Author Topic: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy  (Read 12752 times)

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Offline norawnofun

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Until what age should a baby be breastfed if the mother does not eat a clean (cooked foods, carbs and sweets) diet? Not talking about a SAD diet but not an ideal one. Is it better to let the baby drink exclusively breastmilk for a year or longer, considering mums 'unideal' diet, or is it better to stop breastfeeding, at let´s say 6 months, and then introduce some raw foods to the baby step by step, in order to 'cut' out mums possibly harmful food choices, but still breastfeed from time to time. The question is what´s the lesser evil? Being fed by a monther on an 'unideal' diet but fed longer on breastmilk, or being breastfed only for 6 month but then give the baby more nutritious raw food.

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2018, 10:55:25 pm »
Even if the mother is on a cooked food diet, then the infant should be breastfed for as long as possible. HG women tend to breastfeed their babies until they are 2 years old, though, admittedly, part of the reason for that is that breastfeeding has a 98% contraceptive effect. Basically, mother's milk adapts to the needs of the baby, constantly being altered in composition, and contains valuable nutrients such as colostrum etc., which the baby needs. The only reason for not breastfeeding would be a diet consisting only of extremely processed junk food such as McDonald's or if the mother smokes or drinks heavily, imo. Err, perhaps we need a female perspective on this issue!...
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Offline norawnofun

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2018, 04:23:07 am »
what are HG women?

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2018, 12:33:02 pm »
HG- is hunter gatherer mothers that live off of the land.

Even mothers who eat junk can benefit their children with breastfeeding, especially considering most formula is basically corn syrup with, GMO dairy, and a bunch of synthetic chemicals that are called vitamins. Even breast milk from processed food fed mothers can be generally more beneficial than formula....after a certain age the digestive tract matures enough that its possible to put together an extremely good quality formula with blended with raw dairy and other raw animal foods.

Its also relevant to mention that the breast milk is formulated in order to prime the offsprings system in a way that makes it most tolerant to the environment. Certain immune factors and protective measures are passed through the breast milk, so that mothers consuming highly antigenic foods can through their breast milk help their offspring become more tolerant to those same foods. Through weaning process, mammals typically slowly transition into eating the same foods available to their parents.....the problem now days is that through commercialism the entire process of maternal breast feeding inoculation is royally messed up because most children are weaned on the most offal processed baby food that isn't anything close to what the maternal antibodies have been designed to facilitate optimal adaptation. Human babies no longer are weaned on the same foods that were used to produce the placenta or breast milk which nourished them through the early stages, and many suffer from not being able to properly transition into tolerating the swill that passes for toddler food in many parts of the civilized world!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 12:45:24 pm by sabertooth »
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Offline norawnofun

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2018, 05:26:38 am »
I couldn´t agree more with you when it comes to formula. The question for me would be though, if the mother eats a certain type of food, and the baby shows clear signs that it has an issue with that food, is that digestive distress normal since the digestive tract hasn´t fully matured yet, and will it subside once the baby has grown up, or is that a sign that the mother should not touch this food because it could harm the babys future digestive development? In worst case develop a food allergy against it.

That is also the reason why I had started this thread. Because if the baby shows these food sensitivities to certain types of foods, not talking about junk foods but random foods such as dairy, pumpkin, chicken, tomatoes, even if organic, and the mother would not want to stop eating these foods, would it then not be better to start the child partly on solid foods, after let´s say half a year, in order to stop the baby´s suffering since the mother wants to continue eating these problematic foods? Unless of course these food sensitivities are totally normal and will subside after lets say half a year, in that case it would make sense to continue breastfeeding until 1-2 years.

It also bears the question if one should introduce foods such as gluten, grains and processed sugars from time to time, so the baby might not have an issue digesting these when growing up? Because the concern could be that if you cut out all the bad foods, and the child develops, it will for sure have contact with these bad foods sometimes, so it should then not have a huge sensitivity when eating them. Basically prepare the gut for the worst what might come, because you are never able to fully control what a child will eat when growing up.

As far as I know it also can depend on the mother what food choices the baby will make later on in life. If let´s say the mother ate a lot of cheese during certain times of pregnancy, and even in the first year/s, the baby will favour those foods when it grows up. What do you think about that?

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2024, 03:26:12 pm »
I'd also like to know the answers to all these questions, too.. I have a nearly 9 month old baby
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2024, 11:16:22 pm »
There is no problem with breastfeeding for too long. Many cultures won’t wean until past 3. There is a consensus of around two years to be optimal. My girlfriend wasn’t weaned until 4 years old and she has the best overall health of anyone I have known.
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Offline Wolf

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2024, 07:40:39 am »
Even if the mother's diet isn't ideal?  I don't eat a raw food diet and I eat junk food sometimes.  But I do my best to make sure my baby doesn't eat anything processed or junk like that.  However I still breastfeed her and I worry that the junk food in my diet might affect her.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2024, 06:56:02 am »
There are multiple factors to consider; if you are able to obtain the optimal ingredients for home made raw dairy formula like recommended by AV, then weaning off breast milk earlier would be an option.

Even if your diet isn’t optimal, the alternatives to breast milk are usually not either. If you could wean the baby onto healthier foods than you regularly eat then weaning earlier makes sense. Much of it depends on how you plan on feeding the baby.

Your breast milk, even if not produced from an ideal diet, will still help the child to adapt to a world in which very few people live that idealistic lifestyle. So a combination of your breast milk with quality raw foods until around age three would be a good compromise.
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Offline Wolf

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Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2024, 12:52:33 pm »
It wouldn't be easy to get the ingredients for high quality formula replacement, but also my baby doesn't really know how to drink from a bottle anymore either lol.  Also my husband and family would never let me feed her raw milk or raw liver or raw meat out of fear for food poisoning and stuff.  Best I can do is a soft boiled runny egg yolks from our backyard chickens and I'll lightly sear my grass-fed steaks and feed her the interior red part.  My husband won't let me feed her sushi(sashimi) or raw milk. 
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.


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