Author Topic: How much raw fat do you eat with raw meat for good and fast digestion  (Read 5848 times)

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Offline norawnofun

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I wonder what´s the fat/meat ratio that you have when eating. How much fat do you eat with let´s say a 200g steak in order to have a fast digestion and make things "move". My digestion is too slow and I think I need to increase my fat intake. But how much? For a steak that size, u eat 200g fat? 100, 50? 25? What fat would be best and what could slow things down? I´m thinking of Raw eggs, Suet, Backfat, Marrow, Raw butter, Raw milk, Raw cheese, Avocado, Raw oils..So lets say raw oils or raw butter, 2, 5, 8 tablespoons?

Offline van

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30 grams fat, to 100 grams raw meat. I used to eat too much fat...

Offline norawnofun

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And what kind of fat? And how did u know u ate too much?

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I like bone marrow and back fat, fresh.  The amount was guidance given by Paleomedicina in Hungary.  You can experiment for yourself to see how you feel on various amounts.   If you eat fat all by itself, there will be a stop where you will no longer want to put more in your mouth.  That is one way to see how much your body wants.  Combining it with meat at the same time, that stop won't be there as readily. 

Offline Dingeman

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AV stressed that you need to eat more fat than meat when you are detoxing hard. For example, if I only consume raw meat without any added fat, I get light-headed and slight epilepsy from all the toxins in my blood. The raw fat takes these toxins away but when you simply don't eat enough fat you can't detox all of the toxins. However, as Van said, you gotta experiment yourself to see what fits you best.

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funny, I never saw AV eat animal fat, only very lean meat and chicken.   he liked  to eat honey, so maybe he discovered the glycation as a result of eating honey with fat and stuck with honey. 

Offline norawnofun

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What u mean with he discovered the glycation? I remember he said that honey is good for digestion, so if you don´t have enough fat let´s say at hand, you can swap with honey for better digestion?

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Sorry, a little vague on that post.   Sugar and fat will bind up and become sticky in the bloodstream.  The body has a hard time to dispose of it.  You can read about it.  Also fat in the presence of sugar doesn't get used as energy but becomes placed into cells due to the influence of insulin.   AV had a super fondness of the combination.  One which I wouldn't advise to anyone due to its addictive nature,, just can't get enough.  Of course, he had his 'reasons' why it was 'healthy'.   There really is no food where both the fat content of butter and sugar content of honey is present.  It's a concoction that appeases our old tastes for donuts and cake icing. 
   And what does honey help digest anyway?  Probably more in your head cause your taste buds are temporarily happy.

Offline norawnofun

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The body has a hard time to dispose of it - dispose in terms of detoxing or in terms of digestion (stool)? I know it might be the same thing but still wanna ask.

Basically if i were to eat fat and sugar then I would gain weight, instead of it being used for energy correct? I think that was a reason why he suggested raw milk, cream and honey to gain weight (AV) but that would also make the bloodstream sticky no? Based on that, considering being underweight, what would you suggest to gain weight in a healthy way?

Offline van

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I'm not the one to ask about gaining weight,,,  as I for my life haven't been able to either, other than eating peanut butter sandwiches,,  Rather than try to put on weight, why not try to eat as healthy as you can all the while exercising to put on lean muscle mass.  For that you will need adequate protein and either fat or carbs for fuel. I prefer fat.
   you can learn about glycation on Ron Rosedales web site.   The phenomena where fat and sugar are eaten together and its effect on fat storage as relates to insulin is published in many sites.   

Offline norawnofun

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I´ll check thanks.

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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I eat fat and muscle separately, but daily I'd say about 500-600 grams of muscle, along with 100-200 grams of liver to 200-500 grams of marrow usually. I drink blood, but I don't know how much protein that has. I would say marrow and brain (not as fatty, mostly fat, but contains the largest amount of DHA/EPA other than fish roe) would be the best fat, since they contain the highest amount of micronutrients. Next would be eggs, the yolks are very nutritious and while not as good in specific vitamins/minerals compared to organ meats, they are better overall. Raw muscle and organ fat would then next, and after that probably plant fats. Raw plant fats can still be good as fats, but they lack the micronutrient content which makes things like brain and marrow great (along with other animal fats). The reason why dairy is not included in this list is because a lot of people have problems with it, but if you can tolerate it, it still has a good microunutrient profile.

The fat helps a lot with digestion, and is a great to get calories when your trying to gain weight/muscle.

Offline jibrael

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The fat helps a lot with digestion, and is a great to get calories when your trying to gain weight/muscle.

And how to loose weight on the raw paleo diet?

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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And how to loose weight on the raw paleo diet?
Eat less carbohydrates and less calories, do not eat dairy, do intermittent fasting or fast for longer periods, reduce food palatability so you eat less. Although in general as long as your are not eating high carb and a massive amount of calories, you should be able to lose weight (if you are overweight) eating to satiation. Although that often depends on the person, some very easily gain weight and highly palatable foods make it much easier to gain weight. Nutrient dense foods (such as organ meats) are generally harder to eat much of, and therefore a better option to lose weight while eating enough vitamins/minerals. If you eat a larger amount of carbohydrates in a meal, you should also not eat fat in that same meal.

I would not recommend on losing weight if you are at a stable weight, and instead focus on your natural appetite. Another way to gain muscle and lose fat would be resistance training, although that would increase the amount of calories you would need to eat to build muscle (and protein, vitamins/minerals).

Offline jibrael

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Eat less carbohydrates and less calories, do not eat dairy, do intermittent fasting or fast for longer periods, reduce food palatability so you eat less. Although in general as long as your are not eating high carb and a massive amount of calories, you should be able to lose weight (if you are overweight) eating to satiation. Although that often depends on the person, some very easily gain weight and highly palatable foods make it much easier to gain weight. Nutrient dense foods (such as organ meats) are generally harder to eat much of, and therefore a better option to lose weight while eating enough vitamins/minerals. If you eat a larger amount of carbohydrates in a meal, you should also not eat fat in that same meal.

I would not recommend on losing weight if you are at a stable weight, and instead focus on your natural appetite. Another way to gain muscle and lose fat would be resistance training, although that would increase the amount of calories you would need to eat to build muscle (and protein, vitamins/minerals).


One question: I read one need at least 25 grams of organs per day.
My question is, what is the upper limit of the organs consumption?
And in my case, I have got hands only to high quality hearts (wild). I have no liver, no tongue or kidney etc. I have only wild heart and wild fat.

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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One question: I read one need at least 25 grams of organs per day.
My question is, what is the upper limit of the organs consumption?
And in my case, I have got hands only to high quality hearts (wild). I have no liver, no tongue or kidney etc. I have only wild heart and wild fat.
There is no upper limit on organ consumption. Eat as much as you'd like/can and you will be fine. If you have problems, you reduce the intake/don't eat it. If not, there is no reason to limit it to an arbitrary number. Some people have concerns about the vitamin A content of the liver, but I've never heard about anything bad about any other organ. I also eat liver every day, albeit at a lower volume (100-200 grams).

It's great that you have access to wild game hearts, although hearts are more of a mix between organ meats and muscle meat in terms of nutrition and taste. They have more micronutrients than muscle, but less than some other organs (liver, brain, bone marrow, kidneys, spleen etc...).
Wild fat is very nutritious (in general fat is).


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