge, or better, talk about his/her own experience?
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This is pretty much what I was avoiding this thread becoming. Everyone throwing in their 2 cents without any actual information to support it. I get the general consensus is that supplements are bad - what I was hoping for was information from studies, doctors, etc. saying why supplements are bad.
wild foods are superior.
we should be tied to our natural environment and dirt, literally! In every aspect. That is health
our instincts can be spoiled. And will have to be "straightened out" and exercised into their natural, healhy state by our conscious decisions that (hopefully) are closer to the reality, truth and nature
I don’t think anyone claims that, Micelte. Perfection doesn't belong to this world.Exactly. This is why I liked GCB's latest definition (in the text you translated), when he was saying that instinctotherapy is nothing else than a human experiment. As thinking humans we like to follow patterns, we want to have rules, because it's just easier for our mind to be in control. But health is the opposite: the more we try to control it using our thoughts instead of our feelings, the more we fail. And the more we do research about it, the more we understand that it's useless. For example, the fact that fecal transplants are now under the spotlight, contradicting so many previous theories, is puzzling to most health seekers. They are even about to wake up Beschamp from his coffin
The environment is only part of the whole, it’s not everything unless you include us in the environment.It wasn't clear, but I was including us in the environment. I did not choose the word thinking of it's French meaning but to convey a holistic sense. Of course we are part of the environment, since our very self is a full ecosystem - some would even say a universe in itself.
I do fishhead-smoothie from fatty fishheads, raw. Just cut the head into pieces with a scissor and add water and blend until smooth in a mixer. Drink. Isn't too delicious but I hold my nose. You can add the guts too and liver and all. Very healthy.
I did a smoothie from prefrozen sardines yesterday but I think that was not good idea. I got the runs tonight/morning and cramping in my stomach. I guess the fatty fish might have gone a bit rancid? Cause they do - even if frozen. Tasted great to me but sardines do have strong and salty taste so it might have covered the rancidness? I ate the meat of the sardines pure and raw yesterday without anything and it tasted great to me? Strange. Or it was plain too much fat.. It is so long since I had such stomach distress, it almost never happends to me. Or it could have been the raw prefrozen scallops that I had too, yesterday? No idea. Anyways, I just ate a huge breakfast with elkmeat, sauerkraut and coconutoil and I am fine now.
I guess I will stay away from the sardines a while though.. It might be something added to prefrozen seafood, that I don't know of.. stay nothing on the package though. But who knows!
I would by whole mackerel always. Then you get the roe and fishmilk and liver and all! So good for you. I use to take the guts out the same day as I buy the fish and then they hold fine a few days in the fridge. I do smoothie from the heads and guts and from the file ts I do sashimi or tartar or anything delicious! I always eat them raw. Fatty fish I never cook, does not sit well in my stomach. But non fatty is fine gently cooked - for me at least.