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Messages - michaelwh

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General Discussion / Re: Raw fish organs
« on: February 06, 2011, 10:59:51 pm »
The green organ tastes way too bitter to eat though.

That's the gallbladder, full of bile (which is green). Tastes awful. Definitely not good to eat.

Hot Topics / Re: Blood Shot Eyes
« on: February 04, 2011, 04:26:33 am »
what do you mean by eye cup? you mean just cupping your hands?

A tiny glass that fits over the eye. Something like this:

I give it a shot. I can already picture health conscious stoners of the future doing this. heh heh.

Hot Topics / Re: Blood Shot Eyes
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:04:08 pm »
If it happens with raw meat but not cooked, it sounds like detox.

Aajonus says that washing your eyes with egg white will remove redness (and also improve vision). Use 1/2 tsp egg white in eye cups. Do it up to 3 times a day. He even claimed that in one case,  severely bloodshot eyes were eliminated 20 minutes after the egg white washing.

I never did this on a consistent basis, so I can't personally comment on how well it works. But it makes much more sense to me than HCL pills (or any other kind of pills).

Why do you think high meat will help?

Sounds like your imagining it.
It's quite easy to objectively verify bloodshot eyes. Not all health problems are "in the mind".

Off Topic / Re: PUSH-UP CHALLENGE!!!
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:34:12 am »
When you say that you do 100 push-ups a day, do you mean all at once? Or spread out? If you're allowed to spread it out (33 in morning, 33 in afternoon, 33 in evening for example), then it's quite easy. But doing 100 in a row without pausing is not so easy...

General Discussion / Re: Cattle Skin (beef, bison, elk, deer, etc)
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:30:02 am »
In the past, I've bought a slab of pork skin, with fat under it. I ate the fat, but the skin was quite hard to chew, not very palatable. It also had a bit of hair on it. Cooking makes it soft. I imagine that cattle skin would be even harder to eat raw.

Is the vitamin D stored in the actual skin, or in the fat under the skin?

General Discussion / Re: We want to live download version which I bought
« on: February 01, 2011, 01:07:35 am »
If you ordered from, then just email Jim & Barbara, explain the situation, and they'll resolve this, and send you the download link. They're good people. They run the site for Aajonus, and they're primal dieters. Barbara is recovering from spinal cancer.

Jim Ellingson <>
other email:

Maybe some technical glitch happened with your browser, javascript/cookie settings, etc.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:24:44 am »
  Wrangham openly lied. He pretended that it was physically impossible to survive on a diet of raw meat and get enough daily calories unless one chewed raw meats constantly  for between 5.7 to 6.2 hours a day. This is such an outrageous lie, given multiple RVAFers' experience proving that, actually, one needs to eat less raw foods than cooked foods in order to survive and thrive. What is absolutely disgraceful is that Wrangham quite clearly hadn't even bothered to check raw foodists' experience and just made up an arbitrary figure, as RVAFers don't even need to spend an hour eating raw meats, let alone 5 or 6 hours to get their daily nutritional needs.

I don't think that's a fair statement. I've listened to an interview with Wrangham on OneRadioNetwork. I got the impression that he's quite an open-minded and honest guy. His theory about how cooking made us human might be wrong, or it might be right, I don't know, but he's definitely not a fraud or liar. He didn't make up an arbitrary figure. He talked about how he observed chimps chewing for hours. He said that he even tried to eat raw meat himself, and it took him forever to chew it.

When I first ate raw meat, I tried to chew it the same way I chew a vegetable. Took me forever. It took me at least a few weeks to learn how to eat raw meat quickly, i.e. wolf it down.

Wrangham also said that he's quite open to the idea of raw foodism today -- that the diet we evolved on is not necessarily the best one for us today.

The RAF community is quite small, Wrangham may be simply not aware that a large number of people can thrive on raw omnivorous diets. If a long-term RAFer sent him a polite email explaining this, I think he may be willing to reconsider his position.

Hot Topics / Re: Reishi Mushrooms
« on: January 20, 2011, 09:37:12 pm »
Indeed, I was once not allowed to buy mushrooms by a farmer at a farmers' market in London because she felt that I was endangering my health by asking for raw mushrooms!

So she was selling dried mushrooms? Or cooked mushrooms?

That sounds very strange to me. Here in Canada, I've seen lots of different varieties of both raw and dried mushrooms for sale, both in standard supermarkets, and in farmers markets. There's no special "health warning" labels or anything like that.

A farmer who raises grass-fed beef told me that when he takes a steer to be slaughtered, he watches the entire process from start to finish. He cared for the animal from birth to finish, and got a bit attached to it, and wants to make sure that it is slaughtered in a humane and proper way. That's a much better control, to ensure that things get done properly and sanitarily, than any kind of official inspection.

Off Topic / Re: What is the next frontier in societal nutrition?
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:26:30 am »
This is a hard question.

I think that the first step should not be to promote RAF, but just to discourage junk-food and fast-food consumption, and encourage people to prepare their meals at home, even if cooked. Rome wasn't built in a day...

I think that education programs/campaigns/efforts are not very effective. There already exists an education campaign encouraging people to "eat 5-10 fruits and vegetables a day", and limit junk food. People know that junk food is bad for them, but they are literally addicted to it and can't stop eating it.

Some practical solutions:
Stop subsidizing corn and grain, start taxing junk food just like cigarettes, put big warning labels on junk food. A few years ago I went on a trip to England. I saw that all cigarette packages had huge black-and-white warning labels "smoking kills". In Canada, the warning is in barely readable fine print. Such warning labels should be adopted everywhere, both for cigarettes, and for junk food. That would be a small step in the right direction.

Ultimately, the problem is, that in a democratic society, freedom of choice goes both ways. If we want the freedom of choice to buy raw milk, and raw grass-fed meat and wild game, then we must also allow the freedom of choice to buy McDonalds and Coca Cola and other junk.

One radical solution, would be for a health-conscious dictator to outlaw junk food by brute force. Impose insane taxes on, or outlaw the production of, corn syrup, refined sugar, soybean oil, etc. But the problem is, that a dictator cannot rise to power unless he has support. But who will support such a dictator? Health-conscious people are a very small minority. In history, dictators have risen to power by promising people happiness, and solutions to problems. One can promise that healthy food will lead to healthy and happy and successful people, but I don't think that the masses of junk-food-addicts would support such a message.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: January 03, 2011, 11:13:53 am »
yeah m8; personal experience and also read it on the net. Google it; i am not making this up. Next time Get Manuka Honey 15+ UMF and above; its not that expensive; around 30 to 40$.

I did find a number of articles about how Manuka honey can help with dental problems, due to its anti-bacterial properties.

About 3 years ago, I found Manuka honey in a health food store and tried it. It was UMF 18 (the highest they had). However, it was heated (but not pasteurized). It had a nice taste. I was eating local honey at the same time as the Manuka honey, so I don't know if Manuka by itself is bad for my teeth. It might be worth a try. Do you know a source for unheated Manuka honey?

I've also been reading up on Yemen Sidr honey. Very expensive, but I might try it once. Maybe it won't have such a bad effect on my teeth.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated Honey
« on: January 03, 2011, 02:45:43 am »
So if you take one or two teaspoon(s) of honey everyday, you'll have teeth probs? What kind of teeth is that? That's not natural, phil. I dont have any problems. My teeth are like white pearls.

I like both, honey and honey comb. But it doesnt matter, both are very good for healthy teeth. Infact you can fight tooth decay by eating more honey.

I experience dental problems if I eat honey on a regular basis.

If I eat a few teaspoons of honey every day, over the period of a month or two, then my teeth start getting loose. If I then cut out the honey, my teeth start getting firm again.

Honey has helped me with other things (for example, during a cold/flu), but it always has negative effects on my teeth.

I'm curious, what is the basis of your statement that "you can fight tooth decay by eating more honey"? Personal experience? Theory? Some article that you read?

General Discussion / Re: Raw Glucose Source
« on: December 31, 2010, 10:12:37 pm »
What are some good sources of glucose that can be eaten raw besides excessive protein consumption turning into glucose?

Fruit and honey.

Health / Re: Omega-3 content of bone marrow?
« on: December 27, 2010, 06:44:00 am »
There's a small amount of omega-3 in marrow, but much more in brain.

Take a look at:

Hot Topics / Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« on: December 26, 2010, 01:12:16 pm »
I think the advice about smelling and tasting is good. I'd not eat anything without smelling and tasting it first. What is 'foul' however might change with time. Something may smell strong and different, but if you can taste it, chew it in your mouth, and despite it tasting so different still feel it's ok to eat, then it probably is.

One thing to keep in mind, is that our sense of taste and smell is highly influenced by our upbringing.

Stefansson described how the Eskimos loved rotten meat/fish, and compared it to a gourmet stinky cheese.

Although he is not the most credible source, Aajonus also described how Eskimo children loved high meat, and ate it like candy.

Therefore, it is plausible that we can not reliably use our sense of taste and smell to determine whether high meat is good for us.

It would be interesting to try out high meat on different pets/animals. I remember reading on forums, and also hearing from Aajonus, that in general, dogs, and poultry love high meat, but cat's don't like it.

I agree with Tyler and KD's responses to donrad.

More than 125, 000 people are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from food-borne illnesses each year, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in December 2010....etc etc etc....
The fearmongering that you posted can be applied equally well to fresh raw meat, or fresh raw vegetables. Have you ever eaten raw meat? Have you ever tried making high meat? Have you ever thought about these issues on your own? Do you speak from experience? Or are you just parroting some public health agency?

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 23, 2010, 09:20:19 am »
However I will always wear a helmet on motorbike (law or not), because one slip at high speed and you are F.U.C.K.ed...

The same is true for a bike. One time, a relative of mine fell off a bike while going fast, and the helmet cracked in half. It was a pretty strong helmet. If he had no helmet and that impact all went into his skull, he probably would have suffered serious brain damage.

Also, a neighbour of mine is a very serious biker. He has one of those sports bikes with super-thin tires, clothing to minimize air resistance, etc, and he goes really fast. One time, a tire exploded while he was biking, and he ended up in the hospital with broken ribs. If he didn't have a helmet, he probably would have suffered brain damage from the impact to his head.

If you're going slow, say ~20km/h, it's fine to go without a helmet, but at high speeds (say ~30km/h or faster), you're playing with fire.

Journals / Re: Ray's Journal
« on: December 23, 2010, 01:20:27 am »
Hi Ray,

OOOOOKKK!!!! YEAAHH another semester completed!! I worked my ASS off studying this semester especially for biochemistry and I pulled off the A! sweeeet
Congrats! I'm a student too, and I understand that feeling :)

I am trying to score in the 40's on my MCAT which I take in June... so gotta be dedicated. Also I scheduled Calculus 2 for next semester so that I can apply to Harvard since they require Calculus 2 for admission. Trouble is, I forgot all of my calculus 1 since I took it several years ago... hence the review i am doing starting tommorrow...
Good luck with your studies. I like Michael Spivak's Calculus book, it changed my life :)

One thing I noticed maybe not so much here, but on the raw vegan/ 80 10 10 forums was people who just wanted to move to some tropical island, eat lots of fruit, and live a la di da lifestyle. That's their perogative and dream but not mine. I'm having the time of my life discovering how things work in the sciences and gaining more knowledge about the world. I have a desire to understand the intricacies of the world and work to solve big problems rather than live a life of ignorance.

I have mixed feelings about this issue. On one hand, I've spent the majority of my life in cities full of cars, noise, and pollution, and I would love to live on a tropical island where I can eat fruit, coconuts, meat, and fish, go swimming, and just relax. But I think that it wouldn't take long for me to get bored of such a lifestyle. I'm fascinated by science, how the world works, how the human body works, etc.

I was asked to raise money for the hill tribes for I get there to volunteer since they buy medicines with donor money. I don't have any donation money really... So I've begun to write a book on succeeding academically in college. I think I will sell it for about 10-15 dollars online in ebook format. Most of the money I make will go towards the fundraiser for the hill tribes I'm figuring. Does having a 3.9 cumulative GPA in Cell and Molecular Biology qualify me to be able to write a book on studying or will nobody buy it since its not a 4.0? hmm  ???

Well, there are already many books and tips out there on the internet about succeeding in college, so I think that what's more important than having a "perfect" GPA, is to give your book some unique spin that distinguishes it from the others out there.

Personally, I find that genuine interest and fascination in the topic is the most important thing for success.

Stefansson could be considered a highly-acclaimed person who suggested zero-carb for everybody. He did a clinical trial where he and a colleague ate nothing but meat for a year. He also wrote a book about diet called "Fat of the Land".

There are plenty of nutritionists/doctors who suggest low-carb, such as Dr. Eades and Dr. Mercola, but I don't know if they would support zero-carb for children.

If your parents don't let you do zero-carb, or raw paleo, then at least try to get them to agree to a no-grain, no-junk-food diet as a compromise. That shouldn't be too hard.

Primal Diet / Re: What would AV say, re honey/teeth?
« on: December 21, 2010, 11:56:17 pm »
    He has a formula for the mornings that contains honey I think for when you have a cold.

This year, my cough/cold was not so bad. Last year, it was quite horrible, and I took that formula every morning for about 1-2 months. It helped to temporarily soothe my throat. The formula is basically a mixture of ACV, lemon, and honey.

    How about honey:butter?  Have you heard him talk about that ratio?

I never made the butter&honey mixture, so I don't remember the ratio. I'll have to dig up my notes.

    How were you eating the honey?

Mixed with veg juice, mixed with milk, sometimes mixed with coconut cream and fruit.
Sometimes I would eat a tsp of honey straight, and then follow it up with a few eggs, or a few tablespoons of suet.

    I think some people might be confused by the words dehydrated food.  I just want to make it clear that it doesn't mean cheese was made in a dehydrator. Cheese can dehydrate itself.  I've left sheep milk in a glass on the coffee table a few hours.  The whey separated and left a clump of good cheese in the middle.  I hadn't added or done anything.

Yes. But even the process of making fresh cottage cheese from milk can be considered "dehydration",
because you are removing most of the water from the milk, and concentrating the proteins and fat.

Health / Re: Opportunity to Service a Cancer Patients Group
« on: December 21, 2010, 11:40:32 pm »
Wouldn't it be fun to be chummy with a key figure in that group, then cure him / her of all traces of cancer with raw paleo diet and my other methods as I describe in ?

That would be great! I wish you the best of luck in this endeavour.

I hope you use your oppurtunity wisely. All it takes is one person cured for the rest to follow.

Not necessarily. Aajonus said that before his book was published and before he had an internet presence, he went to these kinds of "sick people support groups". Many people told him something along the lines of "I'd rather suffer and die while eating my favourite foods, than be healed while eating raw meat."

All you can do is give information, and let people decide for themselves. In my opinion, one thing that's important to emphasize, is that the beginning might be difficult, but eventually, your taste will change, and you will love raw foods, and be disgusted by processed foods.

Primal Diet / Re: What would AV say, re honey/teeth?
« on: December 21, 2010, 04:38:18 am »
Yeah, I know, but with the honey thing, he seems to recommend it SO much in his book for just about everything, I'd think people's teeth would be developing a lot of problems if it did harm teeth in pretty large amounts.

AV cut back his honey recommendations after WWTL was published.

I heard AV say to use a tiny drop of honey with a sugar cube size of RAW cheese (unsalted) fifteen minutes after meals to get the minerals (calcium) from the cheese. 
I heard him recommend this formula to someone who had tooth problems, and needed extra minerals.
He recommended a ratio of 1 part honey, 6 parts cheese.

The logic is, that the minerals in cheese are very hard to digest and assimilate if the cheese is eaten alone, because it is a dehydrated food, and the honey adds enzymes to make it easily digested and absorbed.

On another occasion, I heard AV say that you can get the same effect by just drinking lots and lots of milk.

Personally, if I eat honey on a daily basis, about 1tbsp per day, then my teeth start getting loose. (But they don't hurt). So I don't eat honey on a regular basis. I sometimes eat it when I have a bad cough, and don't have much appetite for solid food.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus Duped Rawsome??
« on: December 19, 2010, 10:37:07 am »
Aajonus created an entire website dedicated to exposing the "Healthy Family Farms" fraud.

On one hand, I am very sad and sorry to hear about something like this. On the other hand, it's obvious that it took a lot of effort and resources to put this all together, and I'm grateful that Aajonus did it.

Aajonus often makes claims without proof. But not this time.

Off Topic / Re: Question re youtube software
« on: December 18, 2010, 09:28:24 pm »
The youtube video comes up with the play etc. buttons below, but all I get is a black screen where the video should be , with a small circling array of dots in the very centre, implying that my computer is trying to get the video to start but can't for some reason.

It sounds like there's no issue with flash, but rather, an issue with the internet connection. The circling dots mean that the video can't play because it's in the process of being downloaded.

I have this problem once in a while. Refreshing the web page, or disconnecting and reconnecting to the internet sometimes solves it. Or the problem could be on youtube's end. The youtube videos are presumably distributed over many servers. If there's an issue with one particular server, then some videos may not download, or download very slowly, while others work fine.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Your experience with DATES?
« on: December 17, 2010, 02:15:42 am »
I've had raw undried dates a couple of times..they're a yellow fruit, bland and mealy Ok but nothing special. I like the dried medjool dates. I might eat some organic ones for Christmas.

I've also eaten these yellow undried dates. You need to leave them on the counter for at least few weeks (possibly longer), and they will eventually become soft and dark brown and quite tasty and sweet. They're no good when hard and yellow.

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