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Offline Gatsuri

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Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« on: December 12, 2018, 03:14:03 am »

I can follow AV a bit on what he says on water, when I drink mineral water it does not fully satisfy thirst and thirst quickly returns.. when I eat some raw yolks with honey for example it hydrates much better.

My question is if the vegetable juices (cucumber, celery, zucchini, etc.) AV recommends satisfy your thirst better than mineral water ? I have not been able to try the vegetable juices yet.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2018, 03:49:10 am »
yes cucumber and tomatoe are the best and blood is even better.

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2018, 04:47:26 am »
Definitely going to try it when I get some kind of mixer/ juicer, any nightshade issues with the tomato ? I see AV recommends it a lot in his book

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2018, 05:29:19 am »
Vegetable juices are one of the recommendations of Aajonus that I don't follow, it's simply too much hassle and cost to juice veggies all the time for hydration in my opinion. What I do is drink whole eggs (white and yolk- up to a dozen a day when I have enough), and sometimes raw whey when available but more usually lemon with water, or fruits like pineapple/avocado/banana mashed in a bowl with some water and drink that. I've found I use very little water on a RPD, especially when I have sufficient raw eggs.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 05:48:53 am by madnomad »

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2018, 06:07:08 am »
Raw veggie juice is recommended against by RVAFers, generally. Many RVAFers have complained of nutritional deficiencies after consuming raw veggie juice too often. It is said that more than 1 pint of raw veggie juice a day is a real no-no. The idea is that juicing raw vegetables not only breaks up the cell-walls of the plant , releasing lots more nutrients, but it also leads to the release of a lot more antinutrients  as well, resulting in awful health-problems if one overdoes the veggie-juice consumption in the long-term. I recently purchased a single auger juicer after confirming that it was a lot easier to clean than other juicers(and cheap enough!), but I do not use it much. When I do, I use it mainly for juicing fruit and for the occasional herb like ginger or parsnip or radish. Technically not really palaeo, as juicing fruit involves too much of a sugar-rush and involved processing so is not genuinely 100% raw/unprocessed, but it means I can carry around the juice in a mineral water bottle when with other non-RVAFers. My  juicer is not centrifugal, so the juice apparently does not deteriorate as fast as such lesser juicers.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 05:22:49 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2018, 08:49:48 am »
I have serious confusion over those who claim drinking water doesn't hydrate.  3Vsrge, or however you write it, goes so far as to say animals don't drink water.  And this is from a guy who shows himself in nature quite often.  I have no idea as to why he would say such a preposterous thing. I could show him videos all day long where animals in the wild are drinking from water holes, streams, lakes etc.. 
    My guess is that he took that belief from AV.  And so the story continues...   My guess is those deriving hydration ( and I point this out to suggest more introspection ) or suspected hydration from egg yolks and honey are mainly getting a little instant energy from the honey and feelin alright again, as Henricks would say.  Not that juices don't hydrate, I have lived off of them during 30 plus days fasts, but again, as Tyler mentions, you're getting a sugar rush.  And sugar rushes just like taking an Advil can make you feel really good.
    When you juice you have No way of knowing how much of that particular veg or fruit you're body really needs, as there is No time for a stop to occur and signal you that you've had enough.  Thus, you are constantly trying to mentally figure it out,, 'is it one carrot and one zucchini and three pieces of apple,, or is two carrots and one apple.....
    The idea of getting someone to think that water doesn't hydrate, and then to follow some recipe, in my opinion, is another way of getting someone to jump on your hype train.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2018, 09:45:25 am »
The only time nutritional deficiencies would happen is if they are NOT following the recipe for living without disease.
sv3rige never said that about water... he says there are instances where animals do not drink water and survive in certain areas without sources of water for long periods of time. Secondly you can see him drinking spring water in nature in many videos.
Honey does indeed hydrate in conjunction with liquid because of the fructose which the brain runs off of.

As ajanous stated any sugar in bland veg or fruit specifically cucumber and celery is glucose NEGATIVE, you do not get sugar a high of any kind period after consuming cucumber or celery juice, that just tells me you never had it to be saying that.
Ajanous clearly says to never go above 10 percent if juicing fruit or tubers because those DO have high amounts of sugar.
The only things you should be juicing is mainly celery, cucumber, tomato and occasionally zucchini if you feel like it.
you are over complicating this immensely.

The objective reality is that once you understand the basic principles ajanous uses in the recipe for living without disease and know what to juice to not get hit by anti nutrients it should not even have to be said that it is incredibly helpful in the absence of blood, it should be known on this forum already.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 10:37:03 am by PaganGoy »

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2018, 10:39:19 am »
Tomato only becomes a problem when it is cooked whereby it causes issues especially rosacea in the face from the body unable to get rid of its properties.  Raw is more than fine.

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2018, 11:21:08 am »
The only time nutritional deficiencies would happen is if they are NOT following the recipe for living without disease.
sv3rige never said that about water... he says there are instances where animals do not drink water and survive in certain areas without sources of water for long periods of time. Secondly you can see him drinking spring water in nature in many videos.
Honey does indeed hydrate in conjunction with liquid because of the fructose which the brain runs off of.

As ajanous stated any sugar in bland veg or fruit specifically cucumber and celery is glucose NEGATIVE, you do not get sugar a high of any kind period after consuming cucumber or celery juice, that just tells me you never had it to be saying that.
Ajanous clearly says to never go above 10 percent if juicing fruit or tubers because those DO have high amounts of sugar.
The only things you should be juicing is mainly celery, cucumber, tomato and occasionally zucchini if you feel like it.
you are over complicating this immensely.

The objective reality is that once you understand the basic principles ajanous uses in the recipe for living without disease and know what to juice to not get hit by anti nutrients it should not even have to be said that it is incredibly helpful in the absence of blood, it should be known on this forum already.

First, sv3irge, did say that.  It would take me hours to find the video.  One of the reasons I stopped watching him.

I agree, celery cucumber,  zuchinni have low sugar content.  But, most don't stop there, as evidenced by sv3, as he added quite a good amount of oranges.  Talk about anti nutrients, do your homework on the anti nutrients within celery. 

 The brain does not run on Fructose. 

 Again, I feel like a hall monitor here.  I simply don't want newbies to come away 'believing' that they have to juice to avoid dehydration, that they can't hydrate with water.  Do you actually think for a second that primal man had access to juicers or even the plants to juice?
I'm Not overcomplicating it, anyone who prescribes one to go to the extent of juicing is the culprit.  Another example of how AV makes these things up to get people to believe he has some special knowledge, may be passed down by the coyotes/wolves that brought him the dead animal in the middle of the night.
    AV does have some valid information. One just has to sift through it, and not take everything as the final word. 
  Sorry, I'll keep up the monitoring as long as i'm around.  Seen too many led astray.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2018, 11:56:00 am »
the brain using fructose/glucose as a source of energy outside of fat and cholesterol.

If you want to jump to conclusion and think talking about the (apparently little known on this forum) fundamentals of juicing in the primal diet is "prescribing" juicing to someone when they THEMSELVES are interested in it then go ahead and think that way.

The primal diet is not always just about what is found in the context nature, its about doing the best we can with what we have access to and exploring dietary additions or solutions within the context of a raw animal products diet that can be advantageous to those that choose to consume it.
You yourself have said you don't understand (are confused) the concept behind juicing in the first place.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 12:43:00 pm by PaganGoy »

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2018, 12:50:32 pm »
You're twisting my words.  I said I'm confused why someone would say we can't hydrate by drinking water.   I went on to say it is preposterous!   That is all I am focusing on here.  To prevent readers from believing they need to start drinking blood or begin juicing to stay hydrated. 

  Interesting find on the brain and it's ability to convert Some glucose to Fructose.  The Primary fuel for most sugar-fueled bodies is still glucose.

   I am not opposed to using other than original means for preparing food.  I only pointed out that man has hydrated himself for countless ages without juicing.  A man dying of thirst will rehydrate by drinking water. 
    I think my point should be clear now.

   Juice if you want to.  And, or, have a glass of water. 

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2018, 01:04:57 pm »
@ van
No one is really saying water can't hydrate just that it hydrates far less, hence the blood and juicing.
Reminds me of a conversation I had with my holistic nutrition fundamentals teacher who asserted he feels fine with his meat cooked.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 01:33:45 pm by PaganGoy »

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2018, 05:47:40 pm »
The only time nutritional deficiencies would happen is if they are NOT following the recipe for living without disease.

  *sigh*, talking to a religious zealot is a waste of time but I'll try again , but no more. I have read both of AV's books. They are full of nonsense. For example, he borrows from the Bible  as regards his being fed raw  meat by wild coyotes after 40 days of fasting in the wilderness(remember Jesus' 40 days and 40 nights of fasting in the Bible?). Then there are all the absurd, rigid recipes he prescribes for various health-problems, which are also laughable. I mean, even people with the same exact health-problems will often need entirely different health-regimes or entirely different raw foods in order to regain their health.This is because everybody is different as regards their experiences, immune-systems, DNA etc. etc. So an instinctive-based approach based on  learning from and adapting to one's own personal past health-problems etc. works best in the long run.

Like most RVAFers, I started switching from 1 RVAF diet guru to another, when I first got started. But I was wise enough to recognise that it is physically impossible for any one human to be 100%(or even close to 100%) right in everything - whether that is a guru or oneself. If any human being were 100% correct, they would have to be a god, by definition. So, the best approach is to borrow ideas from all the various RVAF diet gurus(and even some non-food-related ideas from other gurus), and then check what other average RVAFers have experienced as well, to see if it chimes with your own.

What I said re many Primal Dieters experiencing long-term health-problems after drinking raw veggie-juice on a regular basis is correct. Now, whether it is a question of increased antinutrients or not, is beside the point.At any rate, I was lucky in that I found that I got diarrhea soon after trying raw veggie juice in my 3rd year of going RVAF. That put me off.Incidentally, the more unpleasant a raw vegetable tastes when solid, the more antinutrients there are in the veg.The plant does not want itself to be eaten, so it  inserts antinutrients in itself except for any fruits so as to deter animals from eating it. So much so, that herbivores like deer like to move on to other plants as the plants they eat release more noxious substances to deter them from eating the whole plant.

As regards the water fallacy, it is true that one needs to drink less water on a RVAF diet as raw foods, whether animal or plant, have much higher water-content than when cooked. But it is absurd to suggest that one can get by on a water-free RVAF diet. Wild animals in Nature regularly drink water. Bear in mind, that whenever humans do not copy the natural habits of wild animals, they soon end up suffering(such as incurring increased myopia due to staying too much indoors during childhood, eating cooked foods etc. etc.).
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 09:59:00 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2018, 05:48:42 pm »
Sometimes I get the feeling that PG expects AV to some day "arise again"!!
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Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2018, 02:46:48 am »
Yeah mostly agree even AV recommended drinking water every few weeks or when you feel like it.  Cucumber and tomato are technically bland fruits and so do not have many/any perceivable anti nutrients.
Other RVAF gurus? Haven't seen anybody else they're all cooked plebs. 

Offline Gatsuri

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2018, 02:55:00 am »
I'm pretty anti-vegetable myself ( I eat 0 vegetables) but I'm open to experimentation to see how my body reacts to it.. AV's views are interesting for sure, I mean he would not have this view on water without having experimenting heavily himself also with the veg juices + his experience with his patients. Without having tried it yet I do agree with him already that raw fats satisfy my thirst much better than drinking mineral water (throat stays thirsty I can keep drinking that stuff as much as I want).

In one of his videos AV mentions some tribe who during their travels avoided drinking water but did resort to sucking the juice from certain veggies, if anyone has some reading material on this would be nice.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 03:14:19 am by Gatsuri »

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2018, 03:27:26 am »
indigenous raw and cooked plant juice variations
nectars, soaking, boiling, sucking/chewing

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2018, 03:48:06 am »
I'm pretty anti-vegetable myself ( I eat 0 vegetables) but I'm open to experimentation to see how my body reacts to it.. AV's views are interesting for sure, I mean he would not have this view on water without having experimenting heavily himself also with the veg juices + his experience with his patients. Without having tried it yet I do agree with him already that raw fats satisfy my thirst much better than drinking mineral water (throat stays thirsty I can keep drinking that stuff as much as I want).

In one of his videos AV mentions some tribe who during their travels avoided drinking water but did resort to sucking the juice from certain veggies, if anyone has some reading material on this would be nice.

your body might be confusing thirst for it's attempts at reducing an acid load from eating too much protein.  I say Might

AV says this, AV says that.  And in fact part of it might be true.  For instance, maybe the water they have to drink from is rank with animal feces, or maybe they haven't eaten for so long that the calories from certain plant species are necessary.  I'd suck the juice from chewing on a carrot before I'd drink water from a nearly dried up water hole.   
  But please find out for yourself.  And take note of your protein levels when water doesn't satisfy your thirst. 

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2018, 04:11:24 am »
Have you ever drunk blood?

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2018, 05:42:12 am »
Yeah mostly agree even AV recommended drinking water every few weeks or when you feel like it.  Cucumber and tomato are technically bland fruits and so do not have many/any perceivable anti nutrients.
Other RVAF gurus? Haven't seen anybody else they're all cooked plebs. 
Guy Claude Burger is a RVAF diet guru. Sverige is also one, by now. Carol Alt is another.
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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2018, 09:07:34 am »
Already heard of all those people they're not really that interesting other than sv3rige which talks almost exclusively from AVs books.
As far as youtubers sv3rige's logic and experience is years ahead of pretty much all of them.

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2018, 03:02:38 pm »
I note that sv3rige is claiming Aajonus got murdered, which is nonsense. I am even not sure at all that AV died from a fall. After all, this was in Thailand, a far away and wholly corrupt country - it would have been easy to conceal the fact that AV had a heart-attack. Given that he wasn't all that old when he died, dying, except accidentally, would have looked very bad to his followers. I mean, AV's diet was so non-palaeo, and artificial, after all.GCB had his flaws, given his past warnings against raw meat consumption, and emphasis on eating too many sweet fruits, among other things, but his instincto ideas were generally more useful than AV's.
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Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2018, 04:06:16 am »
sv3rige said he wouldn't be surprised if he got murdered***
His girlfriend was reported to be with him during and after the time of injury, maybe interesting to see if she is still around to say something although I don't think she would easily because of some petty skeptics on an internet forum.

A video of his death from the website

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2018, 08:48:37 am »
PaganGoy, how much blood would one drink? I typically drink no more than 1-2 cups of water a day depending on activity, sometimes none. I will not juice vegetables. I do have reliable access to young beef blood. Would you suggest to replace the 1-2 cups of water with equal amount of blood, or is that too much?

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Re: Hydration mineral water versus veg juices
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2018, 10:42:07 am »
@grey cup
Get the blood and see how much your body wants.  I can't get enough blood for the life of me.
Cucumbers and tomatoes are bland fruit not vegetables.


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