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General Discussion / Fermented Rabbit
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:57:53 pm »
This morning I shot a rabbit in my garden. I skinned it, buried the offal in the garden, ate the liver & kidneys still warm, and put the fetuses & head in my perpetual broth pot. The bones will go in later.

I raised rabbits for about 10 years for meat, but always cooked it. I tried eating raw wild rabbit muscle before but found it tough and bland. I was going to try dry aging this one but then decided on fermenting.

For years I have been researching Hesenpfeffer recipes. This is a German dish where rabbit is marinated in vinegar. I figured this was originally a naturally pickled rabbit recipe, possibly involving sauerkraut juice, but could find no information on the web. I did find this experiment for primitive buried pickled rabbit at this very interesting blog:

however this person made broth from the rabbit and I want to eat it raw.

So I cut the rabbit up and smothered it with kimchi that I made last year. Kimchi is an oriental spicy fermented mixed vegetable food popular in Korea (its the national dish). It is made like sauerkraut.

I plan to leave it at room temperature for a few days to see what happens. I also added some orange juice and a little live vinegar. I am wondering if this will last for weeks or months like pickled vegetables.

Excluding high meat which I hate, does anyone have any experience or references for this type of food? This is more of a controlled fermentation using beneficial bacteria rather than just letting it rot. I imagine cevechi would be a similar seafood based ferment with a similar history and modern distortion.


General Discussion / Parasites: Those who Inhabit us
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:08:06 am »
I found this amazing blog on the web but could not find the author to give credit. Read and enjoy!

Parasites: Those who Inhabit us

November 15, 2009 in soul food, Thought

Parasites have been coming up a lot in my life recently. Almost every day I am touching them, looking at them, talking to friends about them. Trying to understand what their role is, in me. Much of it has to do with the salmon we have been preserving; salmon are host to many parasites, but the one I have been paying particularly close attention to is a parasitic nematode this world calls Anasakis. They look like long, stringy white worms, I have seen them in the flesh of almost every salmon I’ve ever butchered, usually still alive, wriggling around. Humans are not hosts for them, they require a marine mammal’s digestive system to continue their life cycle. If a human eats the raw, fresh (drying kills them, there are no eggs present in the flesh, just obvious, living worms) meat of a host fish, they might not ever notice anything, or they might get nauseious and even puke up a clump of these little fellas. In any case, our bodies are not their chosen bodies. Salmon, of course, do carry other parasites that can inhabit our bodies. Like, say, tapeworms.

Yesterday I was slicing up the meat of a deer for drying, and found a few tapeworm cysts in it’s flesh. One way tapeworms reproduce is by migrating out of a hosts digestive system and into the muscle tissue, where they form cysts, a kind of egg almost, the intention being that when a carnivore eats the hosts flesh, the cysts are ingested and come alive in this new, carnivorous host, where they live in the guts and shed eggs via feces. I once butchered a large buck whose back muscles were completely infested with small, stringy white worms – possibly juvenile tapeworms on their journey to encyst.

How does one react? These are all parasites infesting creatures I ate, and continue to eat, raw. Is it disgusting? Stupid? I do sometimes freeze meat (14 days of freezing kills all parasites, says the USDA), or marinate it in salt water or a weak vinegar marinade when it feels just too graphically obvious there are parasites in it that will inhabit me, but this is mostly for phsychological reasons. The times I don’t freeze meat insure I am exposed to these parasites, and, to a certain degree, some of them likely inhabit me.

As they have inhabited humans, always.

Why are we disgusted at parasites? Is it their creepy crawlyness, hiding out in ‘our’ bodies (not theirs), stealing our energy? Do we just not like the idea of sharing our bodies? Or are there actual legitimate health problems that cause an instinctive reaction towards them?

One thing I can’t help but notice, and seems to be of huge relevance, is that many, possibly most, probably all, of the wild animals I have butchered have been inhabited by some kind of parasite. This leads me to believe that wild animals pretty much just live with parasites, that is the way. The remarkable thing is, all of these wild animals have been incredibly strong, beautiful, sensual, well adapted, vibrant creatures, capable of living in balance. Salmon, with anasakis larvae and tapeworm inhabiting their flesh, have a ridiculously strong life force – their whole lives essentially result in creating more fertility where they were born, bringing more beauty and aliveness to this earth. Deer are graceful, quiet, aware, strong, well adapted – with horrific tapeworms apparently robbing their bodies of energy.

Ten years ago, some white hunters in northern B.C. found the body of a native man in a melting glacier while they were hunting mountain goats. Scientists eventually analyzed everything they could about this person, who had died there between 300-160 years ago – his stomach contents, his hair, skin. He was traveling over a mountain range from the coast into the interior, barefoot, wearing nothing but a ground squirrel skin parka and spruce root hat, carrying some seal meat, crab, dried salmon, usnea, and a few tools. Drinking glacier water, eating blueberries. Got caught in a storm. He had tapeworms, fish tapeworms from eating salmon raw, dried or undercooked. What he didn’t have were any of the often severe nutrient deficiencies associated with tapeworm infestations in modern humans. He was hiking across an incredibly rugged mountain range, barefoot, after all.

Is it possible that in a healthy host, some parasites do not actually cause harm? Is it possible that some could even benefit their host, helping it live in a beautiful, sustainable way? It would, after all, be in their best interests to have a host that lives a long, healthy life, wouldn’t it? And what if we, the hosts, need them, in complex, subtle ways, in order to live in balance?

A friend actually got tested for parasites recently, after eating raw meat quite consistently for a couple years. Her doctor told her all she had was a very common parasite, she forgot the name, which even western medicine considers beneficial and essential to a healthy GI tract. There have been many studies showing that certain parasites cause shifts in their host’s immune system, make them less prone to certain allergies, more resistant to certain viruses and infections. It makes sense – it is the same force that drives salmon to enrich their ‘host’: the rivers, forests and oceans they inhabit and depend on for their continuation.

I still have to admit, though, that having a 100 foot long tapeworm living in my guts isn’t appealing.

Presumably fish tapeworms were a near universal ‘affliction’ for the indigenous people living all along the northwest coast, wherever salmon was a major (or minor) food, yet when researchers look, they find that the people living here before civilization, as a whole, had little or no tooth decay, their skeletal structure in general was ideal, most all of the chronic diseases and cancers of modern society were absent (refer to ‘Price, nutrition & physical degeneration’). They did not suffer from deficiencies, despite the parasites inhabiting them. On top of that, they lived in balance with their land bases, as part of them.

Now, when a modern industrial human gets fish tapeworms, they usually don’t notice them, but if they do, it’s often because of severe nutrient deficiencies ( B12 deficiency, anemia etc.). I suspect that periodic cleansing, taking strong anti-parasitic plants internally, and a diet free from processed foods, grains and high amounts of sugars, allowed the indigenous people here to have fish tapeworms inhabiting their bodies in a way that was not pathological, that was balanced and symbiotic. If a modern diet has an unbalancing effect on our bodies, it must follow that whatever parasites are inhabiting us would be knocked out of balance also. So one way of ‘dealing’ with parasites, and this is the one I advocate, is eating traditional foods – excluding grains and large amounts of sugars (that includes fruit sugars, honey, maple syrup etc.), foods that knock our bodies out of balance, and are the foundation of this culture that knocks everything alive out of balance.

Still, there are parasites that the indigenous people of this land would get very sick from. Like, say, trichinosis – a parasite that inhabits the flesh (skeletal muscle tissue, specifically) of omnivores (bear, raccoon, seal, cat etc..), sometimes fatal to humans when ingested, hence warnings to always cook the meat of such creatures very well, while the meat of herbivores is commonly eaten rare or raw totally safely.

Many cultures had/have strict taboos against eating bear, likely related in part to trichinosis. Others had taboos against eating bear flesh (where the parasites are), but would still hunt bears for their fat, which would be rendered (cooked) for storage anyways. Yet Bears, raccoons, cougars, wolves and sea lions, incredible, powerful, amazing creatures, live amazing lives while inhabited by trichinosis. Like us, they are omnivores, but something allows them to live amazing lives with trichinosis while we, even if healthy, get sick or die….

Slicing up salmon to dry a couple weeks ago, pulling stringy anasakis worms out of their flesh, still alive, a friend and I discussed what we should do about all of these parasites in our food? Why not cook it all? Cause cooking meat (red meat in particular) causes it to become carcinogenic, way less digestible – and not as storeable. Eating cooked meat you are guaranteed to be ingesting something that is in some way bad for you, whereas eating it raw, you are guaranteed that you are eating something good for you, that humans have eaten forever, that *may* give you parasites, which might not affect you in a bad way, depending on the creature you are eating and your health in general. Freezing is a good option if you really want to reduce you chances of infestation, that is if it’s below freezing outside, or you live with electricity. I don’t, and, eventually, humans won’t, so it isn’t a long term solution. I jokingly said to my friend: ‘we could just microwave it all, I bet that would kill the parasites!’ And it’s true, it would – in fact until all of this earth, and our bodies, have been irradiated, parasites will continue inhabiting us – they are everywhere – and we will continue seeing only a tiny glimpse of what they are, as part of who we are.


We usually eat the meat of herbivores raw, dried, without any anti-parasitic measures. Like I said before, though, if it is just too obvious there is a huge amount of parasites inhabiting a creature, we do something to ease our minds – these are all methods of eliminating parasites from you food, though I would only apply cooking and freezing to omnivores:

-freezing 14 days

-marinading in salt water or vinegar water (exact proportions I do not know)


-microwave (joking!)

-drying kills some parasites (anasaki, possibly others) and reduces viability of many it doesn’t

-fermenting kills some parasites, if there is a signifigant change in the ph (acidity) of the meat.

-sprinkling salt on meat, provided it is sliced thinly enough

Eat traditional foods, what your ancestors ate, or what makes sense in the bioregion you currently inhabit – too many visits to the cake dumpster and those-who-inhabit-you will go crazy!

Romaine, the cat, and a pile of anasaki worms he coughed up after feasting on raw salmon for a few days.

Off Topic / Good Books, Please Add Yours
« on: December 15, 2010, 06:17:12 am »
The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, Asthma - by Jack Challem

The Paleo Diet for Athletes - by Loren Cordain PhD and Joe Friel MS

Much Depends on Dinner: The extraordinary History and Mythology, Allure and Obsessions, Perils and Taboos, of an Ordinary Meal - by Margaret Visser

Food, Inc - A documentary film by Robert Kenner

The Jungle - by Upton Sinclair

Fast Food Nation - by Eric Schlosser

The Book of Coffee and Tea, by Joel Schapira

The Paleo Diet - by Loren Cordain

The Evolution Diet: What & How We Are Designed to Eat - by Joseph Morse

Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants - by Thomas Elias and Peter Dykeman

Nutrition Almanac - by Gayla & John Kirschmann

Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants - by Bradford Angier

The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating - by Fergus Henderson

Mother Earth News magazine

The Road Less Traveled - M. Scott Peck, M.D.

All books about evolution, raw food nutrition, primates, foraging, fishing and hunting

Empty Harvest, by Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson

The Ascent of Man, by J Bronowski

Vanishing Peoples of the Earth, by National Geographic Society

Fermented Foods, Natural Enzymatic Therapy, by T.H. Yellowdawn

Successful Berry Growing, by Gene Logsdon

Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers, by Stephen Buhner

Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol, by Mary Enig PhD

The Origin of Humankind, by Richard Leakey

Traditional Foods are Your Best Medicine, by Ronald Schmid N.D.

150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, by Jonny Bowden PhD

Real Age Makeover, by Michael Roizen M.D.

Evolving Health, The Origins of Illness and How the Modern World is Making Us Sick, by Noel T. Boaz

All Flesh is Grass, by Gene Logsdon

The Art of Making Fermented Sausages, by Stanley and Adam Marianski

The Art of Happiness, by Howard Cutter M.D.

Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon

Wild Fermentation, by Sandor Katz

Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Weston Price D.D.S.

Pro Evolution, Guideline for and Age of Joy, by Tomotom Stifhung

Butchering Processing and Preservation of Meat, by Frank Ashbrook

Pottinger's Cats, by Francis Pottenger M.D.

General Discussion / Sweetbreads, kidneys, tongue, heart, brain
« on: May 22, 2009, 06:23:21 am »
I am thinking of ordering bulk grass fed meat, like a side. The supplier offers organ meats - sweetbreads, kidneys, testicles, brain, tongue, liver, heart & tallow. Does anyone have experience or advice on eating these raw?

I have read numerous accounts where primitive people preferred the internal organs and would feed the muscle to the dogs, and would not even eat the muscle if was too lean.

General Discussion / Nutrition * Diet * Pottenger's Cats
« on: March 02, 2009, 01:41:02 am »
Diet is what you are eating now.

Nutrition has a much broader context. It encompasses your total life nourishment: prenatal, postnatal and pre-prenatal. What your ancestors ate determines what you and I are physically and mentally. What they were eating while forming eggs and sperm and most importantly the diet during fetus formation.

This concept is exemplified in Pottenger's studies and his book "Pottenger's Cats". The nutrition of a mother affects the health of her glands which affects the development of the fetus and child. The fetus during pregnancy and the child during breastfeeding and after.

Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition is a book about this topic.

This is a review at

Pottenger's Cats is a classic in the science of nutrition. Dr. Pottenger discovered quite by accident that cats degenerated unless they were fed raw food. In his 10-year study of 900 cats, he found the optimal diet for his cats was 2/3 raw meat and 1/3 raw milk plus a little cod liver oil. If either the meat or the milk was cooked, the cats degenerated. And if both were cooked, the degeneration was much worse, and the cats could no longer reproduce by the third generation.

Some of the problems Pottenger found in the cats fed cooked food were: heart problems; nearsightedness and farsightedness; underactivity and inflammation of the thyroid; infections of the kidney, liver, testes, ovaries and bladder; arthritis and inflammation of the joints; inflammation of the nervous system with paralysis and meningitis. And in the third generation, some of the cats' bones became as soft as rubber. Lung problems, and bronchitis and pneumonia were also frequent. Moreover, the females became irritable and even dangerous, and the males became passive and lacked sex interest.

Do many of these conditions sound familiar? Pottenger, of course, realized that his cat studies didn't apply entirely to humans. He believed nonetheless that his findings for cats did have relevance for humans, and in his sanitarium he fed his patients much raw food, with considerable success. Weston A. Price reported in his book, "Nourishing Traditions" that all of the people's he studied worldwide included much raw food in their traditional diets and were almost entirely free of the degenerative diseases that are rampant in our junk food society, such as tooth decay, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, digestive disturbances,etc.

If you want to stay healthy, you owe it to yourself to read both Pottenger and Price. Their eye opening photographs alone will make clear to you that you need optimum nutrition if you want to be optimally healthy.

The book is currently sold out everywhere. Used copies are selling for $30 to $70. The publisher is coming out with a new edition in March.

Get it and read it.

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General Discussion / Grass Fed Grass Finished Meat
« on: February 09, 2009, 08:34:56 pm »
This is a great web site with information on why you should eat grass fed meat. You can click on a map and it will show you grass fed meat producers in your area, as well as raw dairy and eggs. I found listings for sheep, goat, pork, beef, bison, elk, deer, turkey, chicken, eggs, dairy, and organic fruits and vegetables.  There is another link to grass fed retailers and restaurants in your state.

Most of the listings are for family farms practicing sustainable agriculture, many are organic certified. You can read the listings or call/email to find out if they use any grain or soy products. I found a couple of great places within an hour's drive. One of them sends me an email newsletter, the other has a blog with pictures.

For the UK try this:

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