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Messages - KollektivDom

Pages: [1]
Welcoming Committee / Re: New member from Denmark - introduction
« on: December 15, 2018, 11:19:52 pm »
Thanks man, appreciate the message, I will look more into light therapy for sure :)

Welcoming Committee / New member from Denmark - introduction
« on: December 15, 2018, 09:52:15 am »
Hello y'all

Just wanted to introduce myself, hoping to find likeminded positive people to learn, understand and connect with.

Ma stats;
23 years old danish genetic
Former drug addict (clean from unhealthy drug abuse since 2015), former fatty and recently former vegan.
Bodybuilding enthusiast (measures; 181 cm / 5ft11, 80 kg / 176 lb, been training for 5 years, 3 years with proper knowledge on training & nutrition)
Carnivore for 3 days, former vegan for almost a year.
First psychedelic awakening in june 2015 (the moment I stopped abusing myself) --> I hope to rejoice in this personal development, since I did manage to fall back into the traps of society and the EGO.
Hash/weed free since december 1st, 2018 (been smoking daily since young adulthood).

Authors/topics/Books/Gurus --> Elliot Hulse, Alan Watts, Osho, Fredrich Nietzsche, Sokrates & Platon, Sigmund Freud & Carl G. Jung, Marshlow, Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette,
I'm very interrested in morality, psychological and spiritual development (self-actualization), world order and ofc. correct diet and healthy living.

I'm searching for a community that can help me reach more enlightend levels of coincoiusness, since im beginning to face some problems in integration what I know is right for me.

Feel free to message me :)

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