Author Topic: Raw blood (lamb and goat)  (Read 5357 times)

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Offline BransonEs

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Raw blood (lamb and goat)
« on: July 22, 2023, 08:04:06 pm »
Hey, everyone! Question/concern.

It’s been years in the making and I have finally slaughtered and butchered my first set of goats and lambs myself at home. Six animals in all. I collected the blood. I have drank about 1 cup a day for about 2 and 1/2 weeks. I am wondering if it’s possible to overload on iron.

I figure most people don’t have access to this much blood at once. I was trying to take it as slow as possible as this is my first time consuming raw blood. Halfway through the third week I got a headache and then I got body aches all over. This was after opening a new jar from the third animal.

Just wondering if the beach ache and body aches are an iron overload. I have consumed the blood from two entire animals in 2 and 1/2 weeks and about 1 cup from the third animal. Two sheep, one goat.

For reference, I am a woman and am relatively small and short in height.

I stopped consuming the blood one night when I got a headache (I never get them) and thought I better stop consuming it for awhile. The following four to five days have been a lot of body aches and some very slight abdominal pain. This is all unusual for me.

Could it be an overload of iron? Does anyone else have any experience with consuming large amounts of blood in a short time frame. I felt amazing until I didn’t.

Thanks for any feedback!

Offline BransonEs

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Re: Raw blood (lamb and goat)
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2023, 03:36:18 pm »
To add:

The day I got the headache I didn’t notice until later that the air quality was bad that day from fires. But I stopped drinking the blood that day thinking headache was possibly from iron. So, I do not know if the body aches are from iron overload or from stopping drinking the blood.

Does anyone else have any experience with drinking raw blood daily? Derek? How often do you drink it?

One other note: 2 of the animals were a friends that we butchered at the same time. They didn’t want to keep the blood and they don’t eat raw. I should have marked which belonged to which but wondering if maybe it was just the blood from their animal since I’d opened a fresh jar on the third animal. Maybe they’d given some sort of meds or something and just didn’t tell me.

Since this was my first time slaughtering and butchering and my first time drinking blood, a lot of new experiences so I apologize for asking anything ignorant.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 06:19:15 pm by BransonEs »

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Raw blood (lamb and goat)
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2024, 04:33:24 am »
I think that if something doesnt seem right to you then it is best to pass on the blood, i have never craved the taste of the blood from the sheep I’ve slaughtered nor the livers. The meat and other organs have always been very appealing but i think trusting your body to know what it wants is best.

After two whole animals blood i would imagine youd be pretty full of the nutrients contained at that point. Will add that if the blood was kept fresh and not frozen i could see it going ‘off’ in that time, though i know some people here may have better ideas as to if that would be the case

Offline MarkR

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Re: Raw blood (lamb and goat)
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2024, 04:34:35 pm »
I don't have experience with drinking raw blood (yet), but whenever I eat something new and get pains/aches. I continue eating (unless it does not taste ok) to see if it is just a triggered detox, or really the food i'm eating. All the times i have tried this, it was always just a temporary detox. The pains/aches always disappeared after some days and i could continue eating the food without issues.

I do ONLY do this when i trust the source of the food. When i doubt the quality of the food, i stop eating the food. So in your case, you have doubts about your friend's animals. Maybe best to retry with only blood from your own animals that you trust.

I do not believe in being overloaded with vitamins/mineral when you eat raw+natural foods. My body always signals me when I ate enough, food loses it's taste completely and i stop eating.


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