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Messages - JazzIsGood

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I'd like to correct the impression that we are trying to relive caveman times.  We're just trying to be healthy.

On a side note, it's very nice to hear someone finally admit that statement. Within the Raw Foods community, many individuals become so focused on the idea of being "raw paleo" or "raw vegan" that they forget the true purpose of it all. We're all trying to attain health through raw or mostly raw foods. Plain and simple. There essentially is no primal diet and paleolithic diet, nor a vegan and low-fat vegan diet. It's just the diet that works or works best for each individual at a given time. We can start a whole thread based on statements like this alone! jk  ;)

That would be awesome to get him to do a few guest posts on the forum. The only glitch, though, is that I'm afraid that if I ask, he'll give his stadard response that he "doesn't have the time". Which could very well be true considering his current schedule. But then again, it would help correct the impression of the raw paleo community just like you mentioned. I'll give it a try tomorrow and see if he considers it. I'll update afterward tomorrow as to whether he's willing.

Miles, what are you, a pit bull? If you want some raw meat, go to the store or a farmer's market. You can't have a chunk of this primal/paleo dieter, sorry. This forum is no place for childish conspiracies and internet bullying.  8) If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all. And just because others such as djr, ys, and yon yonson (what the hell kind of name is that by the way?) have chosen to each make an ass of themselves, then in unison, doesn't mean you have to also. Be your own person. Not someone else's ass.  ;)

P.S. If you respond as I expect you to (as a conspiring ass), then oh well. Let dogs be dogs, I guess.

P.S.S. Anyone else who feels how "they" do and who'd like to make an ass of themselves/be an internet bully, repeat exactly what djr, ys, yon yonson, and miles said and you'll be in the club.  :o Then, think about how goodsamaritan, tylerdurden, and other highly respected members of this forum view your distasteful comments (by the way, they do read them, if you thought you'd pull this garbage off without losing respect).  -[ Quite shameful.


Here's a cool paleo picture for you djr. And I' not joking, either. Try it out, it's a cool pic.  8)

I get it, djr. Ya know, we can't all have a picture as cool as Thelonius Monk as our main profile image.  8) There's only room for one cool picture like that (that is, Thelonius Monk) on this forum. If you'd like to have your own cool picture, too, maybe you should type something cool into google's image search.  :o Then, save it to your computer, and add it to your profile.  ;) My suggestions would be to type in "John Coltrane". They've got cool pictures of him.  ;D Especially the one where he's sitting in the chair with his saxophone in his lap and hand against his chin. Thinking seems to be a cool look.  ;) There's also pictures from the "kind of blue" recording sessions with miles, coltrane, cannonball, and bill evans all together, but they're more historical than cool/well shot.  :'( You can also put up a caveman like Geoff did.  :D Stereotypical, but not so bad.

Anyway, good luck getting your cool picture for your profile.  8) I hope you feel better afterward.  :)

Not to mention, why would I drive Aajonus to Ft. Lauderdale International Airport tomorrow from my personal consultation appointment in Delray if I were Harley Johnstone (DurianRider) or any other raw vegan troll.  8) But then again, didn't harley drive aaj to the airport in brisbane?   -\ Oh...... Now I see where you came up with it. Makes perfect sense.  ;)

Actually, i've been tired of durianrider's childish aajonus-bashing antics for a few months now, and I professionally write for Demand Studios (including So I went ahead and put together this mockumentary of an "article". If you don't like it, too bad. Some people are into slapstick, some people are into S&M. It all depends on your own sense of humor.  8)

Wow, nice luck.

This will be embarrassing so you should probably find a better way to ask about it. Why he thinks he started going bald? How bald is he?

Also - How many detoxes does he have left?

Ha ha! I better not ask it that way! He'd hitchhike.  ;D

me: Aajonus, why are you so bald? And exactly how bald are you? I mean, maybe you should do what Donald Trump does. Combovers aren't so bad.

Aaj: (Car door opens in the middle of I-95. Exits. Car door slams shut)

See. Didn't go so well in the test run.

I could ask about the detoxes, but I'd probably would get the "I don't know" answer. I mean, look at his story about the epoxy in the nose. He didn't see that coming. But then again, after the "chemical soup" back in April  :(, he's probably knows almost exactly what he's got left to detoxify. We'd have to wait until he gets his leg hairs tested before we find out exactly what's to come.

Can you ask him about Soil Based Organisms? (SBO's)

It's basically about bacteria in the ground that fights off molds and stuff and supposedly it's beneficial to eat a bit of soil here and there so it will fight the mold in your stomach.

Also if you could ask him if he believes it's good to eat moldy fruit? Because I remember he had a moldy tomato in his ripleys believe it or not clip.

Would mean a lot of you'd ask him this

Actually, i think in the newsletters he mentioned eating fertilizer. He said that it is really good for you as a probiotic (in addition to clay allowed to sit for days and feces fresh from inside an intestines). The moldy tomato.... I think that was apparently just an experiment. Although, he seems to say that well-molded fruit  (at least 4 weeks or up to 10 in the fridge) frees up blood protein used up by vaccine antibodies. But he said in the book that it's not good to eat mold all the time.

I'll probably ask him towards the end of my consultation, though, about the moldy fruit. I was born in '91 and was one of the first generation to receive multiples for each vaccine although not the flu, rotovirus, or chicken pox vaccine (aka, boosters). I may have gotten 20 or so (although the new gold standard is 36). So I have my share of antibodies and that will definitely be something I ask about (at my consult).

Just remember when making suggestions, to pick ones not answered by the books.

hmm, a question relevant to the forum would be if he did in fact think eating from purely animal fats were superior fats,vitamins and minerals than dairy and juices (which some label as some kind of luxery, or acceptable/palatable or more available food to eat than fats and organs), as far as detoxing, healing and building. Although I suspect the answer to be no, it would be interesting if he stated specifically what shortcomings this (reliance purely on animal fats) would have, as he often seems to criticize the fruit eating aspect when speaking of paleo, which many don't practice.

I'd ask that, but he answered that already in the revision of his original book. He confirms under the "fats for great health" section under part 2 of the book that meat fats are the best for healing.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: March 30, 2010, 06:37:17 am »
I don't generally disclose much  personal info online ever since I once got bombarded with literally dozens of  daily e-mails by 1 or 2 individuals. Besides, if you look through my past myriad posts you'll find I disclose rather a lot of details re when I go to sleep etc. Too dull to rehash.

Good points. Both on the stalkers bombarding your e-mail, and the too dull to rehash.

Even though Geoff speculates that cooked animal fats are the reason for them being linked to disease, you must consider that these studies don't even try to take into account exposure to chemicals and other truly disease-causing/perpetuating things. 100% of those eating SAD diets that include cooked meat, fat, and animal products are exposed daily to other toxic substances in their food and environemnt along side the animal foods being blamed.

There's mercury in more than half of corn syrups. There fillings in most people's mouths. Most people have been vaccinated with cocktails containing MSG, aluminum, and other crap. Alot of these people eat bread conditioned with bromate. Alot of them consume commercial orange juice which contains pesticides including organophosphates within the juice itself (unlike fresh squeezed juices in which the peel itself isn't part of the juicing process). And the list goes on forever. It's not the animal foods at fault, it's that the studies don't bother looking at how much of the other things people are exposed to. Not to mention the amount of sleep/rest these people get. Whether they take drugs for their headaches. Which flame retardent is on their bed. What form of water do they drink. Where do they live (ex. LA, California is a horrible place for your health). And much much more.

All those studies are belugga whales. If they die on your shore, and you eat them, you'll get botulism, dufas! < Go ahead and quote that. 8)

I lucked out an my consult with Aajonus tomorrow is his last one. As a result (as well as because I live in the area), my friend (who's driving) and I get to take him to Ft. Lauderdale airport.  8)  Anyone got questions they want me to pop in during the hour ride from Delray Beach?

Note: I'm probably gonna ask him about how he almost got on Oprah some odd years ago. :)

Suggestions are welcome. Remember, this is going down in 24 hours, so respond promptly if you've got a good suggestion.  ;D

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: March 30, 2010, 04:54:15 am »
  No different from others except that I eat raw meats.

 l) I should've expected that for an answer.

Aw c'mon Geoff. What's your day like? What's your job? Hobbies? You wake up early, or a late sleeper? Watch TV? That's what I was talking about as far as a day in the life.

I forgot to add one more suggestion that's gonna sound mad (but it's in one of the above writings).

- Adding alkaline water to dilute milk, especially oxygenated ones (sparkling), can improve digestibility. IN OTHER WORDS, adding Perrier or Apollinaris, or any other sparkling water including nasty old seltzer, to your milk (I must be nuts) can actually prevent the formation of those "clots" in the stomach and improve milk's digestion.


Find that statement^ on the Weston Price Foundation's web site and I'll give you $10 US.  ;D

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:59:22 am »
Hmmmm....... How exactly does a day in the life of Geoff go? Well, Geoff.  What's your average day like from start to end?  8)


Obviously, even in its raw state, dairy has its problems (beyond all the ones that have been mentioned before on this forum). Some of the links above help further understand the intolerance of dairy (for those who think outside the box). The reality that milk turns to mozzarella at the beginning of digestions is something rarely mentioned. And the leftover residues is also important. Although not as bad as cooked meat residues, animal milk residues can't be avoided by consuming them raw.

It seems that for those who can or choose to consume raw milk, it's best to:

1. consume it fully-fermented to avoid lactose issues.

2. Consume it with unheated honey. Unheated honey improves digestion and really does make a difference for many individuals. Even Ayurvedic medicine of India recommends this practice.

3. Leave it out to warm for several hours before drinking.

4. Only drink milk from traditional breeds of animals (see Thomas Cowan's full scientific explanation and discussion of A2 versus A1 milk on the WAPF's web site)

5. Sip it if time permits. This avoids forming those indigestible milk clots mentioned in the above article that can cause the same immediate symptoms as a dairy intolerance (not allergy).

Finally, the residues of animal milk are completely unavoidable and do build up in the human digestive tract. As time goes on, it will be necessary to stop using this "complete food", in order to avoid building up these residues (probably the true reason many primal dieters have had to stop dairy use over the course of time). At that point, dairy should only be used therapeutically, such as in the case of poisonings (mercury or toxic soups such as what they injected in aajonus in April of 2009). But then again, living clay can perform the same as the milk, but with plentiful iron and no leftover residues.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Giant Bananas!
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:21:46 am »
Looks like a florida avocado. Not huge, just more water content/less fat. Tastes awful in my opinion, like the carambolas you can get at supermarkets (like Publix). Yuck. But if you're a bit dehydrated, then it's ok (just add some raw fat and unheated honey to improve the taste).

General Discussion / Re: Hernias?
« on: March 29, 2010, 06:43:25 am »
Oops. Forgot to take a jab at the original question. I may be an optimist in my thinking, but if a person can place beef strips and unheated honey on 3 degree burns and have them heal within a month, then to think that a hernia could not heal on a healing diet such as raw paleo or primal is no different than when dentists claim that gums don't grow back after they've receded. Don't doubt the power of the body when given the proper nutrients to work with.

General Discussion / Re: Hernias?
« on: March 29, 2010, 05:02:13 am »
Overstress the muscle. Remember, the man i mentioned was obsessively lifting weights for a while. He was built. 2 hours of daily lifting is not a "lack of exercise". Straining on the toilet is another good example of how overdoing it is more often causative. It's not that you're too weak to "get it out", it's just your putting too much effort into something that shouldn't take so much effort (aka squat dum-dum!).

General Discussion / Re: Eating raw eyeballs?
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:38:39 am »
Damn! I'm supposed to get big ol raw cow-eye-balls in the next week or two from my supplier. I had brain the other week, and it tasted like fresh raw crimini mushrooms and undercooked egg yolks, with the taste of flan. I do feel a bit smarter, too.  ;)  Maybe when if I start eating eyeballs every 2 or 3 weeks, I can reverse my near-sightedness faster. Wouldn't wear glasses anyway, plus they're a waste of money.

Goodsamaritan, what's the taste of those fish eyeballs? I once cooked up a whole fish at the WAPF's recommendation. But had no tasted for the cooked meat of those extra parts. Of course, after switching to raw 3 1/2 weeks ago, I've grown a taste for raw fish in it's entirety. But that day, I put a cooked eyeball in my mouth (snapper), and thought that it tasted oddly familiar. A good familiar, yet wierd familiar. What was that taste?

(I'll have to remember to start asking the guy who cleans my fish to save the eyeballs)

General Discussion / Re: Hernias?
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:29:21 am »
Here in FL, a man who shops at one of my suppliers ( is their web site) got a hernia from obsessive weightlifting. As a result, he's had to stop some forms of exercise while limiting severaly others. He's been eating lots of raw fatty beef (pre-frozen) and some raw fully-fermented dairy (jersey cow milk; in the form of that "pima" stuff) for several months, in addition to the usual raw food stuffs such as fruits, vegetables, and the pain at the site of his hernia has significantly diminished as a result. (Although, he's still considering surgery as a fix, although not the standard kind, but some other less invasive kind that doesn't involve that thing placed in the abdomen to keep stuff from coming out).


Also, make sure to *establish* a harsh, anti-vegan environment (immune system) to prevent proliferation of vegan propaganda and disinformation campaigns.

How to Identify (and Ostracize) Harley Johnstone on RawPaleoForum

There numerous ways to identify super-vegan trolls in your online raw animal food diet forum/community, especially Mr. DurianRider himself (or his kinky psuedonym, "Leanne"). These nasty little buggers often show up periodically to express their opinions where they are unwanted. And they can be pretty persistent, or pretty obvious, too. Some of the ways to know whether you've got the most obnoxious raw vegan lurking in your forum include:


1. They have an Australian accent even though they're not actually speaking. Ex.
Just me 2 cents

2. Defensiveness. Trolls and super-vegans always defend themselves. Or at least ask for forgiveness or ask not be taken as offensive. Ex.
Hope I didnt offend anyone.

3. Quoting excerpts from We Want to Live or The Recipe For Living Without Disease not only incorrectly, but in an outrageous and exaggerated manner intended to directly smear Aajonus and the RAFD.

4. Mentioning the nutritional content of exotic fruits, especially in specific measurements. A true red alert arises when they claim there's a nutritional label on said fruit.

As much as us Australian raw paleo's hate Durianrider, I must admit that he is spot on with the sugar content of durian being 27-34g per 100g of edible portion.   >:

I had some organic malaysian durian and I read the pack yesterday. It confirms it and so do all the nutrition websites on the net.

5. Claiming that DurianRider should be respected and given a chance amongst the raw paleo community.

Just because I dont like someone, doesnt mean I will write off everything they say. I think part of being healthy is having an open mind.

Completely unacceptable!

6. Carbohydrate Romance Novels: Classics. (2010). Vegan Propoganda Publishing. An excerpt:

I went to Aajonus's talk last year in Australia and he said its fine to eat cooked starches BUT!!!, ONLY if you crave them. The audience was suprised and then AV said 'you Aussies obviously have not read by book 'we want to live' or you havent read it properly!! Please read it over and in more detail and you will understand this concept better'...AV said it all with charm and gently. A lot of us had been trying to be 100% raw and just feeling so weak and depressed because we thought we couldnt eat cooked starches. That night, for a few of that stayed overnight, AV organised some raw honey, organic white bread baguettes, lots of unsalted raw butter. We had a primal french stick party!  AV didnt eat any cos he was violently ill and spent the night in the bath tub vomiting and with diaoreaha unfortunately. We all had our own versions of why that was.

I felt so relieved that I didnt have to be so rigid and carb phobic and now that I eat more cooked starches and less meat, I feel way better off and I have lost the spare tyre around my mid section and have put on more muscle from the gym workouts due to being more 'carbed' up and being able to train harder. Health wise I dont have the bloating and constipation that the low fiber version of paleo gives. High fiber paleo works way better if you want a slim, muscular and tight body.AV said that some people just simply do better on low processed cooked starches like organic potatoes, millet, corn etc.

7. Oyster Bashing. Oh no you didn't, girl!  l)

Seeker, Im not sure what the oysters are like where you are but in Australia they are really heavy in heavy metals like mercury, strontium. I dont want to swallow heavy metals in my health tonic.

I think its unatural to hold onto to something the body wants to release, and besides, thats no fun!

8. Kinky sex, role playing, and BDSM. I'd like to say I made this up, but I couldn't have if I wanted to......

Non ejactulatory sex? I kick my partners in the balls if they ever tried that one!   -d

I wont live for ever and nobody else will either! We are here for a good time not a long time!

As a women, I find it very natural to feel a man's ejactulation come inside me. 

Also I learnt that in TCM, mens semen is actually a health tonic for women if consumed orally and not exposed to air or light. If you know what I mean..   ;)

I make sure my men are eating lots of organic kipfler potatoes and flaxseeds (builds semen) a few days before they come over my place. No pun intended.  :)

 -v Out of context, you have to admit that's hilarious!


Anyway, those are the tell-tale signs you have a DurianRider problem.
As for getting rid of these buggers, I recommend you have your forum follow Dr. Hulda Clark's protocol. Make sure you cleanse your liver and kidneys. THEN, use a zapper or Barefoot Herbalist's parasite formula. (For more info, ask goodsamaritan) Also, make sure to prevent a harsh, anti-vegan environment (immune system) to prevent proliferation of vegan propaganda and disinformation campaigns.

- Don't make DurianRider mad. Not that anything bad would actually happen as a result.  8) I mean, he might "encourage you" or something. I don't know.

- Same as the last one. I mean, he could throw a cucumber at you.  -\ Or, he could make a rhyme about you. Who knows.

Questions and comments are welcome. No vegan propaganda, please. Other helpful suggestions for identifying or ostracizing DurianRider are especially welcome.

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked Starches
« on: March 28, 2010, 11:21:41 am »
I eat baked potatoes daily and often rice, boiled corn and bananas and dates. ALWAYS ORGANIC. no salt or oil.

I went to Aajonus's talk last year in Australia and he said its fine to eat cooked starches BUT!!!, ONLY if you crave them. The audience was suprised and then AV said 'you Aussies obviously have not read by book 'we want to live' or you havent read it properly!! Please read it over and in more detail and you will understand this concept better'...AV said it all with charm and gently. A lot of us had been trying to be 100% raw and just feeling so weak and depressed because we thought we couldnt eat cooked starches. That night, for a few of that stayed overnight, AV organised some raw honey, organic white bread baguettes, lots of unsalted raw butter. We had a primal french stick party!  AV didnt eat any cos he was violently ill and spent the night in the bath tub vomiting and with diaoreaha unfortunately. We all had our own versions of why that was.

I felt so relieved that I didnt have to be so rigid and carb phobic and now that I eat more cooked starches and less meat, I feel way better off and I have lost the spare tyre around my mid section and have put on more muscle from the gym workouts due to being more 'carbed' up and being able to train harder. Health wise I dont have the bloating and constipation that the low fiber version of paleo gives. High fiber paleo works way better if you want a slim, muscular and tight body.AV said that some people just simply do better on low processed cooked starches like organic potatoes, millet, corn etc.

Wow. Is this what Harley does in his spare time? All that lifestyle preaching, and look what level he's sunken to. What a douche.

P.S.  Geoff, don't delete his account right away, it might be worth seeing what other antics he resorts to. Could be quite entertaining, as he seems to be quite a creative writer.  Funny stories to say the least.

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