Author Topic: Food Allergies/Reactions  (Read 6372 times)

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Offline abbsman

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Food Allergies/Reactions
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:44:57 pm »
I have been having some health issues since a year and a half ago when I took a 5 month trip to SE asia and ended up getting sick quite a few times as well as picking up a parasite (E. Histolytica). In the trip took a couple rounds of anti-biotics, some anti-parasite for the bug and than later that year got sick twice, once i took two antibiotics, and once I didn't.

Anyway I noticed that my fatigue had been steadily increasing as well as my allergies and I was spending some days mostly in bed (I am 24). At the time I was living in spain and had to come back home because I was having some severe neurological reactions to food that would cause burning in my skin, extreme fatigue, and would temporarily feel like I was autistic (inability to communicate with multiple people, process multiple inputs).

At first I thought it was just the rice I was eating so cut out starches but eventually started reacting to all kinds of foods, most recently coconut and chicken, the later actually caused me to have some involuntary muscle spasms afterwards for about 20-40 minutes.

I have seen a slew of doctors, Infectious disease doc, a couple GI docs, endocrinoligist and most recently a neurologist.

The only things found so far have been SIBO (the third type of bacteria as my test was flatline), as well as a blastocystis parasite and a strange Aeromonas bacteria.

I have brought my diet down to an AIP type diet and my food reaction list still seems to go up and the reactions can be extremely severe such as the involuntary twitching and at times even an inability to understand basic questions.

I do take a probiotic every day, some vitamin c helps as well as green vegetable juices.

I was just curious to see if anyone has any advice on this, or have dealt with a similar situation?

Could this be me reacting to foods, or some sort of reaction to the digestive process itself as some foods can be fine one day and bother me the next.

Anyway, any help is appreciated as this has really taken a huge toll on my life currently and am only able to do a few things each day.



Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2015, 08:26:26 pm »
I'm sorry you're having these issues. Have you tried high meat/fish? 

Offline abbsman

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2015, 02:56:24 am »
Hi there,

I have and seem to start reacting to whichever food that I start eating a lot of.

Most recently was chicken.  I try and keep my diet high in healthy fats, vegetables, fish/meat and rotate foods regularly.

Offline eveheart

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2015, 03:21:18 am »
It took me a few years to troubleshoot food sensitivities. I have not been "tested" for gut healing, but I'm completely unsymptomatic nowadays. I am very strict about following my best diet because I've heard that even a little bit of offensive food, for example, wheat, can result in intestinal lesions that take 6 months to heal. Eating only "paleo" (no field agricultural foods like grains and legumes) unprocessed foods in their simplest forms has worked for me. I do not eat high meat. I eat local/seasonal foods only.

I used heart-rate testing to help me identify troublesome foods and environmental toxins. If you think you're on the right track at all, keep on that path long enough to allow for gradual healing. Good luck.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2015, 09:37:58 am »
It seems like something in your diet or environment may be contributing to the kind of parasitic overgrowth you have been experiencing.

I had blood parasites, and had a number of symptoms of poor immunity combine with food intolerance. It was my experience that the parasites where a symptom of other underlying imbalances and not a direct cause, and my symptoms improved once I eliminated the problem foods, and begun nourishing myself better.

Blastocystis is very common and it the one thing I tested positive for when the animal planet was doing their show, but in healthy people it can be entirely harmless.

Have you been on any drugs, or other medications, or had exposures to chemicals or other environmental pollution which could be effecting your condition?

Also....Traditional Probiotices, vitamin C, and Green juices are not always the best way to deal with these issues.
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Offline abbsman

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2015, 12:56:34 pm »
Hey Saber,

This is something I have considered.  Aside from the antibiotics I also take Claritin for allergies, sometimes domperidone for nausea, and recently omneprazole (had symptoms long before this)

I am not really sure where to start in looking for the chemicals/environmental issues or how to identify these type of things. Any advice would be awesome.

I definitely agree with you as a year ago I had a parasite as well as a bacteria problem.  Doesn't seem to be the underlying issue.



Offline eveheart

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2015, 01:33:47 pm »
I am not really sure where to start in looking for the chemicals/environmental issues or how to identify these type of things. Any advice would be awesome.

What is the climate like where you live? Is your house old and moldy? Lots of curtains and carpets? Pets? What's your hair gel, shampoo, laundry products situation? I make my own body products from things like coconut oil, vinegar and clay because most products contain corn derivatives, and I am sensitive to corn. Are you wearing metal jewelry? Are you on plastic overload when it comes to food storage or drinking bottles?  What is going on around you - farming? traffic? - and what's the environment like at work?

Usually, you are looking for obvious factors in your home, neighborhood, and workplace. Think mold-dust-chemicals. There are mold test kits available. Look online to check out some of the "detective" strategies that other people have used to find contaminants in their environment.

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Offline abbsman

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2015, 04:41:08 am »
Hmmm, the only one of those that I could see as being a problem is the mold however over the last year I have lived in many different environments and still had issues. 

Will definitely check it out just in case.



Offline sabertooth

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2015, 11:19:45 am »
Antibiotics can really off balance ones digestive system for long periods of time, I would recommend never taking them again unless its life threatening.

The other drugs are merely masking symptoms, and will prevent the body from doing any actual healing. The allergy pills, digestive acid blockers and nausea drugs will not help you overcome these issues, you must stop taking these drugs asap. Though its not Legal in most places, and some others here may not condone it.... if you seriously have bad symptoms of gut pain and discomfort, I would recommend modest doses of Marijuana as needed, until you can get these issues straightened out. It is the safest and most effective herbal remedy for these kind of gut issues ever known.

To really get a handle on the food allergy issue you are going to have to take a long term approach.....I would recommend a short term water fast of about three days to clear out any allergenic food substances, drugs and supplements from the GI tract. Take no drugs, supplements or food.... water only for the three day fast. If it is indeed something you are eating which is causing your issues then by the third day you should feel significant relief once the body has voided most of the digestive systems contents.

Afterward, I would begin reintroducing foods slowly, while abstaining from drugs and supplements. Go for some paleo staples which are least allergenic for the first week or.... lots of Fatty meats...then see how you feel. It often takes about three weeks to clear out all the allergenic proteins from the gut, and begin to rebuild a more naturally balanced gut flora, so I would wait at least three weeks before experimenting with foods which may possibly be allergenic....and when you do reintroduce foods do it one at a time and be mindful of your reactions to it.

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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Food Allergies/Reactions
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2015, 11:31:00 am »
Not everyone's adrenals can handle a water fast. But I agree, it can be a tremendous time of healing.


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