My health issues started a few years ago and were brought on during a period of high stress. I have some fatgiue, have to get up to pee at night, ED, underweight, raccoon eyes etc. I had a facial analysis done online and was recommended a paleo diet without nightshades due to possible leaky gut, all food cooked. Then I got gallstones, lost weight and was constipated. I did an olive oil liver cleanse which removed the stones, however I still got discomfort between my belly button and chest, i.e. liver and spleen area after eating. I bought We Want to Live and have switched to a predominantly raw diet for the last few weeks as follows, I have about 2-3 cooked meals per week):
Beef, normally brisket or steak, OR lamb liver or heart
Spoon of olive and coconut oil
Lunch and tea:
Beef or organs and suet and maybe a little fruit
Some cooked starch such as white rice or sweet potato
Spoon of olive and coconut oil and sometimes some apple cider vinegar
I saw a clinical homeopath who detected candida in my liver and spleen, which is causing some inflammation. I have some salmonella bacteria and some sort of lactose bacteria (not the good kind) in my gut which causes me to react to eggs and dairy. I have a staph bacteria in my sinus and I get headaches after dairy, raw or not. Egg yolks are ok, I've done Edwin's liver flushes ok, thanks Edwin! The homeopath also detected Coeliac disease in my gut, I have low iron. He gave me remedies to remove these things for the next several months. I have started using a zapper also.
I seem to get a tingling in my feet / legs if I have too much unheated honey and I don't think it's good for the candida so I've stopped the honey.
If I eat much beef, I tend to feel fatigued and I'm sure the darkness under my eyes worsens. I have about 50-100g portions. I don't get any problems when eating organ meat. When eating raw fish, mackeral, this has given my diarrheoa and once I had a discomfort in my liver area and almost vomited, my mouth kept filled with saliva. The saliva smelt of fish. I've had mackeral about 4 times and had negative reactions all but once.
I take 1-2 teaspoons of cayenne with water and have 2 ginger teas per day. This is to help with circulation and to speedhealing. This seems to reduce me needing to get up at night to pee.
I'd like to do a coconut oil detox but don't feel strong enough or have enough weight.
I'm interested to know if my adverse feelings after beef and fish are detox reactions and so actually a good thing or if they're bad. Also any other tips, please, I'd welcome them. I've tried several things to sort out my health and keep going in circles, it's quite depressing actually, up until 3 years ago I ate ok, plenty of rubbish and had next to no health issues, now my health seems as weak as anything

I'm in my mid-30s, male and live in the U.K. I get my meat from a local organic butcher every week. The organs are always fresh, the beef has been hanging for a while. I'm yet to do high meat or have white meat, only beef and lamb and a little mackeral, I'm a little scared. I go to bed at 1030 and the alarm goes off at 6:30, I probably sleep for about 6-7 hours of that time.