Author Topic: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane  (Read 6871 times)

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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2015, 02:36:00 am »
The Cow Fart methane theory of global warming is inane to absurdity!!!!!

Another inconvenient truth that the climate changers will not admit....The entire earth is a self regulating system , not only is methane recycled into the eco system, but the CO2 cycle has always managed to self regulate through the integral biological systems since the beginning of organic life on this planet.

Every excrement of one form of life is capable of being used by another form of life in some way. Carbon and oxygen which make up CO2 are essential to all of life on earth and if ever an imbalance becomes life threatening to the earth as a whole then there are built in survival mechanics which will activate to bring balance back.

The higher the levels of methane and/or CO2 are the more Methane and/or CO2 using organisms will flourish and through the metabolism of quadrillions of cellar machines any non life serving excess elements will be properly sequestered and converted by minions of Gaia into the great compost heap which has given rise to all life on this planet.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2015, 04:34:00 am »
Except that in earlier epochs, the Earth was indeed much hotter than today etc. So, climate-change could easily harm humanity.
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Offline RogueFarmer

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2015, 04:34:55 am »
It's not a cow fart that is dangerous but when you take a billion cow shits and put them in a vat that is not natural and the organisms that live off of the methane would likely be killed by the anaerobic toxic sludge that results from your average intensive livestock operation in the industrialized nations. Also in much of pasture land there is a deficit of fresh carbon to the amount of nutrients in the soil because pastures are overgrazed and under rested. If pastures are allowed to recover then grasses have increased carbon production and thus more consistent cow poops and more earthworm food. It should be farmers goal to waste 30% of their pasture to mulch the next crop in order to retain and increase fertility and forage quality.

If you look at the Potenger's cat's study, the feces from the unhealthy cats produced unhealthy plants. I imagine it is largely the same with cattle.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2015, 12:17:58 pm »
Except that in earlier epochs, the Earth was indeed much hotter than today etc. So, climate-change could easily harm humanity.

The very concept of Changing climate in the context of the man made global warming myth is a reduction ad absurd-um.....and it frustrates me to no end that even among very highly intelligent people that such a myth is accepted unquestioningly.... This does not mean that I claim to Know for sure that human efforts have no effect on earths climate.....only that I am agnostic about how the effects will ultimately turn out....I rebuke anyone who claims to have such knowledge that proves that human CO2 or Bovines methane effects are entirely negative, and if not stopped will inevitably lead to a doomsday scenario.

The great oxygenation event which happened completely devastated the dynamic of life on earth, and from a climate changer perspective it was all doom and gloom, but out of the sea of suffocated primitive forms the conditions where ripe for the expansive evolution of newer oxygen tolerant species which eventually gave rise to the highest forms of life to ever live on this world.....

My point is that cow methane is negligible in its effects on the earths climate, and if anything it is beneficial. The great herds of mega Fauna and wild beast of all shapes and sizes terraformed the land and aided in the creation of the lush ecosystems which nourished and gave rise to Human Kind.

It becomes clear when you study in depth the epochs of earths evolution from a climate change perspective and you will see remarkable and dramatic changes, and yet for the most part life has always found away to keep the earths atmosphere within a life supporting homeostasis.

Before vertebrates even began to crawl out of the ocean the atmosphere was much higher in CO2 than it is today...The early vegetation sprawled out onto the land before the mold and fungal lifeforms evolved the capacity to breakdown tough plant the early primeval Forrest were filled with dead vegetation that wouldn't rot....some would turn to tar and seep into the earth, or be compressed into coal.... there were most likely great fire events in which large portions of the land when hit with drought would burn releasing great amounts of CO2 back into the air....

Through the epochs the ebb and flow of organic evolution working in sync with the carbon cycle and many yet unknown subtle undercurrents of synchronicity has maintained the habitability of the planet...even through the past mass extinction events which were much more disastrous than the slow release of the earths stored CO2 into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil....

From the perspective of a truly open mind Its just as likely that our release of the CO2 back in to the atmosphere could be offsetting the next ice age, as it would be to cause a water world scenario... An Ice age could be be just as bad if not far more devastating to humanity than global warming....and so I conclude that from this latitude my attitude is that Global Warming is nothing to worry about....

It's not a cow fart that is dangerous but when you take a billion cow shits and put them in a vat that is not natural and the organisms that live off of the methane would likely be killed by the anaerobic toxic sludge that results from your average intensive livestock operation in the industrialized nations. Also in much of pasture land there is a deficit of fresh carbon to the amount of nutrients in the soil because pastures are overgrazed and under rested. If pastures are allowed to recover then grasses have increased carbon production and thus more consistent cow poops and more earthworm food. It should be farmers goal to waste 30% of their pasture to mulch the next crop in order to retain and increase fertility and forage quality.

If you look at the Potenger's cat's study, the feces from the unhealthy cats produced unhealthy plants. I imagine it is largely the same with cattle.

These concerns are more localized problems with modern livestock management, not the bigger picture global methane non sense and I agree that there are huge ecological problems with whats going on. Vast stretches of land are being over grazed, over cut for hay, and are void from the variety and diversity of wildlife which once managed the earths resources in accordance with the natural order.... also even larger amounts of land are being destroyed by big agra crops which are used to feed both humans and livestock...these vast areas of mono crop land are becoming wastelands... and are indeed weakening the earths vitality and ability to re balance itself to offset the effects of human activity.....

Still I insist that the earth mother is much stronger than we give her credit for...and if the great apes become to much of a nuisance she will dispense with the appropriate disciplinary measures.....then after being God Smacked through the times of tribulations a point will be attained of such newly acquired wisdom and this will begin to work through us, as it works through all earths creatures in a way that will bring about spontaneous evolution in understanding without the need for all the extraneous and ineffectual measures being concocted at the international climate talks.
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Offline RogueFarmer

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2015, 03:20:00 pm »
I think we really should be worrying though that right now there are less animals on earth than ever in history.

I think the value of animals will continue to increase and there will probably continue to be drought problems that cause large selloffs that lower meat prices in the short term but because of the dwindling herd signal increased prices in the future.

Especially with beef there are millions of miles of fencing that are deteriorated from 1 or 2 generations ago and in these recession years more and more land goes fallow and unused and the herd grows smaller. Every year cattle bring record prices at auction.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2015, 12:52:28 am »
I think there is a huge bottleneck of supply being engineered, The BLM is run by the same globalist who are pushing these nonsensical issues such as Cow methane being a pollutant. As if only we would reduce our energy consumption and meat consumption and reproductive rates then the world would be a better place...This is a shit brained insane solution which does nothing to bring balance back into the system and only serves the powers that be of an owner class, who through the use of artificial scarcity and social engineering are able to dictate to the lower classes what they should eat, how much energy they are allowed to use, and how they are to live and raise their children.

The so called solutions being proposed by the elite are inorganic, out of sync with the natural order, and will lead us further away from realizing the kind of equitable earth  management which would take into account all the factors needed to build a sustainable ecology. Vast stretches of the open plains of mid and western America could be used to raise billions of livestock animals on pastured diets, but they are deemed off limits to grazing under Federal Land management control, and the land which ranchers have to use is heavily taxed.....yet little of the money ever goes to infrastructure projects such as aqueducts and fencing which would greatly increase the supply of quality meat, while at the same time making it affordable to the WALMART CLASS.

These kind of realistic solutions are  very possibly if only a fraction of the money which goes into making sure that there are enough bombs, bullets, and machines of death to kill every Man, woman and child in the world would be invested in ways that would feed every man woman and child in the world in an ecologically balanced way.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2015, 03:29:22 am »
I think we really should be worrying though that right now there are less animals on earth than ever in history.
RF makes a very good point. Also, if the remaining animals are just a handful of highly-inbred, domesticated species that is a disaster as well.

As regards man-made climate change claims re SB's comments, I agree many are dubious such as the Co2 notion. However, I have already shown articles with photos from Space showing the horrific air-pollution in China among many other similiar examples, so humans are indeed able to alter  Earth's climate on their own, just not as fast as the Sun, for instance.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2015, 08:48:55 am »
TD...This is exactly what I am attempting to raise awareness of, its not the CO2 is the other petrochemical pollution which is the greatest threat to the world wide ecosystem.

We can still burn fossil fuels without the smog....... if only the same money which is now being wasted in the AstroTurf green energy fraud would be instead invested in more pragmatically reasonable transitional technologies such as clean coal, natural gas, and hydrogen.... Its absolutely ludicrous for people to purpose a mandate to ban fossil fuels before sufficient alternatives are developed....The threat of Global warming is scaring the world into falsely believing that there isn't sufficient time, and so we have to immediately think about transitioning directly from coal to solar within one generation...these fears are leading the establishment to unreasonable measures which are not in the best interest of humanity , nor the environment..

These transitional energy technologies would buy the time needed to develop truly clean and renewable sources of energy, and if it were not for the megalithic waste which is the world wide military industrial complex, such technology would have already become a reality and most of the air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels under obsolete conditions, would have already been taken care of.
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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Healthy soils can absorb cattle methane
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2015, 09:27:08 am »
Solar is increasing in efficiency extremely quickly, at an exponential rate, in fact, I think. I don't think it's unrealistic to expect it to be able to supply most of our needs within 20 years. The real game-changer will be cheap room-temp superconductors, though. Then it will be doable to build out a power grid that can carry solar from desert low-latitude areas to the colder and more cloudy areas without loss of energy. I doubt we'll see that tech being developed in any less than 10-15 years, though.


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