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Topics - igibike

Pages: [1]
Take from this week Cordain's newsletter:

Pectin is a group of diverse polysaccharides found in all fruits and vegetables. Scientists have recently shown that a fragment of pectin binds to the mammalian protein galectin 3, which they believe to inhibit its roles in cancer progression and metastasis.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / EGGS
« on: October 16, 2008, 03:55:04 pm »
Since this issue interests me quite much, I open a new post, not to spoil iceman's journal.

Main facts so far pointed out are:

- bioavalilability of egg's protein: I suppose the reason is "avidin" contained in eggs, even if I have to say that eggs protein are used as a reeference for measuring the biological value of proteins
- allergy to eggs: some people claim that they are allergic to eggs. I have a question here. Wich are the symptoms ?
- fertilized eggs: here in Italy there's no mark (in my knowledge) on eggs to state if tehy are fertilized on not. How do you recognize a fertilized egg ?
- some say that problems arised if they relied on eggs only as a source of fats.

What are you experiences re eggs ?
Any useful information to share ?

I start with my experience:

I started have eggs at breakfast some years ago (only whites first cooked or not).
Then (2.5 years ago) I started eating whole eggs, cooked.
1 year ago, i switched to an almost entirely raw omnivorous regimen, since then I eat 3 whole raw eggs per day at breakfast.

So far I didn't notice any problem.
In a few months I'm going to have blood tests, so I weill be able to have more informations.

Any contribution is welcome.

Journals / Luigi's journal
« on: October 03, 2008, 02:58:53 am »

I practice sport since I was a child.

BMX: since age 9 to 14  I raced at a national level
Greco-Roman wrestling: fights at a national level since age 14 to 17 (I scored 3rd at the Italian championship)

Then a very bad accident at age 17 caused me to stop.
I broke my left arm nerves and now muscle are shrunken, I didn't recover all the arm movements (still have some free nerve root).

Then I picked up swimming, fitness and cycling at a recreational level.
In 2003 I started cycling more seriously.
Now I keep on swimming, training at the gym (this is good for my arm) and cycling.
At present:

every other Mondays: gym
every Tue, Wed and Thu: gym or swimming pool
Fri: off
Saturday and Sunday: cycling, usually on Sat a long ride, on Sunday a short ride

At the gym I do train arms abdomen and back plus some aerobic activity for the legs

Nutritionally I went thru:

- typical Mediterranean (pasta, veggies, fruits, olive oil, meat and fish) with no particular schemes
- in 2004 I started the zone diet (and went from 85 to 75 kg)
- in 2006 I moved to zone with paleo food (no milk, cereals, legumes nor their derivate) and finally reached cooked paleo (Cordain style)
- in autumn 2007 I started to cook less and less and reached a raw paleo style (and added raw animal fats)
- now I sometimes eat raw milk (and raw cheese/butter)

My typical days:

7:45 wakeup and do some arms movements than breakfast: (1-2 glasses of vegetable juice, 25 grams raw butter, some fruit) + shake (3 raw eggs, 4 teaspoons grinded coconut, 30 grams of time released protein powder) + fish oil.
work (coffee break)
13 lunch: 1 bowl (it's small indeed) salad with tuna or roastbeef or carpaccio grind carrots and olives
work (coffee break)
18:30: gym training then a shake (200-300 grams of fruit juice and 10 grams of bcaa+g)
20:30 dinner: raw meat (usually calf heart) and some vegetables with lard here I eat till I'm sated. Typical quantities are 200-300 g of meat, 1 pepper and some salad leaves and 30 g of lard
23:00: if I feel the need some ice cream (not industrial one)

same breakfast
long bike ride (4-5 hours) then bcaa+g and raw honey
lunch: recharge with potatoes or rice, butter and some raw meat
dinner: raw meat, veggies, lard

Same breakfast
short bike ridesame post wo
lunch: raw meat, veggies, lard
dinner: raw meat, veggies, lard

This is what  I do usually in this period (fall 2008).
Of course sometime social occasions happen so I can't follow the plan.
In this cases, if possible, I aet cooked meat, raw veggies and olive oil.
Sometimes sweets happen (very rarely indeed, basically on social occasions or in he week end).

If someone wants to comment, is welcome.

Welcoming Committee / Just arrived
« on: September 19, 2008, 09:57:36 pm »
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and I'm just arrived.
I read and learned a lot on the rawpaleodiet yahoo forum, but never wrote.
Now I decided to join actively the share my experience.

I follow a paleodiet that was cooked and became raw since almost 1 year ago.

I am an amateur cyclist and I follow a scheme that follows what L. Cordain suggests in his "The paleo diet for athletes" book in raw style (he doesn't give any suggestions re cooking) and adding saturated fats (that he suggests to avoid).

In this way I feel and perform good.


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