Author Topic: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)  (Read 20996 times)

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Offline Pumkin

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2017, 03:11:36 am »
^ likely because my protein intake has been fairly low since my protein usually comes from juiced greens .
 I know it's about balance since we are omnivores,  we don't have to eat mostly/only from one food group like  herbivores or carnivores.  But it seems like there would be some ratio involved in how our bodies are made ?

Offline surfsteve

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2017, 06:07:57 am »
According to this website:

10 to 35% of your calories should come from protein

20 to 35% from fat

and 45 to 65% of your calories should from carbohydrate
of which 14 grams per 1000 calories should be fiber.

My diet is probably a lot lower in carbs,a lot higher in fat and a lot  higher in fiber.

Offline Pumkin

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2017, 11:13:23 am »
According to this website:

10 to 35% of your calories should come from protein

20 to 35% from fat

and 45 to 65% of your calories should from carbohydrate
of which 14 grams per 1000 calories should be fiber.

My diet is probably a lot lower in carbs,a lot higher in fat and a lot  higher in fiber.

Yah mine too, well fiber and carbs but I'm playing with that and inceasing fat and protein.
So far This week I found my body does great on romaine - dinner salads with fat (egg yolks) and protein (poached whites) with nonsweet and acidic fruits. Tonight I did raw wild tuna in a big bowl of lettuce, cucumber, and papaya, do well see how I sleep. Nothing beats the dinners of only fish though - slept better than I had in years.

I was going to tell you if you weren't already familiar -Natures botanicals, Dr. Robert morse uses them in his clinic, are really good . I've used there "fab 4" - kidneys cleansing & strengthening herbs are in that kit, or you can buy them alone. They got my kidneys filtering.  doctor Christopher herbs that target certain areas Ive used and liked. doc. Christopher's are less expensive on Amazon with free shipping too. You may have already used these in the past, but in case you haven't - they are good.

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2017, 01:33:05 am »
I don't really go in for any prepared formulas. What's in it? I normally use individual herbs and spices.

I ordered ten pounds of ground beef kidney. It's extremely cheap. It seems to be very potent. Gives me lots of energy. Don't know if it's helping my kidneys. It seems to be; only instead of causing them to filter more my urine has gone towards the clear side from it. According to everything I've read when your kidneys are filtering your urine is dark and cloudy. I didn't expect the effect to be the opposite but I should have because it did that in the past to me. It also had the same effect on my dogs. I took small three or four ounce handfuls of the ground raw kidney and put it into bags. Then pressed them flat and put them in the freezer in still larger bags and labeled them. Been eating two small bags a day in smoothies.

I'm up to about six or more bags of various organ meats a day and am starting to feel like my old self again.

My joints hurt me when I did my cycling class the last two times so I did some reading. Aside from the usual glucosamine chondroitin and msm, TURMERIC was recommended. I used to use a lot of turmeric when I cooked chicken but gave it up when I went totally raw. I mixed some in a raw tripe smoothie this morning, along with lemon and pepper and it tasted surprisingly good so I think I'll start doing it in smoothies and see how it goes. I didn't think I'd like the taste but it surprised me. I don't know why I expected not to like it because I always liked it in cooked chicken and in rice. Who knew?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 01:39:10 am by surfsteve »

Offline Pumkin

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2017, 02:37:31 am »
SURFSTEVE - were/are you recovering from something? How are your adrenals? I know when my we're down meats really lifted me up/gave me energy, now they don't do that for me I guess bc my adrenals recovered.

Gods herbs/natures botanicals have an adrenal, and other organs to choose from, they are super super effective.  I got perathyroid and adrenal and I couldn't take them because they were so strong,  my gut feeling was because I'm such a tiny person that goes for me needs to be much smaller than a comes in, so a man likly really dies well with them if he needs it. You can look at the herbscin there herbal formulas here,

But I'm not sure what your doing, maybe you've already had your "cleansing" period ( you played around with Breatharianism so I'm guessing you've Soent time in the cleansing/detox diets- juices/raw vegan/fruitarian ) . Maybe your in the rebuilding/ replenishing  period?

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2017, 02:39:38 am »
Sorry I didn't check for autocorrect screw ups before I posted,  I hope you can read through that middle paragraph Okay.

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2017, 04:10:11 am »
Yeah no problem reading your writing. Knew what you meant.

No. I'm not recovering from anything. I might have had a kidney stone a few weeks ago so I am trying to build up my kidneys so that it doesn't happen again. All my life, even when I was 4 years old my back would hurt more in the kidney area than the rest of my body but I just attributed it to hard work and over doing it. Now I'm not so sure and am worried that my kidneys might be a weak link and have decided to focus on strengthening them. I find that eating raw kidneys have much of the same effect of eating raw adrenals. Perhaps because the adrenals are located right on top of the kidney. I think they are helping my kidneys too. I worked out hard yesterday and my whole body aches including my lower back but it does feel different. I don't know how to explain the difference though, just that it's different.

Offline Pumkin

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2017, 08:18:08 pm »
So interesting Steve, there are so many different schools of thoughts on how do anything. I've not played with organ meats like you have so I'm excited to see what happens for you.

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2017, 08:51:05 pm »
The experimenting, recording so I don't forget what feels good and what doesn't.

 It's summer here so the fruits are very water rich, to much so for having such a small eating window that I enjoy eating in (4-7 or 8 pm), I drink nut milks & fresh juices in day as often as I like, sometimes I'll snack on grapes if I feel like it. 

Dinner - Fruit based -did not work! too much fiber & water.  Discomfort overnight, peeing, feeling hungry When I'd wake up to pee, etc...outside of apples I find summer fruits Ibs causing in me.

Dinner -salad based .  This actually work the best for fiber even adding an egg or two in with it doesn't seem to negatively effect digestion. Because I don't like to chew so much salad I pulse it through the food processor and add in non-sweet fruits and fats afterwards.  only drawback to salads is you end up in the bathroom quite often ,  although I know some find that a benefit .

Dinner-8 oz rawfish and green juice.  I just went back to this, I initially started this whole experiment bc I was plant based with very low protein.  For the most part I feel satiated eating  Protein dominant food for dinner,  i'm supposing because it's salmon I have plenty of fat already in the meat on top of adding a sauce I makewith mayo wasabi and seaweed flakes. Even though I end up having to pee overnight,  maybe once my body lets go of the excess water that proteins seems to do the trick for, I won't have to pee so much overnight ? Overall I feel good.  I know there's Poopoo and drinking Green juice, I do  Romain lettuce, celery, parsley, lemon juiced daily and feel great on it , adding this to my evening helps.
for an hour or so after I eat I do feel like I have a rock (of protein im sure) in my stomach. Probably need an adjustment period For this,  I have been taking a digestive enzyme sense this much protein is new to my system.   I have been eating 8 ounces of raw salmon in the sitting and I probably could eat more but the steaks only come that large and I'm still not sure how much protein our body can absorb in one sitting & what that depends on??

I have to add another plus to this dinner - I'm not a fan of high fiber from any source, it's left me so much discomfort for years eating vegan then raw vegan. My colon is so happy when I leave the fiber out which means I feel really good without it.  I'm sure I still get some fiber in my juices and fruit snack here and there but nowhere near what I used to eating plants/vegan.

 For some reason I still can't stomach (mental I know) eating raw meat at least enough of it  to be considered a Meal -  which I'm going for .  I'm buying some wild tuna today but the recommendation from the supplier is to cook it,  if you've ever bought tuna that doesn't taste great raw does searing it do the trick?

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2017, 01:09:58 am »
I don't know about raw but cooked tuna really messed me up. I loved the flavor of canned tuna but when I used to eat it for some reason my gums would bleed and I would ache. Fresh tuna was even worse. I read this is because they are caught closer to shore where there is more pollution.

Have you considered adding vinegar or lemon juice to your raw meats? That's the way I normally eat them. Probably makes them a lot easier to digest. I've always been under the impression that herbs and vegetables are the antidote to the toxins in meats. I've always eaten my meat heavily spiced even when I cooked it. Fruits I usually eat alone.

Offline Pumkin

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2017, 08:15:52 am »
I like that idea! I think I could try that and like that with steak meat, citrus juice or vinegar. After I left this morning I actually was thinking I'd like ground meat tonight, maybe tomorrow bc I didn't pull anything out.

That's odd Steve, about the tuna and a darn shame! It's so YUM!
I picked up tuna steaks tonight from the fish counter at Sprouts to eat for my meal today. Thinking I'd have to  make it into ceviche or Sear it. Wow! No! It tasted great untouched, so sashimi it was. But my stomach is in shock still with protein/fat amounts. Drinking some ACV and taking digestive enzymes aren't doing it for me. Hope my body adjust soon to this, if I can break my meal into 2 sittings (4 pm and then 6pm with 3 to 5 oz at each) rather than one sitting I bet I ate 10 oz tonight overall 😲  (I eat slow to to try to help ) maybe the Rock in my stomach wont be there.

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2017, 03:13:05 am »
Yes. I seem to do very well on raw vinegar and lemon juice though the fact that I'm not hearing the same thing from others makes me wonder if I could be the exception and not the rule. It sounds entirely possible that your stomach problem might not have anything to do with whether your food is cooked or raw. If anything my stomach feels a lot better after going raw. I think raw fruit and meat are easier to digest though raw vegetables are much harder. I think they are good though because of two reasons. First they help push food through the gut and scrub it clean; and secondly they contain a lot of medicinal compounds; especially in spices and herbs not all of which are good, though even the bad ones might be good in small amounts, similar to the way many medicines are. It's all about balance. The dose makes the poison. Even water will kill you if you drink too much of it. I appreciate having this forum to record my posts and those of others so we can go back and see what we might have been doing right or wrong in the past as opposed to what we are doing now.

Offline Pumkin

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2017, 04:42:00 am »
Well I try it when I try steak, I've never been a steak person though, it was soft enough like ground meat.

I do take her so tinctures still and make teas from dried herbs. I use to get colonics the first years I was raw and I could tell once I stopped eating raw veggies, even though they did what you notice too- help move  debris through the intestines, I didn't need colonics anymore to get all that fiber out.  Ha ha like you said it's all about the dose , even with food.

Which leads me to  something that is weighing heavy on me, now that I'm having to research food again esp meats/protein,  and maybe it's because keto is the latest fad. 🤷🏻??? BUT all I find are warnings on not over consuming protein...especially animal protein...AND especially in a meal.
Considering I'm only eating 1 (!!!!!) real meal a day aside from the fresh juice and Handful of grapes or apple (if needed) do I REALLY need to limit/ restrict myself if I feel fine having 50-70 grams of protein a night? 

 I'm not trying to be ketogenic, mabe that's why they have all these warnings out about extra protein in a meal turning into glycogen,  is glycogen going to age the body if you're not loading the fat in too?

I may have to start a whole Other post For this topic, i  haven't  found it discussed yet in the archives.

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2017, 04:44:51 am »
🤦🏻???ugh sorry , didn't read through auto correct at top.

" i'll try the vinegar and lemon juice when I have steak.... I prefer ground meat over steak due to  Chew-ability  "

" I do take and herbs as tinctures ..."

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2017, 01:21:57 pm »
You may be consuming less protein and more fat than you think. I was reading an article yesterday that claimed the majority of calories in meat come from fat even if it's still kind of lean. Try the vinegar or lemon juice on ground meat too. I use a pint of vinegar for every 8 to 10 pounds of ground beef heart when I make jerky. I like my raw steak tartare sliced up with the food processor. It has to be slightly frozen or it turns mostly to hamburger. Either way it's good.

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Re: Experimenting animal & produce ratio (fiber)
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2020, 03:20:57 am »
I don't really go in for any prepared formulas. What's in it? I normally use individual herbs and spices.

I ordered ten pounds of ground beef kidney. It's extremely cheap. It seems to be very potent. Gives me lots of energy. Don't know if it's helping my kidneys. It seems to be; only instead of causing them to filter more my urine has gone towards the clear side from it. According to everything I've read when your kidneys are filtering your urine is dark and cloudy. I didn't expect the effect to be the opposite but I should have because it did that in the past to me. It also had the same effect on my dogs. I took small three or four ounce handfuls of the ground raw kidney and put it into bags. Then pressed them flat and put them in the freezer in still larger bags and labeled them. Been eating two small bags a day in smoothies.

I'm up to about six or more bags of various organ meats a day and am starting to feel like my old self again.

My joints hurt me when I did my cycling class the last two times so I did some reading. Aside from the usual glucosamine chondroitin and msm, TURMERIC was recommended. I used to use a lot of turmeric when I cooked chicken but gave it up when I went totally raw. I mixed some in a raw tripe smoothie this morning, along with lemon and pepper and it tasted surprisingly good so I think I'll start doing it in smoothies and see how it goes. I didn't think I'd like the taste but it surprised me. I don't know why I expected not to like it because I always liked it in cooked chicken and in rice. Who knew?

How can you tolerate the urine smelling kidneys?

Was the tripe unbleached and green, meaning 100% unprocessed?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 03:29:43 am by RawFoodist »


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