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Messages - MMD

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Hot Topics / Re: Evolutionary benefits of cooking?
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:21:24 am »
This seems to imply that people on a cooked Paleo diet, of which there are many past and present, should all be weak and sickly and that they shouldn't live long enough or be healthy enough to successfully reproduce (the prerequisite for extinction).  Is this true?  Can this be backed up with data? 

Plenty of weak and sickly people, compared to Upper Paleo-man, reproduce every single day.  One does not need to be the epitome of health to reproduce.  One need only survive and have lots of sex.

« on: January 09, 2010, 01:09:14 am »
Bill O'Reilly said it well:

"There is global warming! Oh, you far right people? It's happening! Now, I don't know why it's happening, Al Gore doesn't know why, only the Deity knows. But I think if the Deity were here, He would say, or She, 'The less gook in the air, the better! I didn't create gook! When I created the earth, there was no gook in the air! You pinheads! You put it in there! Not Me. If I wanted gook, I woulda created it."

It seems to me that even if there is no global warming, why would we want to feck with a nature we don't fully understand by pouring enormous amounts of pollutants into it? Do we think we're smarter than nature/creator?

Volcanoes produce many, many times more pollution than man.  Nature apparently produces all kinds of pollution and yet life continues.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Cutting into fat
« on: January 07, 2010, 02:50:42 am »
I have malocclusion and so it can be hard for me to tear away with my teeth at chunks of meat.  So I like to take my kitchen shears and cut the meat into small pieces which I could easily swallow.  I chew as best a can and then down it goes.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Replenishing Glycogen
« on: January 07, 2010, 02:48:13 am »
It seems to me that in a well adapted VLC or ZC person, if one were terribly low on glycogen/glucose in the liver and skeletal muscle he would go hypoglycemic and feel awful, especially mentally foggy. 

If you are hungry, just eat to satiety and all systems will return to normal.

...When I have kids there is a good chance I will let them eat a much higher carb diet than what I will be eating. I think it will be intersting to see how Del Fuego's kids will turn out since they eat nothing but pemmican. I am not willing to have my kids go zc, at least at first. When I say kids I mean after they have been weaned off breast milk.

Have you ever seen a poop blueberry?  Children cannot digest plant matter -- they poop it right out, whole and intact.  I guess blending up the plants might help, but it's still mostly indigestible to babies.  Why would you do this to them?

Hi.  I just wanted to add some perspective to my experience.  I really don't know why the pemmican affects me badly.  I wonder if it is e.coli growth during the drying processes and I'm sensitive to it?  Or maybe it's just the "fat runs", if you know what I mean?  Not sure. 


As a matter of fact, at least three of the staff members there eat raw meat (Suzanne, Catin and Jeff)! Other members there also eat raw meat: Nyteez, Karb Killa, and Marnee. I haven't noticed anyone there saying they have problems digesting raw meat or that it a raw meat diet has made them chronically ill or anything negative like that.

Hi.  I am that Marnee.  I ate mostly to all pemmican for several weeks.  During this time I had horrible diarrhea.  I thought it would work itself out but I ran out of pemmican and so I stopped eating it for a while.  The next time I ate some pemmi (a small amount) I got the diarrhea again.  The thing is that when I eat raw fresh meat I have no problems at all.  I cook burgers by frying them and they are pretty much raw and just crispy on the very outside edge.  And that doesn't bother me at all either. Again, I have no problem eating raw and I eat a big serving of raw beef and raw fat pretty much everyday.  And I love it.  The grass fed beef I get is very delicious :)

Good Samaritan:  I am concerned that you and your family seem to be so susceptible to parasite infections.  What is the source of this?  How did you diagnose?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: fat digestibility
« on: September 18, 2009, 06:21:34 am »
There are two main digestive enzymes that break down triglycerides (fat) that I am aware of:  Lingual lipase, which occurs in the saliva, and pancreatic lipase excreted to the lower digestive system.  Your body will shut down production and function of certain processes according to the burden on them, kinda like how muscles atrophy with casts.  After years of not eating much fat or no raw fat, the secretion of these enzymes will essentially be atrophied and a lot of the raw fat you eat will probably come right on out as the material moves through the bowels because triglycerides cannot be absorbed.  Given enough time those enzymes will be produced enough to handle the demand.

Rendered fats liquefy (read: greater surface area) at a lower temperature and so enzymes will naturally have more surface area to work with, making their job easier.  I suspect something similar occurs with harder versus softer fats.  Softer fats break down physically more easily and so their enzymatic break down will be relatively more effective.  More chewing would likely aid in fat digestion.

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