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Topics - Brad462

Pages: [1]
Health / Natural treatments for Shortness of breath
« on: August 20, 2016, 05:04:03 pm »
I have been having extreme shortness of breath lately and the doctors haven't been much help.  I would be open to any suggestions, in agony here.   :(

Hot Topics / Nicotine helpful for Ulcerative Colitis?
« on: July 20, 2016, 01:53:19 am »
Don't smoke but I am trying nicotine in various forms for colitis...  Maybe nicotine is not such a bad vice after all?

 Seems a little fishy...

Two members of the FBI’s elite counterterrorism unit died Friday while practicing how to quickly drop from a helicopter to a ship using a rope, the FBI announced Monday in a statement.
The statement gave few details regarding the deaths of Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw, other than to say the helicopter encountered unspecified difficulties and the agents fell a “significant distance.”
Last month, the team was involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. And in February, it rescued a 5-year-old boy held hostage for six days in an underground bunker in Alabama.
“Whenever things go really wrong, the FBI calls in the Hostage Rescue Team. It’s the government’s 911,” Coulson said.
Irvin Wells, a former FBI special agent who retired in 1990 after leading the Norfolk field office for three years, stressed that the Hostage Rescue Team is different from the FBI’s regular SWAT teams. He noted that agents assigned to a field office’s SWAT team also must perform other jobs inside the bureau, while agents assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team have no other duties.

Hot Topics / Is coffee really all that bad?
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:14:13 pm »
I have been drinking a lot of coffee lately because it really seems to get the colon moving, and I read that it can help prevent colon cancer.

Journals / That one guys Journal
« on: May 21, 2011, 04:22:42 am »
The idea of doing a Journal sounds boring and tedious to me, but I will try for a few weeks to get some feedback.

I am going to have to go off my diet plan for a couple weeks because of lack of cash.

I ate some cooked animal foods today, bacon and eggs  :). Also some watermelon and bannana. Not exactly raw paleo I know.

I plan on doing a water fast for the rest of the weekend, reintroducing foods on monday. I have never done a fast that long so I curious as to how I will feel after. I will have to push my usual monday trip to the gym back to weds. 

I haven't weighed in a while , but my estimate is 135 pounds. I am 5'9. I would like to gain 15-20 pounds, but with ulcerative colitis its very hard.

Welcoming Committee / Hello
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:32:55 pm »
Hi, I am a 23 year old from kentucky.

I have been lurking here for over a year now. I am hoping to cure my ulcerative colitis through raw paleo.

Any tips on making raw eggs go down easier? I feel alot better when I eat them but they taste horrible.

See ya around.

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