Author Topic: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?  (Read 4349 times)

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Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« on: October 22, 2018, 02:11:10 am »
Having been nearly raw only since January, I have been exclusively raw now for 4 months.

As with when I ate aged cooked meats, when I eat aged raw meat, I tend to be mildly itchy in a few areas (neck, mid section) overnight. I don't notice any itchiness at time of consumption or in waking hours after eating. This only happens when I eat meat that has been aged for a few weeks. It's frustrating as I very much want to try very long aged meat. I also sometimes notice it with marrow that is 2 weeks aged.

When I eat lamb or beef that is less than a week old, I have no issues at all!

I understand the folks at PaleoMedicina in Hungary would theorize I have a leaky gut that needs to heal as it is permitting for particles into my bloodstream, perhaps causing this reaction. I have been eating only animal foods for over a year, and this is still an issue.

Does anyone here have any insights?

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Re: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 03:32:11 am »
I assume it´s because aged or cured foods such as aged meats are high in histamine. And when you have a leaky gut then high histamine foods can be an issue.

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Re: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2018, 04:49:02 am »
If that's the case, as I have read elsewhere, any ideas as to how long until such a condition is resolved?

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Re: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2018, 01:58:33 am »
I think that vastly depends on the person, what you eat, how fast you can heal, how well ur lymphatic system works, how "damaged" you are and so forth. Impossible to say exactly, but I think a couple of months, to half a year to a year for sure. Mine was pretty bad could only eat 2 types of meat and I think 6 types of veggies, my gut was so fdk, but things are going uphill since on carnivore, but I still need to find certain answers. Once you have all that in place it will go much faster.

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Re: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2018, 03:24:59 am »
to add to the list: over eating, especially meat/protein, eating when not hungry, truly hungry, eating before going to bed, not exercising enough to stimulate adequate hunger, eating rancid or oxidized fats, drinking too much water with meals, or anything that will cause incomplete digestion which would then irritate intestinal linings. 

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Re: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2018, 10:44:13 am »
Thanks. I most certainly do not do any of those things. I eat no more than 675g a day, mostly fat,  exercise actively, all raw, never drink with meals and rarely drink more than 500ml a day.

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Re: Adverse reaction to *aged* meats but not fresh, why?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2018, 11:23:50 am »
good, then with patience, see if your condition betters.  In the end we all have to truthfully determine if what we do works for us.  So easy to want to believe...


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