Author Topic: Paleo all meat zero carb testimonial + article on Baldness  (Read 9864 times)

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Offline wodgina

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Paleo all meat zero carb testimonial + article on Baldness
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:00:59 pm »

I'm now one of you guys all meat zero carb (well...see how I go!) I've come to the conclusion that we are 99% carnivores. Interesting few days and I will  write about my experience soon.

I found two interesting articles by someone called called 'carnivore' (we have one on here is it the same one?). He is eating an all meat raw diet with about 150 to 250 grams of fat a day.

The first article is the effect off an all raw meat diet on baldness compared to a carb based diet. Plus at the bottom is a testimonial which includes cures from.

Anxiety disorder
Insulin resistance/type II first stage
Reactive hypoglycemia/type II first stage
Social anxiety
Memory loss
Overall appearance of aging
Circulatory problems.

check it out

The second article is on carbs verses all animal based diet on diabetes.

check it out


ps I just noticed he doesn't eat organ meats oweing to their starch* content.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 01:04:45 am by wodgina6722 »
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Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Paleo all meat zero carb testimonial + article on Baldness
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 04:15:46 am »
It is very interesting that he won't eat organ meats due to their carb content.  What I'm finding is that all protein eaten is converted to glucose at the rate of about 58%.  This was demonstrated to me by the drop in blood glucose levels when I changed my diet from 32% protein to less than 20% protein.

My original protein consumption was about 150g/day.  This converted to 87g of glucose and you could see my blood glucose level rise about 25 points over a three hour period and then it would decline to an average resting value over the next 18 hours or so before finally dropping to the original starting level a couple of hours before I ate my next daily meal.

When I cut the protein to 90g/day (I raised fat to keep calories the same) there is 52g glucose created and my blood glucose levels only rise 15 points before dropping back to the average resting value.

What is interesting is that the drop in protein from 150g/day to 90g/day is a 40% drop. The "calculated" drop in glucose manufactured from protein from 87g to 52g is a 40% drop.  The measured change in the rise of blood glucose directly after eating a meal from 25 points to 15 points is also a 40% drop - so all these numbers track exactly.  I keep very accurate records and measure my blood glucose every hour when I'm awake and every time I awaken during the night, and yes my fingers are shredded and painful but without doing this you'll never see these relationships.


Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: Paleo all meat zero carb testimonial + article on Baldness
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2008, 07:32:53 am »
Great data lex, it would be nice if more of us kept such detailed records of our diet and internal chemistry. What is your opinion on organ meats and carbs? Personally it seems silly to shun organ meats since even purely carnivorous animals eat them.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Paleo all meat zero carb testimonial + article on Baldness
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2008, 02:02:02 pm »
I agree. In fact, carnivorous animals are well-known to prefer the organ-meats over muscle-meats, as the dominant animal in a pack gets first choice of organ-meats before others. I also recall zoo-directors pointing out that some carnivores in zoos which had no access to raw organ-meats would often develop fertility problems over time(if they were raised on such an organ-free diet from birth). I wouldn't be surprised if this and last century's rise in human infertility is partially the result of steering away from organ-meats in the diet.

Re 90g:- I was under the impression that the absolute lower limit for protein-intake was 100g a day, and that anything below that would destroy the muscles etc. (though some argue that the limit is higher).
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 02:05:55 pm by TylerDurden »
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Offline lex_rooker

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Re: Paleo all meat zero carb testimonial + article on Baldness
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2008, 12:26:55 am »
The research that I've done seems to indicate that protein requirements vary with activity level and the amount of lean muscle mass that must be maintained.  Most formulas just use total body weight to simplify things as people do not generally have access to an accurate way to measure lean muscle mass and it is constantly changing anyway.  The general protein requirements that I've seen go something like this:

Sedentary    = 0.8g protein per Kg of body weight per day
Mildly Active = 1.0g protein per Kg of body weight per day
Highly Active= 1.2g protein per Kg of body weight per day
Body builder = 1.4g protein per Kg of body weight per day

I doubt if anyone really knows for sure but this is the most recent info I could find.  I weigh about 72kg and I went with the 1.2g/kg to be on the safe side and that comes to about 87g/day.  I usually eat about 90-95g/day.



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