Author Topic: Milk Digestibility - Explanation and Recommendations from the early 1900's  (Read 10567 times)

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Offline JazzIsGood

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Obviously, even in its raw state, dairy has its problems (beyond all the ones that have been mentioned before on this forum). Some of the links above help further understand the intolerance of dairy (for those who think outside the box). The reality that milk turns to mozzarella at the beginning of digestions is something rarely mentioned. And the leftover residues is also important. Although not as bad as cooked meat residues, animal milk residues can't be avoided by consuming them raw.

It seems that for those who can or choose to consume raw milk, it's best to:

1. consume it fully-fermented to avoid lactose issues.

2. Consume it with unheated honey. Unheated honey improves digestion and really does make a difference for many individuals. Even Ayurvedic medicine of India recommends this practice.

3. Leave it out to warm for several hours before drinking.

4. Only drink milk from traditional breeds of animals (see Thomas Cowan's full scientific explanation and discussion of A2 versus A1 milk on the WAPF's web site)

5. Sip it if time permits. This avoids forming those indigestible milk clots mentioned in the above article that can cause the same immediate symptoms as a dairy intolerance (not allergy).

Finally, the residues of animal milk are completely unavoidable and do build up in the human digestive tract. As time goes on, it will be necessary to stop using this "complete food", in order to avoid building up these residues (probably the true reason many primal dieters have had to stop dairy use over the course of time). At that point, dairy should only be used therapeutically, such as in the case of poisonings (mercury or toxic soups such as what they injected in aajonus in April of 2009). But then again, living clay can perform the same as the milk, but with plentiful iron and no leftover residues.
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I forgot to add one more suggestion that's gonna sound mad (but it's in one of the above writings).

- Adding alkaline water to dilute milk, especially oxygenated ones (sparkling), can improve digestibility. IN OTHER WORDS, adding Perrier or Apollinaris, or any other sparkling water including nasty old seltzer, to your milk (I must be nuts) can actually prevent the formation of those "clots" in the stomach and improve milk's digestion.


Find that statement^ on the Weston Price Foundation's web site and I'll give you $10 US.  ;D
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really wish i could drink it.  our cows are all a-1 around here.  i have a feeling though i wouldn't tolerate it even with those suggestions
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Offline RawZi

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- Adding alkaline water to dilute milk, especially oxygenated ones (sparkling), can improve digestibility. IN OTHER WORDS, adding Perrier or Apollinaris, or any other sparkling water including nasty old seltzer, to your milk (I must be nuts) can actually prevent the formation of those "clots" in the stomach and improve milk's digestion.

    There used to be a drink people got at the corner candy store in anytown USA.  It was called an eggcream.  Supposedly it was chocolate milk with seltzer.  I like to take egg and cream, mix them, then add sparkling water.  I call THAT an eggcream soda, and I would think that's what it really used to be, before the books were rewritten because of the dietary fat lie.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Err, JazzIsGood got banned a while back for trolling. Just thought I'd mention it.
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Re: Milk Digestibility - Explanation and Recommendations from the early 1900's
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2010, 03:17:33 am »
    Good to know that.  Thanks Tyler.  I'm looking for where I can bring up milk and different peoples.  It should go better in the Weston Price area than the Primal Diet area.

    It can be a tiny bit annoying, all the trolls, and now dozens of bots.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

Offline miles

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Re: Milk Digestibility - Explanation and Recommendations from the early 1900's
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2010, 05:01:21 am »
It can be a tiny bit annoying, all the trolls, and now dozens of bots.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The people who register accounts and make posts are people trying to sell stuff with affiliate marketing, or just trolling.

The 'bots' don't make accounts.. If there weren't bots you wouldn't find anything on any search engines unless someone paid to be there.
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Offline Snowflower

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Re: Milk Digestibility - Explanation and Recommendations from the early 1900's
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2010, 01:01:01 am »
Miles I am an administrator on another forum. I am in the position daily of approving accounts. In the process, every single IP address goes into a search engine. If that doesn't pull it up as a spam bot, then the individual email address gets put into the search engine. If that doesn't pull up a spam bot, I approve the registration.

When we first established the forum, we were getting 20 - 30 spam bots for every human registration. We finally started making a list of every IP address that was a spam bot and blocking those addresses. After about a month of doing that, we got down to just having an occasional spam bot for every human registration. Oh yes, there ARE definitely spam bots getting into forums.

Offline raw-al

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Re: Milk Digestibility - Explanation and Recommendations from the early 1900's
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2010, 01:34:18 am »
I used to go to a site where people discussed a certain musical instrument. It was 5 USD to register.

You had to pay with a personalized cheque or a credit card so therefore you had to be ligit and everyone there was polite, helpful and as intelligent as they were capable of being, because the name on the cheque/CC was the login name and if you acted the jerk, your posts would be deleted and after a few warnings you were outta there.

The best musicians in the world were regulars as well as hacks like myself. The info was world class. Everybody that was anybody was there.

This may not be appropo for this site, but just thought I would throw it out there.


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