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Donald Trump for President of the USA
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:53:24 pm »
Donald Trump is running for President of the USA. A real independent thinking person. Not controlled by the powers that be. And like Ron Paul, they will try to cheat him out of the nomination. I'm looking forward to watching the cheating tactics again. Hopefully Trump has done his homework.

July 11, 2015 speech.

#1 in the polls.
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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2015, 12:51:52 am »
Some ignorant people and traitors downplay, undermine, and ignore how bad the illegal immigrant situation is. Mexico is doing to us what Castro did, using the border as a criminal release valve. On top of that, we're giving all kinds of work to Mexican citizens in Mexico(ie Ford Factory) and trade deals in their favor.

Trump is the only candidate running on his own money, all the others are running on other people's money. He is going to dominate the others in debate. I can't wait to see him tear those boring chumps into pieces. He's an experienced winner. Viva la Trump!

Here's an interview from last week: July 8th, 2015. Very impressive. He's the alpha male we need.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 04:49:02 am by actup90 »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2015, 06:08:36 am »
The process is rigged, I doubt he will even allowed to be in the national debates, but if he is, it would be very entertaining to hear him berate all the others who stand in his path.

Though I am wary of that man being trusted with the power of the presidency... Trump often reminds me of the fictional Duke Phillips architype
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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2015, 10:36:41 am »

On a selfish note, the Philippines needs the USA to be strong because we are in the sphere of influence of the USA.  Chinese imperialism is a real threat to us.  They have already taken over the islands in the Spratleys and more and made a ridiculous 9 dash line that says all the ocean there is theirs... that's why it is called the "South China Sea"... so the past year they implemented a naval blockade preventing our tiny fishermen from fishing in those islands.

I agree that the rest of the past Presidents in the USA are puppets.  It's so obvious to anyone who cares to look.

It's so obvious even Star Wars cartoons shows it as such when the Sith Lord took over Mandalore and installed his puppet prime minister.

My guess is if he breaks through the net of the powers that be to win in their own republican primaries learning from Ron Paul, they will be forced to assassinate him... just like JFK... and what I've heard, Ronald Reagan wasn't really running the show after he was shot.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 11:14:02 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2015, 12:05:42 pm »
Trump is a troll. He doesn't want the presidency. He just wants publicity.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2015, 01:26:17 pm »
Trump is a troll. He doesn't want the presidency. He just wants publicity.

You sound like someone who hasn't been listening. Even if it were a hoax, he puts the other candidates to shame.

Go ahead, tell us who you think is better.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2015, 02:02:32 pm »
My money is on Berney Sanders, most likely president in 2016. I will actually be registering democrat and so that I can vote in the primaries. Really you think Trump is better than Rand? REALLY? Trump stands for just about everything awful about this country. Trump's empire was build on the backs of illegal immigrants so anything he has to say against illegal immigrants is laughable unless he is talking about how profitable it is to hire them.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2015, 03:20:39 pm »
Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist, spouting the same romanticized bullshit Michael Moore oozes about Europe. He wants the US to be more like Scandinavia, let's not forget that Sweden is the rape capital of the world. Nearly all of Europe's major cities are being invaded by Muslims and Africans who leach off the economy and segregate themselves off into zones that become dangerous for the locals to enter. In the course of this, race-traitors like Bernie Sanders make excuses for them. Anyone who thinks Europe is a model to replicate is out to lunch. On that note, he wants whites to apologize to blacks. If that isn't the gayest shit you've ever heard then move to Detroit or Baltimore and report back to us once you've been culturally enriched.

Sanders is running on a platforms of taxation and handouts. He wants to put a huge tax on the 1%. As if the rich won't move their money out of the country. France already tried something like that, repealing soon after realizing the obvious. Then he wants to turn college into "High School part 2: Electric Boogaloo" by making it free. As if college wasn't already accessible for anyone determined to get in. Remember "socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money." I'm sick of how previous generations sold us out by footing the bill into national debt, putting that debt on us and our children. It's time we elected a business-man, who has shown good judgement even in the face of failed businesses, instead of a career politician.

On top of all this: he's in poor health, which is the most relevant factor to notice on this forum.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 08:37:33 pm by actup90 »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2015, 05:14:22 pm »
LOL. Dude all that stuff he wants to do would cost a small fraction of what we spend currently murdering and destroying the lives of others abroad. The rich make their fortunes on the shoulders of others. I don't think he ever said whites should apologize to blacks, he said America should apologize for slavery. This is most definitely true and I hope they include in that an apology to the white slaves who outnumbered the black slaves. Businessmen are mercilessly slaughtering the planet. We have had plenty of "smart businessmen" in the white house, most living presidents have vast fortunes. Please, don't kid yourself, there is no way a republican is going to get into the whitehouse any time soon anyways. I personally am not a socialist, but it's definitely better than fascism which is exactly what bush, the clintons, trump and obama all espouse. I am hopeful that if a long shot like Sanders can win it will open the doors for "wingnut" politicians throughout the anals of public offices so that socialists and libertarians will no longer be labeled "extremist outliers". I think it's pretty obvious if you look at the condition of the world we could all use a little more socialism and a lot less corporate welfare and mabee actually have a fair market for consumer goods and raw materials with government protections on price gouges and if you disagree with that, i suggest you educate yourself to the facts and get your head out of your ass and quit listening to bullshit pundits. Just the facts please.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 05:22:10 pm by RogueFarmer »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2015, 07:09:15 pm »
I'm for Sanders too. I attended his kick-off party here in Burlington, lots of good energy. I have to admit I'm biased though. I've lived in Vermont for the last 8 years, and in fact used to live right down the street from Bernie. It was common for us to cross paths while he was in Vermont (like all US Senators, he lives part-time in Washington DC).

All other candidates I've seen strike me as opportunists. They'll say whatever polls suggest they should say, and what they actually do will benefit them and the people who pay for their campaigns. Bernie Sanders says what he believes, he'll do what he says, and he doesn't accept donations from the corporate interests that buy the other candidates. I have several friends who work on his campaign, and one told me the average campaign contribution he gets is $33. He won't outspend Hillary Clinton or any of the Republican candidates, but he can certainly outclass them. While I don't agree with him on everything, he's a known commodity and isn't going to mislead people. And, like I said above, he used to be my neighbor. How can I not support my old neighbor when he runs for president of the United States?

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2015, 07:42:09 pm »
Bernie is the best choice. On the Republican side it's all scary racists and egomaniacs, although  I'd vote for Rand Paul if I had to pick a Republican.  They're all racists and/or pandering to their racist base, but at least Rand is somewhat of a libertarian.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2015, 09:25:57 pm »
You sound like someone who hasn't been listening. Even if it were a hoax, he puts the other candidates to shame.

Go ahead, tell us who you think is better.

Ah, if only candidacy behavior was a good predictor of presidential behavior....
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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2015, 10:38:57 pm »
Thinking we need socialism is like thinking we need high fructose corn syrup; it's cheap, sweet, and going to end many families' lineages. You're asking for handouts along with a historically failed political strategy, and think we're the ones being lead by a pundit?! Sanders is the uber-pundit. He would destroy this country at the behest of childish fantasy, he represents everything that's wrong with modern University professors. The facts are straight, Bernie is delusional about the mystical land of Europe and would lead us toward the same chaos.

You know damn well he's not talking about offering an apology to the Irish for slavery, he's appeasing blacks, as an opportunist.

And here we go with the "racism" nonsense. Once again, if you don't think the general black population has a problem: move to a city run by blacks, have yourself an experience. Systemic racism fallacies fall apart in places like Baltimore(black mayor, black police chief, black populous) let alone Africa. Every other race acknowledges that blacks are less intelligent and inherently problematic, even studies have shown a vast IQ gap, but somehow Europeans and Americans have been tasked with the duty of covering for them while pretending they are biologically identical. Blacks kill more of each other than any other group kills anybody in America, it's even worse in Africa(where slavery still exists). And you want to apologize for what goal? The feels?

I'm happy you're here on this forum, maybe the raw diet will help you to grow some balls and not be so offended when a person stands up for their own race. Here in the southwest we have serious issues caused by a lack of border safety. Maybe you're too caught up with white guilt to notice we're being attacked. Mexico is literally sending criminals through the border, and it's the people of states like California who are taking the worst hit because of their socialist degeneration. Just last week a woman was killed, in a sanctuary city, by someone who had already been deported 5 times. This is only a taste of what's happening in the southwest, and it's been happening for years.

Also, Bernie boy's home state of Vermont is one that denies personal exemptions from vaccinations. Let's not let that fact slide.

At least 20,000 people showed up in Arizona this weekend. Get ready for some Trump.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 03:36:02 am by actup90 »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2015, 10:40:12 pm »
Ah, if only candidacy behavior was a good predictor of presidential behavior....

Yes, eveheart, that's one reason why we're better off going with someone who is not a career politician.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2015, 03:43:26 am »
Donald Trump
Gnawing on bones.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2015, 03:50:10 am »
As far as who is healthier. Bernie Sanders is 73 years old and not a millionaire. Donald Trump is 68 and a millionaire. Just because Bernie is bald?
Gnawing on bones.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2015, 03:52:05 am »
I suppose he may be a smart man though..
Gnawing on bones.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2015, 04:10:23 am »
Trump looks like he'll easily make it to 120. Sanders looks like he's being kept alive by the dark side.

About his clothing lines, he speaks out often about how much more they would cost if produced in the US. It's one of his main running points. Trade deals made by the current leadership are at fault. He's a businessman, keeping costs down, advocating for customers.

Global warming is a hoax. Climate is always changing, the poindexters have no idea what's going on. Politicians are just using the doomsday meme to grab power, support, and resources. This has been obvious to many of us for years. It's the oldest trick: fake a problem, provide a solution.

Of course he's smart. He turned a 300 million dollar inheritance into 9 billion dollars. Oh, and he married this gal.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 04:17:25 am by actup90 »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2015, 07:10:18 am »
...And here we go with the "racism" nonsense...

Your post actup90 reminds me of how discussions about politics invariably bring out the best and worst of people. In your case any amount of respect I had for you has been flushed down the toilet and is now festering in the sewers. Your racist antics played a big part in that.

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2015, 07:18:54 am »
Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but Sanders is the false hope, two face token candidate, who is only kept around washington to give the democratic constituents the illusion that their party somehow still represents the will of the people. His half ass pandering to the populist, though it may contain kernels of truth, still does nothing to influence policy within the hierarchy of machine politics. 

He is also pro big pharma, and pro mandatory vaccination, and though he bashes wall street and plays like a champion for the little man, I believe that he is mostly ignorant and inept on the broader issues, such as how to properly regulate not only wall street and the banks, but also how to reign in the out of control and corporately owned federal bureaucracies of the FDA, USDA, CDC, AMA and all those other abbreviated institutions which are not representing the best interest of the people nor the earth we live on!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 08:41:15 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2015, 07:28:57 am »
Actup90, if we're going to start pulling from the Bell Curve, then you need to know that East Asians have higher IQs than any other group except Ashkenazi Jews. How about that white supremacy now?

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2015, 08:00:46 am »
Eric, I don't care what you think about me. Respect the truth. I pointed out facts and you came with nothing more than an ad hominem.

Cherimoya, nowhere was white supremacy promoted. Only reasonable expectations. Blacks are on the lowest end of the IQ spectrum and they need genuine help. Handouts are not helping them. Blaming white people for their shortcomings is not helping them. Progressivism has been trying that for 50 years and the situation has only gotten worse, and it will get even worse for everyone if these socialist fantasies continue to wreck the country.

He is also pro big pharma, and pro mandatory vaccination, and though he bashes wall street and plays like a champion for the little man, I believe that he is mostly ignorant and inept on the broader issues, such as how to properly regulate not only wall street and the banks, but also how to reign in the out of control and corporately owned federal bureaucracies of the FDA, USDA, CDC, AMA and all those other abbreviated institutions which are not representing the best interest of the people nor the earth we live on!

Adding to this: You can see he's small minded by the way he holds his posture. There is no way he'd be able to square up with people like Putin and make deals in our best interest. Donald Trump on the other hand does have that capacity.

I would like to avoid this sort of thing in the future.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 09:03:57 am by actup90 »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2015, 08:24:29 am »
I imagine you're starting to offend some of our non-white members. We don't have very many. Please don't drive them away, ok?

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2015, 08:49:25 am »
Seems like those points are mostly bothering racially-nervous whites, but since no one is rebutting I'll move on. Trump 2016
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 09:11:31 am by actup90 »

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Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2015, 09:28:03 am »
Race issues are one can of worms most politicians are to cowardly to open , that's why most of the candidates let professional Political correctness firms write draft their opinions for them, and have it written out in orwellian double speak.

Part of me wishes to support the man who can stand up for his beliefs, and explain his point of view... even if he is wrong in the eyes of others, the open dialogue will facilitate a greater understanding in those who are paying attention.

Someone in the white house with great passion, ego and who craves the love of the people, and is outside of the control of the plutocracy, is a complete unknown quantity, and hasn't been seen since kennedy was shot dead. The power structure will do everything necessary to prevent it from occurring again.

This is where I would like us all to begin to collectively digress from the notion that there needs to be such a person entrusted with such great power over the fate of the world. We are reaching a point of development where it may no longer necessary to have the great decider in an oval office to pass secret legislation behind our backs and make secrete deals with secretive clandestine groups. We all should demand more transparency and the right to participate through referendum on the most important actions taken by our government. Imagine having someone as president who when given the Classified draft of the TTP to sign, would hand it over to the people, post it online, and call a national yes or no referendum, before signing our country away to corporations!

This kind of change will not happen by 2016, and its real easy for everyone to get distracted into believing that if "so in so" where only to get into power then things would get better, when in reality whoever gets into office, unless the structure of the system is reformed, there will be no great hope for change.

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