Author Topic: 5G cause of ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), Covid 19 blamed.  (Read 23867 times)

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Im refusing to call it hopeless just yet, and have seen many positive responses on the ground level. The flu world order is playing a dangerous game and they know it... all it takes is a critical mass to be awakened from the trance and the house of cards will is up to us, to day in and day out, decry the absurdity of the situation to anyone and everyone, and call out all the cowards and fools in positions of wealth and power who continue to go along with the farce.

Perhaps it may be too late for our dear European and other friends, ;) but I am hopeful that in order to preserve the appearance of Democracy in America these draconian restrictions will at least be temporarily lifted, for the 2020 ss-election season. Regardless if they let us out of our cage or not by then, I feel that this will be the time to make our stand, by taking back the local governments and demanding local law enforcement and elected officials, to disregard enforcement of these unconstitutional false emergency powers declarations.

There are still so many unanswered questions, that also need to be brought to mind...

What kind of deal was made with China that allows them to  reopen while the rest of the world is locked down?

Why is the Chinese State allowed to continue to kill and disappear countless people without a single word of condemnation? How many more people are being killed secretly by the Chinese government than any phantom virus figures? The people of Hong Kong were pleading for help from the rest of the world, only to be given up to be sacrificed for this so called trade deal....this deal that betrayed both the people of America and the people of China, and has unleashed a great tyranny upon the entire world.

Wonder what the hell they are doing with Space force? and why is NATO continuing violate its treaties with Russia by placing illegal weapons on the Russian boarder?

Is Donald Trump Playing Possum, and has a trick up the sleeve? Has he betrayed the people, and is in on the Coup? or is he just a fool who has he been Duped into going along with all this?

Question Everything, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance!
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Re: DOOM BREAK cartoon via Elon Musk
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2020, 04:25:51 pm »
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 04:37:34 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Do not despair, spread the word, plant a seed
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2020, 04:50:16 pm »
Do not despair if the sleeping zombies cannot understand you right now, spread the word, plant a seed.

We have our incomes, jobs, livelihoods DESTROYED
It's all the fault of those CONSPIRACY nuts!
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 05:01:30 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: a Dr. Andrew Kaufman is exposing PCR Tests
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2020, 05:00:35 pm »
a Dr. Andrew Kaufman is exposing PCR Tests and doing the rounds on plenty of concerned YouTube Channels

Let's help him spread the word.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s research proves COVID-19 is actually Exosome which normally exist in our lung cell fluid.


A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been  fooled” -Mark Twain

"I dont see him making claim to be an expert or a Virologist for that matter only that he's done extensive research himself and studied others' research and is I think presenting the biochemical scientific facts - and how test results can be misconstrued. He references others, i.e. James Hildreth stating "A Virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word". Having listened to him its not hard to see how Exosomes are immune response to a variety of 'diseases' which seem to definitely include Respiratory/lung disorders. Many who have died of this COVID19(?) virus had pre existing respiratory problems and/or were very elderly which would show that their immune systems were already greatly compromised and maybe they didn't die FROM it but WITH it - and thousands (I think like 250,000 died of the flu just last year - odd really when more people than ever were actually vaccinated AGAINST flu!  So why people, see below, seem to want to ignore the validity of this man's research and bother to 'shoot the messenger' is truly purile!  No one is forcing them to watch this video and yes we all have a right to our own opinion/judgement but seriously whether he's a vet, dentist, psychiatrist or doctor -is truly irrelevant as he obviously a good research plus he's got a scientific background!   I for one am most grateful that there are people like him who are 'shining a light' on discrepencies such as this.  THANK YOU ANDREW"

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there is something good to this crazy lockdown lasting longer! People get more and more aware what a bullshit it is and only to control us.
I thought it was a real threat first, and it made sense to protect the weak.... but after following the statistic and news for a while it became very clear to me that this virus is not what they say... or try to scare us in the media.

I am really curious how the reactions will be in the next week.
In germany too, the ICU beds are empty... nothing has happened of what they scared us to happen.
Okay, now they say, it is because we socially distanced! Hahaha... nah. Lets hope people are more intelligent than believing those lies :)

But honestly, several people in my every day life, the vets I work at, my dentist (I have went to him during the lockdown), my doctor (saw him as I was shopping) and my other boss that is in lockdown and cant open his restaurant where I work in, all these people see it as not the virus being a threat at all!

Meanwhile, I enjoy the sun outside on my terrace in bikini or naked all day long relaxing and imaging I am on vacatiol :) :)
Got to enjoy this as long as it last. Everything is very peaceful, air is so clear and clean :) :)
The birds are so happy and sing all the time :)
Nature for sure enjoys this break from pollution :)
I still have food to eat and a little money to buy food and water... I get everything as I normally get, fish, eggs, cheese, veggies anything.. no food shortage here.
I do feel for people living in the city. But I am sure we can all find something good to what is happening now :)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 04:25:28 pm by Inger »

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Thank you very much Good Samaritan for this video by Dr Andrew Kaufman. 

Even though I don't share any of your conspirationist thoughts  ( nor on the health impact on 5G impact  : by the way France has not a single  5G antenna so far  , although mobile operators  are set to start deployment later this year ) I  would  strongly advise everybody to have a careful look at this video.

What is implied by this video is that viruses are tools which  help cells communicate between themselves on ways to  eliminate  toxins, once they manage to "find" (ie chemically devise) a solution.

Now,  I do have a bad memory, but I clearly remember this story of viruses as detoxifying AND communication tools as one of the key elements  of GC Burger's course  of the so called " useful virus theory " ( which he claimed to have discovered or elaborated on his own, but that is another matter  l) ) . This was back in 1988.

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In relation to my previous message it would be interesting to throw an eye on the following scientific article referenced in Wikipedia

Thébaud B, Stewart DJ  "  Exosomes: Cell garbage can, therapeutic carrier, or trojan horse?  " Circulation, 2012;126:2553-2555

I love the title !  It  cannot be more explicit : scientists have found something back in 1983 but 30 YEARS LATER  they STILL  have absolutely  NO CLUE about  how to interpret the sense and the meaning of what they have discovered   ( this is most often the case with medicine anyway but  in the case of exosomes, it is by their own admission .... )

According to Wikipedia the discovery of exosomes was made in 1983 and was first aired thru  this article

Harding C, Heuser J, Stahl P, Receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin and recycling of the transferrin receptor in rat reticulocytes [archive], J Cell Biol, 1983;97:329–339

This chronology fits in with my "burgerian chronology "

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#N3 #DrRashidButtar #Coronavirus
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses

2.5 Million Views: April 17, Dr Buttar, with all the mainstream credentials to impress you. Read the title: Blasts CDC, Gates, Fauchi for FAKE pandemic numbers.

The mainstream media you watch is complicit in this fear mongering.


#N3 #FireFauci #DrButtar
BOOM! Fauci Sweating Bullets! Trump Investigating His $3.7 Million Obama Era Grant to Wuhan Lab!!!

« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 02:37:55 am by goodsamaritan »
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The Man is a maniac windbag, but it may be worth listening to..... He names about every Biological false Flag as he announces prophecies of Doom! Then proclaims that a universal Vaccine will save everyone?

Fauci is definitely a Rat Bastard who should of been executed for his role in the AIDS patient murders with Chemo, back in the why is he still officially advising Trump?

Why is this narrative that the virus is Lab created, being pushed right now by the mainstream controlled opposition?

I think there are factions of the Coup that are infighting over control of the narrative....Trump has to Know the whole thing is a False why is he still allowing the operation to continue??

Could there be more to the story, that may explain why Trump is going along with the Charade?? The only good reason that would justify what is happening, is perhaps there are other real or imagined threats? Will there be other biological weapons releases forthcoming, and the covid lock-down is a cover for some covert Biological Civil Warfare operations? These second waves that we are being threatened with, may foreshadowing the selective release of the next generation of Bio-weapons upon the non compliant areas. Its feasible under such a scenario that these kind of soft kill bio releases and subsequent mass vaccination, if combine with next generation psychological, and economic warfare, could be used to Shock and Awe the Masses of Sheeple into being unable to foment active resistance.

Ive seen some indication of mixed messaging being telegraphed by Donald Trump, but its hard to tell for sure if he is a Total Traitor? Has he been compromised? Or else is he playing possum and waiting for the right time to counter?  Time will Tell,
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Gates is the Enemy of a free range naturally evolving organic humanity. This event is not a Pandemic, it is a biological Civil World War.
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I've been watching some of the videos here and it's really distressing. 

So many people are just so willing to give up their freedom and believe big brother knows best. 

If you try to talk to them about how or why this came about they think you are crazy.  But you know you're on to something when people try to silence you instead of refuting you with evidence.  The video on 5g causing the coronavirus that was presented by Thomas Cowan, M.D., has been removed from YouTube, so it must have been some very good evidence he presented if "they" cannot refute it.  I also saw an article that Facebook is censoring any discussions on this theory, but that is not news because they are not a platform for free speech and critical thinking.

I'm encouraged by the protestors in Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

I've put a sign on my car that says "Honk If you Want Freedom" and, now that it is state law that I must wear a mask when in a store, I do wear one that says "Freedom Not Fear" on it.  This is my peaceful protest, and in a way that I will not be arrested.

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One of GS's videos on Dr. Buttar revealed that the virus was created by the University of North Carolina.  It was taken from bats and modified to infect humans.  The research was published in Nature Medicine, a peer-reviewed scientific publication, in 2015.  Maybe you are all already aware of this, though.

Here is a link to the study:

Article discussing the implications of the above research (with an inserted disclaimer that this has nothing to do with COVID-19):

A link discussing all the evidence regarding the modification of the bat-virus so it could infect humans:

This Nobel-Prize winning scientist says the COVID-19 is man-made and contains some of the HIV virus in it:

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Re: The Vaccine is the REAL Eugenics Weapon!
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2020, 10:21:45 pm »

IT BEGINS: Chicago Official CONFIRMS CDC Plot for Mass Vaccination
Apr 22, 2020
The Next News Network

Consent to taking it & you will be chemically lobotomized & sterilized.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 11:33:29 pm by goodsamaritan »
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From what I can infer they already have the vaccine ready and have known all along what they want to put in it. The DNA altering viral synthetics, in order to infiltrate our immune system and modify the human Genome, has to be injected into the body along with a combination of chemical adjuvants. These chemical cocktails are necessary to suppress the ability of the immune system to identify and destroy the disruptive alien Genetic Trojans implanted.

Gates tried for years to engineer mosquitoes to carry GMO Viruses past our immune systems, but without the combination of chemicals and poisons being directly injected, the altered venomous Viral DNA is not a viable means of human eugenics engineering. The WHO, UN, CDC and other Medical Mafias around the world have been experimenting for years on vulnerable populations, and with the new DNA sequencing technology they may have developed the ability to directly and selectively modify the Genomes of anyone injected with the next generation of Mass Vaccinations. 

These people are Sick and cannot be trusted. Through selective roll outs of multiple formulations it will be possible for the controllers of this Brave New world to inject target population with more harmful generic versions, while their chosen minions will receive the safe versions. There were stories in the past of how the elite of Europe where given the option of safer single dose mercury free shots while the general public wasn't given a choice. Beware of the roll out filled with celebrity endorsements, there will likely be PR stunts where the Media Whores and Political Tools openly celebrate their own not fooled, by these false displays, for there is no way of telling if these Judas Goat ivory tower dwellers will be getting the same formulas that the CDC will be shipping to the local health departments and hospitals.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 04:14:42 am by sabertooth »
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It is horrible what they are doing. That said, now more than ever, this saying is spot on, "survival of the wisest"
The wise ones will never let anyone inject them with anything.

I guess there will be more than enough people running to get the vaccine, because of fear. The same ones that now are using a mask, and socially isolating, for sure.

It is slowly coming out in the media, how this lockdown makes people suffer. Especially the fragile, old, people in istitutions etc. They are not receiving the care they used to get and need, locked into their rooms, not able to meet anyone... and no one are asking them, do they want this?

This is absolutely inhumane!

Pretty scary what can be done to people by fear mongering. The best weapon ever if you ask me.
And this makes me think, they will not need to make the vaccine mandatory at all. They will not have enough of it, that is how many people will want to be injected.. that is my guess.... - out of the reality I am seeing now... people freaked out about a flu virus...
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 05:23:15 pm by Inger »

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One of GS's videos on Dr. Buttar revealed that the virus was created by the University of North Carolina.  It was taken from bats and modified to infect humans.  The research was published in Nature Medicine, a peer-reviewed scientific publication, in 2015.  Maybe you are all already aware of this, though.

Here is a link to the study:

Article discussing the implications of the above research (with an inserted disclaimer that this has nothing to do with COVID-19):

A link discussing all the evidence regarding the modification of the bat-virus so it could infect humans:

This Nobel-Prize winning scientist says the COVID-19 is man-made and contains some of the HIV virus in it:

the only virus ever existed and will exist is: stockholm syndrome and milgram experiment.. no other viruses exist

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@Sabertooth & Inger

Of course wise people will want to say no.  But with some countries the way they are, there will be forced vaccinations.

They will use employment as a coercion/duress in order to to force your vaccination.  If you want to keep your job (and need the money to keep your house/property), then you have to get a vaccine.

The only way to stop this is to have legislation enacted immediately that upholds the requirement of consent for all medical intervention, including vaccines.  When you visit a doctor in the US, you do have to sign a consent for treatment form.  Without consent, touching another person is a crime (battery).  But I feel like these laws are not strong enough.  Parents have been losing the right to choose not to have children vaccinated for years. 

It's funny how there are so many women who understand that rape is a crime, why can't people understand that forced vaccination is also a crime?  Both require consent.  Our bodies belong to ourselves.

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Germ theory is a complete sick joke, hoax and the sheeple are buying it and getting into it, since they have no life and they want to desperately get involved in/with SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Becoming a snitch is a great start for sheeple with zero life.
The real 'viruses' that ever existed and will exist are: Stockholm Syndrome and Milgram Experiment. ;)

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Re: Covid-19 virus paradigm is mainstream media / medical mafia HOAX
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2020, 01:36:36 pm »
Just like the HIV/AIDS narrative in the mid 1980s. HIV/AIDS is full on HOAX.

Covid-19 virus paradigm is a total complete mainstream media / medical mafia HOAX.

PCR Tests perpetuate the hoax. PCR Test is un-scientific bullshit hypothesis... PCR Tests must be debunked publicly... its use will perpetuate the HOAX.

The breathing problems and blackening of skin problems are targeted 5G attacks on certain populations to affect legislation for FORCED VACCINATION (which will actually harm, injure, neuter you) and promote the hoax.

In the virus hoax paradigm "new normal", we are forced to PRETEND to accept this stupid hoax narrative... OR ELSE.

Protect yourselves against 5G and tracking. 5G and tracking is the big bad enemy they do not want you to look into!

-- Goodsamaritan (02 May 2020)

« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 02:55:34 pm by goodsamaritan »
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I thought that this interview with Robert Kennedy Jr on vaccines,Fauci,Gates,5G was compelling:

« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 09:12:41 am by King Salmon »
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"Age of Autism"
"Death by Medicine"
"Good-Bye Germ Theory"
"The Virus and the Vaccine"
"The Moth and the Iron Lung"
"What Really Makes You Ill?"
"The Autism Vaccine"
"The Great American Health Hoax"
"The Invisible Rainbow"
"Rockefeller Medicine Men"
"Aids, Opium, Diamonds and Empire"
"Rockefeller's: An American Dynasty"
"Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology"

"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense"

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Just an example concerning bees: when a cellphone was put on a beehive, for 60 mn/week for 3 month, it ended with a loss of the colony. The emf (electromagnetic fields) were damaging the cellular metabolism, and they were O2 starved.

O2 starvation has been studied and documented. There is a connection between lack of o2 and cancer, tumours can only grow if the cellular respiration decreases. It's called the "Warburg effect", tumours take up a huge amount of glucose but uses much less o2 than normal. Cells go back to a more primitive state, as all complex organism must have o2.


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