Author Topic: Please share experience and opinion the old and experienced people who are in ZC  (Read 10292 times)

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Offline joejac

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Hello  Ladies and Gentlemen, have a nice day.
Sorry for this long message but I have to explain my situation.
1.- I am having strong recurring problems with my body since 1994. I never trusted Doctors, due to what they did to my very sick mother, they converted her, from a strong and nice woman, into a totally devastated, drugged and disabled human being from 1984 to 1996, now she is almost a vegetable, barely subsisting.
2.- I live in South America, in a very hot weather country. In 2009 I requested a stool laboratory test by myself and it showed I had "Candida Krusei," I suspect I have it probably since I was a kid. I was not fat, I weighed 74 kilograms and height 1.70 m. But after 5 months of Blood Type Diet/Genotype Diet combined with the Candida diet, by the end of March 2010 I was on the bones with about 56 kilograms. I have a body that is Blood Type 0+ Genotype 4 (Explorer) non-secretor. With those restrictive diets my cholesterol jumped to 344, I was able to lower to 250, only with food, but no less until I found 2 links to the Primal Diet.
2.1 In April 7th 2010, I did a new cholesterol test early in the morning, I had 239, by lunch I began with the Primal Diet. In April 15th I did another cholesterol test and it dropped to 185, this  was amazing to me and I gained confidence in the Primal diet.
2.2 From April 7th until end of October 1010, I was eating raw eggs, fish, red meat, avocados, tomatoes, some green juices, coconut milk and cream, almonds, walnuts, honey, some fruit, little salted cheese, lime and honey in water, it was impossible to get natural and unsalted raw cheese, butter, milk,  it is a very hot country, so raw dairy is forbidden. Animal fat is very difficult to get. In 3 weeks I felt I had more energy. I had experienced various detox events no more than 2-3 days long.
3.- With the extra energy I was able to finish some work and get some resources to try to help my mother in Europe and rescue her from the terrible SS (Social Security). Please note that I work with computers so I do not have much chance to exercise nor energy. I am in Europe since last November,  you can not imagine what I have found here, I had to get the advice of various lawyers, given the situation of mother with the SS. My levels of stress jumped to the roof. Here I was able to find raw milk, butter, cheese and kefir and increased the amount of green juices and honey, I guess I was eating too much.
3.1 In 3 months in Europe I increased weight to 66kg, disappeared, my joints sound, and felt strong and happy, but suddenly my old problems appeared again. For weeks I was unable to sleep at random days, with nightmares, belly noises, very strong heartburn and pains in the chest at night and in consequence, a complete lack of energy, exhaustion, joints and muscle pains, thick blood, these problems were usual before doing the Primal Diet, and what is new: itching and rashes on 20% of my skin.
3.2 I suspended dairy since a couple of weeks ago, but I still get plenty of honey, coconut, avocados and green juices (1 litter a day = about 1 Quarter Gallon). What can this be: too much food, sickness of carbohydrates or candida die-off?.

3.3 I discovered that here cows are not fed only with grass but in the last 2 months before they are sacrificed, the are feed with compound fodder. I think I will increase oceanic blue fish intake, I do not like white fish. Here I some times get suet (I do not like it) and pork fat which I like, but it is not pasture pork. Mainly my fats are eggs and vegetable fats: coconut cream and avocado.
4.- Please, I would like to know the experience and opinion of the old and experienced people who are in a "Raw Carnivorous Zero Carbohydrates" diet, specially if there is an elder one, how many years the person is on the diet, a typical eating day, describe their meals, and how they feel and work.
5.- On the "Raw Carnivorous Zero Carbohydrates" diet my questions are:
5.1 How can I get raw enzymes, minerals, vitamins and micronutrients?
5.2 How can I hydrate myself?, because only water give me problems and with lemon it makes my belly hot and with the feeling I need to eat soon and some constipation.
5.3 How can I avoid carbohydrates withdrawal symptoms, and/or candida die-off?.
5.4 How can I repair my digestive system?.
5.5 What food to suppress and what to eat safety, without getting into malnutrition?.
6.- By the way, yesterday I reduced juices and honey to half, and eggs from 8 to 4 only in the morning in a smoothie with honey, lemon and coconut cream as in South America, so I had only 2 meat meals plus the eggs smoothie in the morning. I like eggs because if I am thirsty they relieve me a lot, I usually take 2 (Rocky style) as a dessert after meals. Last night I was able to sleep better. Today I have no breakfast and got plenty of suet and pork fat before cow meat at midday with 2 eggs Rocky style, I feel light but I got a slightly dizzy sensation during a couple of hours, it does not bother me but it is not usual.
7.- I have the feeling that this is my last chance to change diet and improve without relapse, I do not see any more choices for me, I tested almost all diets and I do not want to make more mistakes in this trial and error process to find the truth about human feeding.  I am also very concerned about my kids, they do not live with me but need my help (the right diet and life style), they are so young and with poor health and lack of energy, frustrated with no hope to reach their goals, her mother is addicted to coffee, chocolate and cooked food and carbohydrates, and they too except for coffee.
Thank you in advance for your patience, time to help me and kind response.
Best regards
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 05:50:31 pm by TylerDurden »

Offline Josh

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Hi Jose.

I haven't been on raw zero carb for a long time so can't answer all your questions, but you know whatever you try it's not your last chance.

A lot of people on here find it's a process of experimentation, and different things work for them.

For example, you could try fruit and meat, and leave out the vegetables and nuts. Or try honey.

Don't get too tied up in theories, because some of them are questionable and anyway you can believe something's great in theory but what matters for the moment is what you can get working for you - then you can try and change it later if you want.

I heard beef was generally good in South America, so that's true where you are you could get ground beef it's a decent source of fat.

And hit the exercise - a couple of short sprints a day, and lifting a sandbag around for a couple of minutes is way better than nothing.

Offline joejac

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A lot of people on here find it's a process of experimentation, and different things work for them.
And hit the exercise - a couple of short sprints a day, and lifting a sandbag around for a couple of minutes is way better than nothing.

Thank you very much Josh,

Yesterday I only ate 2 meals, I skipped breakfast and I was a little bit nervous at night, there have been no painful sensations, but I was not able to sleep until I ate something. At 2:30 am I ate 3 small eggs rocky style with 2 spoons of bee pollen and I was able to sleep about 5 hours. I am tired but no in so bad shape.

Yes you are right "it's a process of experimentation" probably my body still needs a little carbohydrates given the previous life with the wrong eating habits, and since my digestive system is not well yet I need to be very careful with food types, amounts and frequency. And also exercise, I walk before sleep but I think it is not enough, I have to be carefull with my joints :)

I also noticed that the green juices, without the fiber and only a couple of glasses a day, hydrates me and soothes my digestive system.

I still would like to see the eating schedule, type of foods and quantity, of other people in ZC, although It seems to be a personal issue, but just to have a better idea.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 05:11:42 pm by joejac »

Offline TylerDurden

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Here's a suggestion:-

1) Cut out all the raw dairy

2) Cut out the raw veggie juices.

3) Eat a diet of mostly raw meats plus some raw fruits(unless you find that RZC works better for you). Get hold of wild game if you can. I am sure you will be able to find 100 percent grassfed meats if you only look around long enough.
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Offline joejac

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Hello Tyler,

Thanks for your suggestions.

1) I cutted out all the raw dairy 2 weeks ago.

>2) Cut out the raw veggie juices.
Strange because I feel my belly better with some celery/lettuce/swiss chard/honey juice (no fiber). But I will try to cut raw veggie juices, because if I can get rid of the indigestion problems at night I think I will be fine.

2.1 My main concern in this point is what to drink when I were thirsty? Pure springwater or carbonated water are no good for me and I do not want to abuse of the water/lemon/honey mix, any suggestions on what to drink are welcome.

3.- One butcher told me that her meats are from pasture, but who knows. I am now temporary in Europe and here wild game last only a month in december.

3.1 By the way, avocado and coconut cream are fine? because my first 7 months on Primal Diet I ate mainly those vegetable fats, in South America is difficult to get animal fat in a big city, and I was improving fine with vegetable fats.

3.2 In the RPD, are eaten the fruits with fat?
3.3 Is there a link with the list of fruits and the recomended weekly amount, I need to be very careful with fruit due to candida.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 05:16:13 am by joejac »

Offline TylerDurden

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I don't view coconut cream as a real food, IMO. Raw animal fats are better, anyway, than raw plant fats.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline riy freeman

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my two cents: RUN RUN FAR AWAY FROM ZC it was a disaster for me

Offline Josh

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But some people on here like it, so all the more reason to experiment properly for yourself.

Offline Haai

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joejac, which european country are you in?
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But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

Offline Löwenherz

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I don't view coconut cream as a real food, IMO. Raw animal fats are better, anyway, than raw plant fats.

Coconut cream is something very special. It's not comparable to any other vegetable fat!


Offline MoonStalkeR

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Hi José

As you mentioned, it would be important to stay away from doctors. I became very ill because of the pharmaceutical mafia and their arsenal of deadly substances - drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, etc. Your symptoms also sound familiar.

Were you able to tolerate a hot and humid climate? I would choose that over a cold climate for recovery, but it can still produce stress.

The situation with the SS is likely producing stress. I recommend using salt in some form as a means of hydration. I find vegetable fats to be harder to digest than animal.

Offline joejac

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Hello, and thanks to all.

The good news is that a day before yesterday I was able to sleep 5+3 hours with no pain and last night 6+3 hours of good sleep, only some bowel noises and some rashes but did not affect my sleep.

I drastically reduced liquids and increased raw animal fat, and had about 40 grams of raw fruit per day 1 hour before lunch (2-3 ounces of raw blueberries).

I reduced the veggie juices from 1 liter (1 Quarter) a day to 100ml (3-4 ounces). These 2 days I had only 100ml of green juices when wake up the first time and then to sleep 3 hours more :) But I need to work   :D

With the raw animal fat I feel strange, like if I am going to be dizzy but I did not get dizziness, I also feel more in calm.

A.- I am still concerned with the effect of raw animal fat on heart and blood vessels, are there any links to scientific studies on this issue that someone can provide me?.

B.- I still have my previous questions, hope someone can answer them with your experience and information, links and/or books:

1.- How can I get raw enzymes, minerals, vitamins and micro-nutrients?
2.- How can I hydrate myself?,
3.- Should I take fruit with animal fat or alone is fine?
4.- Is avocado a good fat?,
5.- Are tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber blended with honey, good if I am thirsty?
6.- What food to suppress and what to eat safety, without getting into malnutrition?.

C.- Hi Tyle, what is wrong with coconut cream?, I never had it before Primal Diet but now it is delicious for my taste.

D.- Hi gosu44, can you be more specific? what did you eat and what specific problems did you have with ZC?

E.- Hi Haai, I'm in temporary in Spain, why?

F.- Hi Löwenherz, yes, Coconut cream and water are special to me  :)

G.- Hi MoonStalkeR, I always lived in hot and humid climate although my genetic comes from the  cold and humid North of Spain. I always complained hot but I recognize it helped with my recovery those first 7 months on Primal Diet.

Yes SS is a real nightmare, but I have to persist, I caused these problems when in 1996 I let alone my mother came to Spain with her family and in confusion due to her illnesses, she made terrible mistakes, I have to be strong and to resolve this once and for all.

You can not imagine how much I'm learning seen them in action, is tough, but is better to know well the wolf and where he likes to bite and how. I have kids and friends and they have to know the truth, so someone has to do the dirty job and I can not delay this anymore.

Salt is no good for me, in combination with mega dosages of vitamins/minerals during 16 years burned my adrenals. I have learned the supplements lesson very hard, and wasted vast amount of money that was enjoyed by the "natural" supplements industry.

Thanks a lot, Best regards
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 04:58:48 am by joejac »


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