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Offline xEdgexRNx

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In Search of Health
« on: June 14, 2009, 11:29:04 pm »
I am attempting this again.  The first time I tried a drastic diet change with ZC, it didn't go so well.  This time, I am more informed (thank u Lex and Geoff!) and will play around with a few different options, tailoring any suggestions and advice to fit my needs best.

I am currently eating this:
-Raw egg shake:  2 raw eggs + 3/4 small peach + 1 TB CP
-After workout: 3oz sweet potato (no skin) + 4 oz fish + 1TB CO
-Lunch: Stir fry veggies + 2 TB CO + seafood or chicken
-Dinner:  raw carrot + 1 TB CO + chicken/fish/ground
-Optional snack:  egg shake (either with applesauce or peach or just cinnamon) + 1TB CO

I think I may switch it to this:
-Raw egg shake: 2 raw eggs + 1 TB CO + 3/4 small peach (I may phase this out and replace with cinnamon)
-After WO:  1# ground beef, slightly cooked on skillet with 1 TB CO (I might add an egg afterwards to soak up the extra this a good idea?).  I will mix a chopped carrot in with the ground beef, for carrots are known for their toxin-binding benefits.
-Repeat meal above.
-Snack: egg shake (might add a fruit, or just do cinnamon)

This comes down to 3144 cals, 257g fat, 188g pro  [73.5% fat, 24% pro... <3% carbs].  If I take the CO out, it drops to 2664 cals, 201g fat, 188g Pro [68% fat, 28% pro, 4%carbs].  CO is very healing, especially to epithelial tissues, such as the GI tract, and a great detoxifyer...not to mention that it greatly increases my cals, which will help with my wt.  Is this too much fat?

It would probably be a good idea to mix in some chicken liver with my ground beef for the vitamins.  Lex suggested this Pet food from Slankers... I'll probably end up buying that later on.  Does anyone know of a brand that is good to eat from Whole Foods or a pet store instead?  It costs a lot to ship, and IDK how much I'd need.  it'd be more convenient to just go to the store and buy it.  Or, can one live off of just the beef, sans pet food?  I want to ensure that I am getting all my nutrients and am not deficient in any area.

IDK if this amount will satisfy me or not.  I might need to add in some fish or chicken midday, or perhaps an apple or sweet potato or stir fry veggies if I feel I need more carbs. I'm not sure if I ought to go completely ZC.  I also am not sure if I should subsist on ground meat and eggs, or if I should vary it up with chicken and fish too. 

Does this proposed plan look good and balanced?  What ought to be tweaked?  Or is my current diet ok?

Thanks for the help!

BTW:  my reasons for changing my WOE---I have severe GI problems (malabsorption, maldigestion, bloating, gas, pain, cramps, food intolerances, IBS and possibly IBD, polyps, ulcers.... basically, if things aren't fixed soon, I may need to have surgery and ultimately a colostomy.  I'm scared and I don't want that whatsoever!  I also have hormonal imbalances with my thyroid, adrenals, etc, as well as having problems gaining wt.  I was vegan for the majority of my life, and rarely ate red meat before becoming vegan.  Yes, I have a HX of an ED, but I'm past that.  Problem is, I cannot get healthy b/c of the consequences that the ED caused.  I'm hoping that doing a drastic change will improve my condition, for I've tried and done everything, followed countless advice, and all it's done is get me sicker.  I've gone extreme in one way with the veganism.... perhaps in order for my body to heal, I need to go to the OTHER extreme.

I am currently taking Nutri-Med's dessicated thyroid supplement... Just started a few days ago.  So far, my temps continue to drop.  Urgh

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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 01:25:41 am »
Thats some serious calculator work! I used to weigh my fat and meat when I first started because I didn't know what feeling full was like on RAF only what it felt like on carbs. I also felt like I was too skinny. Now I just go by looking and I'm used to being slim and not having swollen organs.

Why so planned? What happens to that 1/4 of the peach you don't eat?

The 'general' consensus here is that CO is not that great especially compared to animal fat.

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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 01:35:34 am »
LOL... it's not hard to add up.

That's my problem too... not knowing exactly what "full" feels like.  U are right---"full" feels different on carbs compared to meat.  Any suggestions on how to differentiate?

I'm underweight, so I need to gain.  I don't like to weigh myself, but I would like to put on about 10 pounds (muscle, please! lol).

Swollen organs?  What do u mean by this?  Yikes.

As for the 1/4 of the peach... I just use 3 peach slices.  Four tends to be too much.  IDK, lol.

I love CO. I probably use too much.  I do know that it is metabolically stimulating and helps with thyroid problems (as well as to heal tissue and detoxify).  I need those benefits of the CO, so I will probably continue to use it.... but maybe not in such high amts.

Does the "new" plan look good?  What should be tweaked?


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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2009, 05:06:44 am »
I never got rid of the symptoms of my major malfunction until I went totally raw zero carb, except for the organic fair trade Colombian.
Hint: very dry ground beef (pure jerky) goes down best, but if I forget animal fat it gives me a headache next morning.

Offline lex_rooker

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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2009, 05:24:35 am »
That's my problem too... not knowing exactly what "full" feels like.  U are right---"full" feels different on carbs compared to meat.  Any suggestions on how to differentiate?

THis is easy.  Eat red grass-fed meat and fat until you just don't want any more. Then you are full.  When eating more red grass-fed meat sounds good then you are hungry again.  It's time to eat more red grass-fed meat until you don't want any more and you are then again full.  Repeat this cycle over and over.  

I'm underweight, so I need to gain.  I don't like to weigh myself, but I would like to put on about 10 pounds (muscle, please! lol).

It will take your body time to adapt to a major diet change of any type and you may have a short term weight loss in the process.  Over the long term, (months and years), you will gain weight and it will stabilize at the proper level for your body type - assuming of course that you eat the correct foods.

As for the 1/4 of the peach... I just use 3 peach slices.  Four tends to be too much.  IDK, lol.

1/4 peach is fine as is a whole peach.  Just don't over do the the fruit.  I found one piece of fruit (about 1 cup) per day worked well.  The only problem most people have with eating fruit is it is like potato chips - it's hard to eat just one!

I love CO. I probably use too much.  I do know that it is metabolically stimulating and helps with thyroid problems (as well as to heal tissue and detoxify).  I need those benefits of the CO, so I will probably continue to use it.... but maybe not in such high amts.

What makes you believe that this junk is helping with thyroid problems, healing tissue, or detoxifying (whatever that means).  CO is not food for humans, though there are a few on this forum that believe as you do that it is some miracle elixir.  The interesting thing is that almost all of them say it helps with their various problems, but they still have the problems!  My health improved when I got rid of CO and started eating a better diet.  Overtime with proper diet the problems that I thought CO was helping went away.  I now firmly believe that CO causes or just masks the problems, it does nothing to solve the root cause of the problems.  If you wish to continue taking the stuff it is up to you, but don't expect your health to improve.  After all, you're taking it now and it hasn't given you the robust health you are looking for or you wouldn't be here - right?



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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2009, 05:37:55 am »
Drop the Coconut Oil.
Drop the Coconut Oil.

Try Mono Diet
One food at a meal only.

Drop the shakes.
Drop the shakes.

It's not just what you eat... it's what you can digest.
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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2009, 10:45:00 am »
Yeah, i get ur point re CO.  It's supposed to help with all the areas I mentioned above, as well as skin issues.  However, when I used it in place of my body lotion, I broke out in a major rash and acne over my arms and legs.  My face is also horribly broken out despite ceasing using it on my face.  I thought this was all a detox reaction, but perhaps it's not----perhaps u guys are right and it's not beneficial and is causing me problems instead.

I guess I'll try cutting it out and see if my skin improves.  Thanks for the advice on that!  Sometimes it's hard to tell whats a "detox" and whats just a reaction.

I agree.... fruits are addicting!  it sure is hard to stick to one. 

I'll try the mono eating as well.  Sounds kinda boring, but it makes sense, digestive-wise.

My problem right now is constipation.  I havent gone in 3 days and I generally go every day.  I'm hoping this will pass soon, cuz it's starting to worry me.  Luckily, I'm not gassy, but I am starting to get bloated and I just feel yuck.

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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2009, 11:20:11 am »
OK, so here is a new plan that was suggested to me by another member.

-1 fruit or small salad per day, eaten alone either in the AM or midday

-2# of GF ground beef mixed with 1/4# Slanker's dog and cat food (organs).  Divide this up as needed thru-out the day.

My questions are:
-I workout in the AM, so what would be a good thing to snack on before working out--- a small amt of the beef mix or the fruit?

-Will this provide me with enuf cals and nutrients?

-How in the world do u get rid of the constipation!  Holy crap (or lack of, lol)

-How do u deal with the monotomy of the diet?  I'm afraid I'll lose desire to eat (I've never been a red meat person.... more into eggs, fish, and poultry).

-Don't Paleo diets allow for more variety of meats and include more fruits/veggies?  I own the Paleo Diet book and the diet they suggest is much different.

I'm not trying to be difficult or cause any hard feelings... just trying to understand this and get some feedback. 

Also, since I dont have access to GF beef right now, if the beef from Whole Foods ok?  (Grass-fed until the last 100 days). 

Does anyone know of a store-bought pet food similar to Slankers?  It's expensive to order online!


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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2009, 11:39:58 am »
My experience with constipation is it is solved with hydration and fat.

For example, eat a lot of fresh watermelon, then eat a lot of animal fat in your next meal.

If you think you have an emergency case of constipation - 3 days is an emergency, non-paleo measures are available like colosan, or oxypowder, lower bowel balance capsules, other herbal colon cleansers. 

You could learn to do warm water enemas.

In our country we have dr. tam's miracle tea.

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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2009, 11:47:58 am »
Is 3 days too long to go without a BM?  I think it's due to lack of fiber... I used to go every AM when I ate more, I'm getting hardly any fiber and am bound up. 

I eat a lot of fat and drink water!

I had to do a Miralax cleanse earlier in the week b/c I went over 4 days without a BM.  It's as if my peristalsis is stalling!  Has anyone else had this problem when transitioning?

Is Senna Tea recommended?  Prune juice?  Mineral Oil?

Also, if you could comment on the other questions I posted in my previous post, I'd really appreciate it!

PS-why do paleos frown on eggs?  :-(


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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2009, 01:55:08 pm »

Is 3 days too long to go without a BM?  I think it's due to lack of fiber... I used to go every AM when I ate more, I'm getting hardly any fiber and am bound up. 

Not really. Meat & fat is supposed to be about 98% digested, so there just isn't much waste to excrete. 3 to 5 days is common.

Is Senna Tea recommended?  Prune juice?  Mineral Oil?

Nope. the Joy of Raw is that even I can remember what to eat, and my kitchen is clean. Raw beef contains everything we need except fat - maybe some occasional innards.

PS-why do paleos frown on eggs?  :-(

"You are what you eat", well so are chickens, and people don't approve of what they are fed, also in paleolithic times they were only available seasonally.

If you wait to eat 'til you are hungry, it doesn't seem monotonous.


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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2009, 03:58:25 pm »
Working out on an empty stomach is the best you can do!
Your hunger will dict you  the amount of meat and fat you need to eat. Don't bother about cals and nutrient, as long as you eat healthy animals, you'll get all what you need and solve your constipation !
If you wait until you are really hungry, you will enjoy your mono-meal.

OK, so here is a new plan that was suggested to me by another member.

-1 fruit or small salad per day, eaten alone either in the AM or midday

-2# of GF ground beef mixed with 1/4# Slanker's dog and cat food (organs).  Divide this up as needed thru-out the day.

My questions are:
-I workout in the AM, so what would be a good thing to snack on before working out--- a small amt of the beef mix or the fruit?

-Will this provide me with enuf cals and nutrients?

-How in the world do u get rid of the constipation!  Holy crap (or lack of, lol)

-How do u deal with the monotomy of the diet?  I'm afraid I'll lose desire to eat (I've never been a red meat person.... more into eggs, fish, and poultry).

-Don't Paleo diets allow for more variety of meats and include more fruits/veggies?  I own the Paleo Diet book and the diet they suggest is much different.

I'm not trying to be difficult or cause any hard feelings... just trying to understand this and get some feedback. 

Also, since I dont have access to GF beef right now, if the beef from Whole Foods ok?  (Grass-fed until the last 100 days). 

Does anyone know of a store-bought pet food similar to Slankers?  It's expensive to order online!


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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2009, 04:52:54 am »
Is 3 days too long to go without a BM?  I think it's due to lack of fiber... I used to go every AM when I ate more, I'm getting hardly any fiber and am bound up. 

When transitioning to a meat and fat based diet the food is digested much better and there is little waste.  Also, there is little nutrition left to support large colonies of bacteria.  The result is that the total amount of fecal material drops dramatically (probably less than 1/3).  Your bowels have been stretched out and trained over many many years to accomodate this large amount of bulk before triggering a BM.

When you switch to a meat and fat based diet two things happen. 
1) the amount of waste material drops so it may now take several days for your colon to "fill up" enough to trigger a BM.  If the new amount of waste is 1/4 to 1/3 of the old amount, then it will take 3 to 4 days for this to happen.  As time goes on the musclular walls of the colon will strengthen and contract and BMs will become more frequent with much smaller volume.  This strengthening and toning is gradual and happens over many months.  In my case it was over 3 years before I started having almost daily BMs of very small volume.

2) If you are eating a diet heavy in carbs you have a very large load of bacteria in your colon feeding off the "fiber" and cellulose that your body can't digest.  The colony of carb eating bacteria in people eating a high carb diet is so large that often 80% of the bulk of their BMs is composed entirely of these bacteria - not waste food.  These bacteria are very small and will compact together into very hard, (like plaster) stools causing constipation.  To push then through you need rough fiber that these bacteria can't digest and gives the colon walls something to act on.  But it often still requires some straining to evauate.

Also, as you remove excessive carbs from your diet, the bacteria in your colon will no longer have food so they will start to die off.  Dying bacteria (like any other dying tissue) create toxins that can be absorbed  through the colon walls causing some temporary discomfort.  Over a couple of weeks most of the die-off will be completed and you'll begin to feel much better than before.  These carb loving bacteria will be repalced by a very much smaller colony of purtefactive bacteria that will digest and handle the very small amount of meat residue that makes it to the colon.  In a carnivore, less than 10% of their fecal volume is bacteria.  This transition is what you are trying to achieve.

I eat a lot of fat and drink water!

The type of fat you eat is critical.  It must be saturated animal fat.  If you are counting vegetable oils like coconut oil as fat (which technically it is) this will not solve the constipation problem but contribute to it.  Stay away from unsaturated plant fats and oils.  They are very bad for you. 

Water?  Wonderful, keep it up.

I had to do a Miralax cleanse earlier in the week b/c I went over 4 days without a BM.  It's as if my peristalsis is stalling!  Has anyone else had this problem when transitioning?

As noted above, constipation alternating with loose bowels is normal as you transition.  It has to do with the changeover in colon bacteria and starting to strengthen the smooth muscles of the colon walls.  This will take time but after a few weeks you should be doing fine.

Remember that constipation is not the number of days you don't go.  The question is, are you feeling stuffed or constipated or you just haven't had a BM and it worries you.  Also, when you do go, is the evacuation easy or do you have to push hard.  If it is easy, then the issue is one of just filling up your extended and strected colon until a BM is triggered - no problem your doing fine and this is expected.  If you must strain and push hard to evacuate, then that is a sign of true constipation and a shallow enema may be in order to loosen things up a bit.

Quote from: xEdgexRNx link=
topic=1286.msg13042#msg13042 date=1245037678
Is Senna Tea recommended?  Prune juice?  Mineral Oil?

These types of things (with the exception of prune juice) are irritants and I would never take them. They do more harm than good.  You want to stop training your bowels to be dependent on these artifical stimulents to work and instead work normally on their own.   Prune Juice would take up your fruit/salad ration for the day so I personally wouldn't want to do that too often either (I'd much prefer eating a cup of cherries, a peach, an apple or even a couple of small fresh prunes rather than be stuck drinking prune juice as a laxitive). 

What I did was take a shallow (lower colon only- 2 or 3 cups of water) warm water-only enema just to loosen the packed stuff so that it would evacuate.  I think I needed to do this a total of 3 or 4 times over about as many weeks when I first started and then I never had to do it again.  I only did it when I felt discomfort from constipation, not just because I hadn't had a BM for 3 days.  My BMs then varied and I often went up to 4 days but never felt constipated.  When I did go, it was very easy with little or no pushing necessary to completely evacuate.  It just took 3 to 4 days for my colon to fill up to the point where it would trigger a BM.  Afte 4 years, I now often have a very small BM every day or two.

why do paleos frown on eggs?  :-(

Not all paleos frown on eggs.  Some swear by them, I swear at them.  The whites of eggs are not well digested and have significant anti-nutrient properties.  From a paleo standpoint, eggs would only have been available on a very seasonal basis (early spring).  Most wild eggs are small, about the size of your thumb.  They develop rapidly and within a week of being laid, they are well on their way to becoming small birds.  In other words, large chicken eggs with beautiful golden yellow yolks would be very rare indeed.  To think that consuming several of our modern, undeveloped, chicken eggs every day is anything like what our paleo ancestors would have done is pure wishfull thinking.  Running across a nest and eating 2 or 3 eggs containing half formed chicks would be far more accurate, and this would only happen during a few week period in the early spring.  I do eat egss, but only once or twice a year at most.  When I do eat them I eat them lightly scrambled with lots and lots of fat - about 1 tablespoon (or more) of rendered saturated animal fat per egg.  My eggs are litterally swimming in melted fat.

I suggest you consider eggs as a special treat to be eaten only on occasion - maybe once every couple of months.  Your body will thank you for your restraint.


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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2009, 08:05:06 am »
  Hey Lex,  that was most generous of you to take the time to have written such a detailed and helpful response.  Nice job!

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Re: In Search of Health
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2010, 05:17:31 pm »
How are you doing now nurse?

These types of things (with the exception of prune juice) are irritants and I would never take them. They do more harm than good.  You want to stop training your bowels to be dependent on these artifical stimulents to work and instead work normally on their own.   Prune Juice would take up your fruit/salad ration for the day so I personally wouldn't want to do that too often either (I'd much prefer eating a cup of cherries, a peach, an apple or even a couple of small fresh prunes rather than be stuck drinking prune juice as a laxitive).  

What I did was take a shallow (lower colon only- 2 or 3 cups of water) warm water-only enema just to loosen the packed stuff so that it would evacuate.  I think I needed to do this a total of 3 or 4 times over about as many weeks when I first started and then I never had to do it again.  I only did it when I felt discomfort from constipation, not just because I hadn't had a BM for 3 days.  My BMs then varied and I often went up to 4 days but never felt constipated.  When I did go, it was very easy with little or no pushing necessary to completely evacuate.  It just took 3 to 4 days for my colon to fill up to the point where it would trigger a BM.  Afte 4 years, I now often have a very small BM every day or two.

Not all paleos frown on eggs.  

    Prunes have messed me up, using them for bowels.  At least they triggered problems.

    A blended green non-sweet salad has worked to help me evacuate impossible stuff.  Raw eggs have worked for me, to get bowels going.  Green juices have done so too.  I think what works best for my bowels, believe it or not, is using my mind for planning and problem solving.  There are so many raw natural grain-free ways to help the problem
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