Author Topic: Palmistry: Changing of your palm lines due to Raw Paleo diet?  (Read 7330 times)

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Offline jibrael

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Palmistry: Changing of your palm lines due to Raw Paleo diet?
« on: September 28, 2018, 06:22:16 pm »
Have you noticed any change in your palm lines due to Raw Paleo diet?

I am not talking only about health line, but in General about whole changes in Palm lines and Palm structure.

Offline surfsteve

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Re: Palmistry: Changing of your palm lines due to Raw Paleo diet?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2018, 10:46:14 pm »
Palm lines are pseudoscience and more likely only a coincidence from having longer lines due to being more limber and folding your hands more from using them. My mentally ill next door neighbor boasts of having long lifelines but he also believes he is a super genius and talks directly to Donald Trump, giving him advise when it's only someone using it as a screen name. I've considered using the name myself and pranking him for a laugh but I'm not that kind of guy...

Offline jibrael

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Re: Palmistry: Changing of your palm lines due to Raw Paleo diet?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2018, 03:14:17 am »
Palm lines are pseudoscience and more likely only a coincidence from having longer lines due to being more limber and folding your hands more from using them. My mentally ill next door neighbor boasts of having long lifelines but he also believes he is a super genius and talks directly to Donald Trump, giving him advise when it's only someone using it as a screen name. I've considered using the name myself and pranking him for a laugh but I'm not that kind of guy...

I also don't believe in Spiritual people telling about the FUTURE through palmistry.

But I am of FIRM opinion that one could still find a lot of things while observing the palm.

It is just like one could look at the healthy hairs or healthy skin or healthy smile  and can tell this person is healthy, similarly,  one could tell a lot of thing using the palm.

Same thing is about the tongue. Chinese ancient doctors are able to see lot of symptoms through the shape and colour of the tongue.


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