Author Topic: Tick triggered red meat allergy Scare  (Read 4481 times)

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Offline sabertooth

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Tick triggered red meat allergy Scare
« on: July 11, 2018, 08:06:44 am »

It seems possible that tick bites could trigger such reactions, but I am fairly sure that there are other factors involved that are not being identified which make these people more susceptible. 
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Re: Tick triggered red meat allergy Scare
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2018, 06:37:33 am »
Probably true. I will still work hard to avoid that tick though. Tick-borne illness is no joke!

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Tick triggered red meat allergy Scare
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2018, 08:56:53 am »
Probably true. I will still work hard to avoid that tick though. Tick-borne illness is no joke!

I dont doubt its a real thing, but I often ponder if the disease carrying ticks are vectors of Gaia's wrath, that only adversely affect those who are for some reason or another more prone to suffer from its venom. Almost everybody in certain geographical regions will get bit by ticks as well as mosquitoes, fleas, and are exposed to various other known infection spreading vehicles and yet there is only a small percentage who actually manifest illness as a result.   

Ticks often harbor multiple parasitic organisms and single bites are capable of inoculating its recipient with more than one agent at a time. I know that I personally carry babesiousis, which is a parasite that hijacks and kills red blood cells causing fatigue , general weakness, and anemia. I had a blood microscope analysis years ago when I was ill, my blood was overloaded with these parasites. To this day I still carry some, but they are order of magnitudes less than they were and no longer make me feel so anemic...though perhaps this contagion contributes in part to my blood thirst.

In any case there is just too much unknown about pathology to be sure about assigning blame to one particular biological agent, and most "pathogenic" microbes do not even culture in the lab, so most testing fails to positively identify the main culprit. While the limited testing technology available often lead investigators on a wild gooses chase that meanders blindly for a while before falling into a rabbit fevered hole of false conclusions and baseless diagnostic generalizations....Words like infection, arthritis, inflammation, metastasis, allergy, tick born illness and whatnot are thrown around with reckless pompous authority, giving assumptive allusions that the foundational reality of these "aberrant" health conditions are at leased apprehended by somebody on some intelligent level of unbiased human understanding. As much as people would like to believe medical technology has delivered us from dark ages ruled by ignorance and superstition, much of what passes for mainstream pathological science is utter balderdash.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 09:05:18 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Tick triggered red meat allergy Scare
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2018, 09:44:47 pm »
"What does not kill you makes you stronger"
I got the red circle many years ago from a tick. I didn't go to the doctor. I've had different kind of symptoms, and it's all so complicated to see the big picture, there are so many variables involved, where the problems might come from, what they are triggered by, what is the cause.
I know that I have become much better, and it is true, I had problem digesting and eating meat, which has become much better since I eat raw meat (I can even eat cooked meat some times and not feel problematic symptoms). But the reason in my case, I am quite sure was partly due to the fact that I had been a vegetarian, vegan and then fruitarian for so many years. But it could in theory also be other reasons, I think the human body is so much more complex than we think.
We somehow need to be exposed to "nature", even the bad parts (to a certain extent).


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