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Messages - zoli

Pages: [1]
Instincto / Anopsology / Re: casse
« on: November 16, 2015, 02:26:15 am »
ok. i got it. i was confuesed a bit by your replay.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: casse
« on: November 16, 2015, 02:04:19 am »
i meant casse in this phrase: "23.Casse is essential because it eases the process of detoxination and exerts a regulatory effect on the system. It acts in two ways, first stimulating intestinal elimination (thus faciliting the elimination of blood toxins in the feces) ; and also enhancing cellular elimination by directly increasing the permeability of cell membranes. If good overall elimination is desired while limiting intestinal discharge at the same time, instead of cutting back the quantity of casse, test some carob with your meals (in the nuts and seeds sequence)."

Instincto / Anopsology / casse
« on: November 16, 2015, 01:39:28 am »
what does "casse" mean in "PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR BEGINNING ANOPSOTHERAPY"? the online dictionaries doesn't turn up anything usefull.

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