« on: October 03, 2008, 02:58:53 am »
I practice sport since I was a child.
BMX: since age 9 to 14 I raced at a national level
Greco-Roman wrestling: fights at a national level since age 14 to 17 (I scored 3rd at the Italian championship)
Then a very bad accident at age 17 caused me to stop.
I broke my left arm nerves and now muscle are shrunken, I didn't recover all the arm movements (still have some free nerve root).
Then I picked up swimming, fitness and cycling at a recreational level.
In 2003 I started cycling more seriously.
Now I keep on swimming, training at the gym (this is good for my arm) and cycling.
At present:
every other Mondays: gym
every Tue, Wed and Thu: gym or swimming pool
Fri: off
Saturday and Sunday: cycling, usually on Sat a long ride, on Sunday a short ride
At the gym I do train arms abdomen and back plus some aerobic activity for the legs
Nutritionally I went thru:
- typical Mediterranean (pasta, veggies, fruits, olive oil, meat and fish) with no particular schemes
- in 2004 I started the zone diet (and went from 85 to 75 kg)
- in 2006 I moved to zone with paleo food (no milk, cereals, legumes nor their derivate) and finally reached cooked paleo (Cordain style)
- in autumn 2007 I started to cook less and less and reached a raw paleo style (and added raw animal fats)
- now I sometimes eat raw milk (and raw cheese/butter)
My typical days:
7:45 wakeup and do some arms movements than breakfast: (1-2 glasses of vegetable juice, 25 grams raw butter, some fruit) + shake (3 raw eggs, 4 teaspoons grinded coconut, 30 grams of time released protein powder) + fish oil.
work (coffee break)
13 lunch: 1 bowl (it's small indeed) salad with tuna or roastbeef or carpaccio grind carrots and olives
work (coffee break)
18:30: gym training then a shake (200-300 grams of fruit juice and 10 grams of bcaa+g)
20:30 dinner: raw meat (usually calf heart) and some vegetables with lard here I eat till I'm sated. Typical quantities are 200-300 g of meat, 1 pepper and some salad leaves and 30 g of lard
23:00: if I feel the need some ice cream (not industrial one)
same breakfast
long bike ride (4-5 hours) then bcaa+g and raw honey
lunch: recharge with potatoes or rice, butter and some raw meat
dinner: raw meat, veggies, lard
Same breakfast
short bike ridesame post wo
lunch: raw meat, veggies, lard
dinner: raw meat, veggies, lard
This is what I do usually in this period (fall 2008).
Of course sometime social occasions happen so I can't follow the plan.
In this cases, if possible, I aet cooked meat, raw veggies and olive oil.
Sometimes sweets happen (very rarely indeed, basically on social occasions or in he week end).
If someone wants to comment, is welcome.