Author Topic: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)  (Read 7581 times)

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Offline Sally

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Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« on: October 19, 2018, 09:56:18 am »
Hi there, having problems breastfeeding my 5 week old infant.  My milk supply is insufficient.  Only producing about half of what he needs.  Took him to a lactation consultant the other day, after observing that he lost a third of a lb.  He is still 3 lb above his birth weight (11lbs)  She weighed him before and after i breastfed him, he only took in 55ml.  He spits up plenty.  I have cut out dairy, but what really helped is when i went on the dr sears elimination diet for a few days.  Ate McDonald’s yesterday and his spitting up came back very good.  I suspect that he is reacting to dairy and gluten proteins making their way into my breast milk.  The dr Sears feels too restrictive.  I picked up some raw grassfed steak and pork chops. My intent is to go back to a partially raw keto diet that excludes dairy and gluten.  Any suggestions for boosting my milk supply?  I am supplenting him with a hypoallergenic formula by similac.  I would like to breastfeed exclusively.  I would like him to stop spitting up so much.
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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2018, 10:43:13 am »
Dried and ground RAW malunggay / moringa capsules.

This is top of the line hands down breast milk booster in the Philippines.

You can dry and grind your own raw malunggay leaves if you want.

My 7 kids were helped immensely by these malunggay leaves.

We buy it at any drug store or supplement store in my city.

follow the dosage in the box.

you may need more since you are bigger - caucasian race.


Another thing is to consult a breast feeding expert in your area.
Keep latching on, properly, and as often as needed.
You must meet the breastfeeding expert in person, with your baby so you can be taught hands on the various positions and techniques.
You will soon forget and throw away your bottles.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 11:07:20 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2018, 02:49:36 am »
Firstly I would get him off this formula. What you might save on money now you will later spend on meds, hospital stays, allergies, sicknesses, pain and suffering. Either you make ur own (id leave out sunflower oil  and cod liver oil) or you buy organic formulas from "Hipp" or "Holle". Still formula but better than the commercial one. Carrots and Fenukgreen can be good to increase breastmilk. There are other foods mentioned on the internet as well, such as rasberry leaf tea. You need to try for urself.

But ideally you get a breastpump, possibly electric from medela (manual pumps can be useless), after some time (weeks) your body will get the signal to produce more milk, which you can then give to your baby and even fill up bottles for extra supply. Make sure you get the right nipple size, otherwise pumping can fail, also be consistent when it comes to pumping (once a day).

I am certain that almost everything you eat will get to ur baby and can effect him/her. During and after pregnancy. Plenty of people that I know which now have babies and toddlers ate rubbish, had C-Sections, premature births and all kind of health problems with their babies. I would STRONGLY advise to stay away from Soy, regardless if organic. Keep a food journal and see what food causes the worst reactions. Start with grains and pasteurized dairy. Gluten is the worst. Easiest and fastest way to eat raw meat is beef tartare. For ex: beef, egg yolk, salt and mustard (homemade is best). Tasty, nutritious and fast.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 02:58:04 am by norawnofun »

Offline Sally

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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2018, 10:11:54 am »
I bought the moringa and started taking it today.  It’s raw, the dosage is 9-15 capsules per day.  I will take 15.
Pumping about 20 oz per day, supplementing about 6.
Read a study that pumping 8 times per day 45 minutes per session will keep prolactin levels maxed.  I aim for this, but I end up pumping about 6 times, 40 minutes each.  I bought a wearable breastpump yo achieveve this.
I don’t eat gluten or dairy, because it seems to make my son spit up more.
Bought some lean steak for a tartare tonight as well as some cute lamb chips which I will eat raw.
Thank you guys for your input.
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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2018, 11:01:43 am »
Seems like the moringa might be working already.  Will give an update tomorrow.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2018, 10:51:03 am »
There are a number of factors to consider, my 4 children were breastfed and the mother had supply issues come and go with each of them. Sometimes it just takes a little time to come in.

There are a number of herbal tea mother's milk formulas and different foods which seemed to increase production in the mother. Though it wasn't paleo, fried rice would really make her swell up with milk. At least small amounts of rice would be a better alternative to gluten grains until you could more fully transition into a paleo style diet.

Start out with more fatty cuts.... fats are critical for early childhood development, and making sure you have adequate quantities of good fat is important for quality milk production.

Pumping isn't ideal, I understand that in the modern world it may be necessary, but it doesn't stimulate milk production the same as frequent nursing.
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Offline Sally

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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2018, 11:10:58 am »
The moringa seems to be at least helping my letdown.  I think my supply has improved slightly. It’s hard to say because Junior spits up alot, some days more than others..  Junior seems to be willing to take the breast more readily.

 I am thinking I want to take it easy on the dosage because of the following:

My husband is all about me taking the moringa because it is a herb.  He would much rather I take that than Reglan or Domperidone.

I do feel a lot more energy on the moringa and I am hopeful that it could be the answer.

The dosage on the bottle is for reducing blood sugar and works out to 9000 milligrams while most websites seem to suggest around 1500 mg per day for lactation.  I am going to slow down to 3-4 pills per day.

I am also starting to experiment with going braless all day, since I seem to make a lot more milk at night, when I normally go braless anyway.

I had my prolactin levels and thyroid levels checked a few weeks ago,  and there was nothing to suggest I should have a problem according to my endocrinologist.

I pump more because of lack of interest from my baby than convenience.  He typically breastfeeds very well at night but gets frustrated fast during the day when my supply is left.  I just don’t think I get enough stimulation from him alone.

I like fats, and I conceived junior on a keto diet.  I maintained the diet a couple months into my pregnancy.  I was also trying keto while breastfeeding.  I found that my breastmilk was fattier, but not more volume. 

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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Low Milk Supply (breastfeeding)
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2018, 11:42:44 am »
It would seem you are following a reasonable course of action....still I would suggest that the baby being frustrated is part of the process which triggers increase in milk supply. Each case is individual and there are always other factors to consider but generally speaking, pumping especially early on can disconnect the mother and baby bond which dictates how much prolactin hormone is released.

Also depending on what kind of bottle nipple you use, will affect how the baby will nurse. Too fast of a flow nipple will make them less willing to work for it when it comes to actual nursing.

Many mothers who pump and bottle feed end up drying up because the baby after being feed pumped milk, doesn't latch on and stimulate the adequate release of milk hormones. Also mothers will become worried when their babies struggle and give up too soon, before the flow really begins to kick in.
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