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Re: Contacting Sv3rige
« Reply #50 on: July 07, 2018, 06:40:18 am »
Perhaps, my coconut butter habit is a mere idiosyncratic indulgence which does not have any tangible merit for most other people...or I may even have become physically addicted to the stuff having eaten over a pound a week for the last 8 years. Still I feel there is more to it than can be dismissed by the paradigm of it not being a truly raw food.

I have found that coconut butter doesn't have the overtly laxative effect like raw coconuts, so perhaps some of the enzymatic properties are diminished in the drying process, but that does not necessarily mean its a bad thing...just as how some people will soak or lightly roast nuts to diminish their anti nutrient property.

Coconut fat is one of the most stable of plant based fats and the butter I eat in no way has any hint of being rancid. Lauric acid a main component of coconut fat has a number of documented properties which boost the immune system and support overall healthy fat metabolism. I think I have some degree of physical dependance upon these medium chain fatty acids and experiments of eating more animal fats while cutting out all coconut seem to negatively effect my ability to optimally metabolise fat, though I havent gone into to much depth as to figure out why, because I typically do so well with the current fat ratio combination. 

Lauric acid is also found in large quantities in human breast milk, but since I haven't got a regular free range paleo supply of that, Im not sure about how to obtain quality sources other than coconut.

I would also state that I am really picky about coconuts and don't much like the ones available at the local markets. Every now and then a good shipment will come in and I have made good quality coconut cream in the past, but the cost, labor, and availability has made it so that I cant do it on any regular basis.

I also do not like most of the brands on the market and prefer Artisan Brand over most others. It is low temperature processed, is labeled raw and has a taste which is much fresher than others. All it is is dehydrated and blended coconut, and it taste almost exactly like the homemade coconut butter I made a few years ago, only its much less expensive and time consuming.
Personally, back when I was eating a cooked ketogenic diet, I found coconut butter to be better taste and texture wise than coconut oil. Albeit not as good as of the things I'm eating now and was eating, I would put it on par with regular pasteurized butter. Not really the best, although if you are getting better quality, that could be the reason why yours is better. I am not really convinced eating non-raw coconuts is a good idea (nor would I personally eat coconuts raw myself, as I get acne even from pure coconut fat/oil), although I will agree that it is the most stable plant fat and probably the best plant fat when consumed raw as well.

Regarding lauric acid, all dairy has it, including that of other animals, not just humans. It is interesting that while lauric acid supposedly helps with acne, both coconuts and dairy tend to give me some minor acne (very minor compared to before, but still). Given that humans should probably not be consuming dairy their entire lives, and that the certain plant fats containing lauric acid may not always have been available depending on the environment (and my own personal experience with both coconuts and dairy), I remain unconvinced of the benefits of it, although I am open to the idea that it may help someone, somewhere.

If you think it benefits you, then it might be a good idea, but how much experimenting have you done with it? Have you tried prolonged periods without it and then with it? And if you did, what did you notice?

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Re: Contacting Sv3rige
« Reply #51 on: July 07, 2018, 10:03:28 am »
Yes, I've bought artisan brand myself.

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Re: Contacting Sv3rige
« Reply #52 on: July 07, 2018, 10:23:22 am »
Acne is often a symptom of liver congestion, or some metabolic condition where excess aggravants arent effectively eliminated by the filtration organs and so toxins are excreted through the skin where they can back up in the oil glands and are eaten/broken down by bacteria, sometimes causing pimples to erupt.

Sometimes if the liver cannot break down certain fats and proteins then the excess is flushed out though the skin and causes outbreaks....everyone is built a little differently in this regard and I have very clear skin and no issues with acne, exect for on rare occasions if I get a less than optimal animal I might have a stray pimple or sore lymph node.

Typically there are multiple factors involved in these issues....such as with dairy; it isn't the Lauric acid which causes intolerance, it is the combination of lactose cassine and other proteins that gunk up the works...the good bad and ugly get all mangled up in the body so its difficult to tell which component is actually causing the issue. Bad organ meat, chemical toxicity, stress, antigenic plant proteins, and a whole host of other factors could overload the liver and weaken ones ability to properly utilize elements such as lauric acid.

The point about only human milk being a suitable source for Lauric acid, is a little bit of a tongue in cheek recognition that most animal milks though they contain good medium chain fatty acids, are also full of lactose and proteins which are problematic....while dreaming there just might be paleo pure maiden with nipples of manna that overfloweth. When the mother of my children was producing milk I would take some every now and then without any issue, and she ate horribly. Imagine a purely pasture raised meat feed woman that does not consume any aberrant materials would produce milk with the least amount of antagonistic elements. Of course this is all a conjecture and finding optimal test subjects would be near impossible, not to mention the ethical difficulties involved. So for now I generally disavow most dairy and believe that there are plenty of other less metabolically aggravating ways to obtain the proper balance of fatty acids, protein, and carbs.

I still insist that the Artisana Brand is Raw, and a whole food not any more processed than air dried jerky....and I am convinced I am either  physically or psychologically addicted to it in some way. Its been a while since I have tried to stop but from what I remember.... If I fast from everything there isn't any issue, and I feel just fine, but if I go a couple of days with only meat and fat I will begin to lose my appetite and the fat I eat doesn't seem to digest as well, and my blood sugar seems to drop. Ive experimented with other forms of low glycemic carbs, but after a few days without coconut, any other plant fiber foods tend mess up the microbiome balance, causing bloating and sometimes diarrhea, then as soon as I eat a little coconut everything goes back to being super regular and fine. I came to this diet with a lot of overgrowth issues and digestive insufficiency along with glycemic intolerances and other issues that most people haven't experienced, such as severe chronic viral episodes. Real early into my transition I believed the coconut butter help relieve a number of these symptoms, and worked especially well in curbing yeast overgrowth and the chronic viral outbreaks...I also had a damaged liver and many metabolic anomalies.....during this period of the first few months of my transition into raw paleo I was eating up to half a pound of coconut butted a day, and must of developed an extreme tolerance, reaching a level of adaptability most people would never attempt under other circumstances. Its very possible that I am a freak of nature and my tolerance to absurdly high levels of coconut cannot be replicated in most other people.

Maybe I will try to experiment with a withdrawal sometime in the future, and if I do I will post any noticeable effects.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 12:21:12 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Contacting Sv3rige
« Reply #53 on: July 07, 2018, 10:27:11 am »
Yes, I've bought artisan brand myself.
Its an expensive habit, 10 dollars a jar at the local Co-Op, I now buy it from Amazon by the 8 pound tub
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