Author Topic: Best raw vegetables that can be eaten with meat without interfering digestion  (Read 8148 times)

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Offline norawnofun

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What are the best raw vegetables that can be eaten together with meats? I´m trying to incorporate veggies after carnivore and so far it goes well, but I wanna know which ones cause the least trouble digesting if eaten raw and together with meat or alone. So far I eat a lot of tomatoes, avocado and mixed salad, but what about things like broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, cucumber, carrots? Bell peppers and olives give me issues, Eggplant is a bit weird raw, same as cabbage, even in sauerkraut. Also, are tomatoes with cucumber really that hard to digest?

Offline dariorpl

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In my experience... Tomatoes, avocados, onions or other spicy vegetables in small amounts, coconut, lemon juice (be careful with tooth enamel erosion if having a lot), sweet red bell peppers, and pretty much anything else that is not a leafy green or otherwise highly alcalinizing like celery, as long as you have only moderate or small amounts and the meal contains enough fats.
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Offline surfsteve

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Most days I make a salad out of leaf lettuce, dandelion, zuchini, green onion, carrots, radishes, turnips and rutabagas.  I used to use tomatoes and peppers before I gave up nightshades. I been smothering it in a natto, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and dill weed dressing.

Offline TylerDurden

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I follow GCB's advice re never combining raw plant foods and raw animal foods together, and it has worked wonders for me. Whenever I do the opposite, I get side-effects.
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Offline norawnofun

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after my 6 month carnivore journey it seems that I can eat plant foods again, but interestingly enough the ones that I seem to do well on are fruit based (with seeds). These are winter squash, summer squash, tomatoes, cucumber, avocados. Other fruits are bell bepper, pumpkin and olives, but these seem to be an issue still (except their oils). When looking at them it also looks like they are low in carbs, except winter squash which has 12 g carbs. Nonetheless it makes sense that fruits/sub-fruits seem to be less of an issue when it comes to anti-nutrients than vegetables. I also recommend having a look at a website of Georgia Ede MD which explains the nature of different foods very well. Learned a lot on her site. So after doing a carnivore diet it makes most sense to reintroduce the fruit-veggies that seem to have the least anti-nutrients, and ideally stick to them (if you want to eat fruit-veggies). I thought of introducing more broccoli too, but after reading her post on that I am hesitant. They seem to be a double edged sword.

One thing I can say for sure is that the carnivore diet healed a lot. I even had some gluten foods, beer, fries, sweets and I can tolerate them, which was not possible before. I do however sense that after I started eating plant foods again, I noticed that just eating animal foods is the best. But if u want to have some color in your life, some fruit-veggies are ok. But once you eat clean, which I did for the last couple of weeks, one portion of fries made me get a cold. So the body right away reacts to shitty foods once you eat clean and then goes into detox. I always know that when I eat something unhealthy and I wake up in the morning and have a discarge of the eyes, it´s detox. AV said it too and I can confirm.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 04:42:04 am by norawnofun »

Offline surfsteve

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I went back to eating salads. I am still eliminating night shade vegetables and eating tons of natto. Natto isn't really a vegetable it is a bacteria cultured on cooked beans. So I don't know what to make of it. Only that I feel super healthy when I eat it. I also started making miso soup which isn't raw at all. I really didn't notice anything good from it till I added a spoon full of Icelandic Kelp. Oh man what a difference! I hardly need any sleep. My teeth feel really clean and 100 percent of my back pain is gone. I feel like a teenager! Kelp must be what I've been missing.

I'm sure it has to be Icelandic kelp though as several years back I got some from Japan. It was giving me flu like symptoms and when I tested it with my Geiger counter it was well over double background radiation. The difference between Japanese and Icelandic kelp is like night and day!

Offline norawnofun

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from my part I can say that I stay away from anything leafy green now. Had it recently and it messed things up. Besides I find salad useless. It´s like eating paper. I think I need to be careful with cellulose. Especially since I eat meats with it. And eating it alone is boring. I would try natto, but too much hassle for me doing it :) The Kelp observation is interesting, maybe u have some thyroid issues. Where do you get urs?

Offline surfsteve

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I got my kelp from Amazon. The brand was Starwest. It wasn't true Icelandic kelp but rather off the east coast of Canada near Iceland. I paid 12 something for a pound but for double that you can get 3 pounds from them which would last quite a long time.

I don't eat too many leafy greens myself. Just a small handful of dandelion and leaf lettuce in a huge salad with zucchini, baby carrots, radish, turnips, rutabagas and green onions. Sometimes I add hard boiled egg and have recently been adding cheese which used to give me terrible allergies but don't seem to be bothering me lately. My old salads were lettuce, tomato, cucumber and celery. I stopped the tomato on account of nightshades and celery because of phytotoxins. I don't know why I stopped using cucumber. It just doesn't appeal to me lately so I been using zucchini instead. I guess maybe I been craving starchy vegetables. I've also been eating a lot less meat since I started eating natto. So far no negative effects from doing so, in fact I been feeling better than usual. Though I haven't been hitting the gym. I've also been cheating a little on my diet with coffee and occasional ranch dressing on my salads. More of the meat I've been eating has been grass fed as I've learned to find the sales and load up my freezer when I find them. Still no luck at all in finding grass fed organ meats. Who eats that stuff? They must all be putting it in pet food. One guy I called admitted to doing this because he didn't have any demand for it. He pretty much told me that I wasn't worth saving it for in so many words. I think I could have convinced him if I lived locally but in order to drive 150 miles each way I would have to pick up a decent sized order. Also he only offered liver for sale. I wasn't about to drive 300 miles for a single beef liver and he wasn't willing to save them till he had enough to make it worth driving for. I suspect due to their age grass fed animals have small thymuses. For now I'll stick to calves liver which is the closest thing to grass fed that I can find. Boy did I get off track!

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If any of you guys are looking for something (cooked,) quick, easy and cheap (If you're willing to buy in bulk) to make that is nutritious I highly suggest miso soup!

I can make a cup of semi authentic miso soup just as fast as anyone can make a ramin noodle or cup-o-soup!

While a cup of water is coming to a boil I throw a large pinch of wakame seaweed, small hand full of dried tuna flakes, a teaspoon of kelp poweder and squeeze an ounce of miso as if it were tooth paste into a cup. It takes me well under a minute to do this and I have to wait another minute or two for the water to come to a boil.

$11 for a kilogram of miso, enough to make 60 cups.

$35 for a kilogram of wakame seaweed, enough to make 500 cups.

$20 for a pound of dried tuna flakes, enough to make 200 cups

and $13 for kelp powder, enough to make 250 cups. All quantities are conservative estimates and the cups I make are huge! Prices are all obtainable from Amazon and include USA delivery.

If you loved Ramin noodles but don't eat them anymore because they are so unhealthy you will most likely be interested in making miso soup.

Offline TylerDurden

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So as not to confuse people(mainly newbies), please keep discussion of cooked foods in the hot topics forum. Hmm, or the Westen-price Forum, of course.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 02:21:48 pm by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline PaganGoy

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See the recipe for living without disease for particular food combining.
nearly 40 years or so of nutritionist experience with thousands of clients on raw food combinations in conjunction with raw meats and other raw foods.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 02:22:26 am by PaganGoy »

Offline norawnofun

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just read it and I would agree with it. Since I stopped strictly carnivore I started to eat A LOT of avocados, tomatoes and evoo with almost every meal. that stopped constipation entirely. I also stopped drinking with meals and that had an even bigger impact. No more bloating. I do eat raw salads with my cooked meats rarely, and that also seems to help me as the food moves though fast, but sleeping isn´t as healing. In general I can say that eating sub fruits/fruits such as avocado, tomatoes, butternut squash, zucchini are best. Leafy greens are interfering the most. I did have homecured raw bacon with tomatoes, avocado, raw eggs and evoo recently and I got a very strong and positive emotional reaction, like a high. But so far I did not try again to eat meats only. However I did notice that cutting out all dairy did miracles for my digestion. So dairy is out, but at the same time my HCI has improved tremendously. On purpose I had the chewiest piece of fat last time, and no issues digesting it. I almost got my life back. Now looking into distilled water since I think that mineral water is one of the main culprits in my diet. I think I was totally wrong on that one. Time will tell and still learning, but making huge progress. I think when I am able to digest raw liver, the chewiest thing ever, I think I made it.

Offline jibrael

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Icelandic Kelp. Oh man what a difference! I hardly need any sleep. My teeth feel really clean and 100 percent of my back pain is gone. I feel like a teenager! Kelp must be what I've been missing.

I'm sure it has to be Icelandic kelp though as several years back I got some from Japan. It was giving me flu like symptoms and when I tested it with my Geiger counter it was well over double background radiation. The difference between Japanese and Icelandic kelp is like night and day!

How much Kelp powder are you consuming per day?
Do you take it with meat, or separately?

Offline surfsteve

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I consume kelp in miso soup. Instead of making it the traditional way with strips of kelp from Japan to flavor the water I dump in a heaping tablespoon of dried Icelandic kelp along with a handful of dried tuna and a couple tablespoons of miso. I have a cup every day or so.

I used to use the kelp from Japan till after Fukushima when it made me sick and I found out that it contained nearly double background radiation. Had to throw an entire 5 lb sack away.


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