Slanker's seems to be the consensus as a great place to get grass-fed meat: Yeah, it's frozen, but as has been said--MUCH better frozen then cooked.
I also haven't heard of anyone getting parasites on this diet. So I wouldn't worry about it. If you really feel you need a cleanse, you could do one after being on it for a while. But, personally, I don't think it's necessary--I'd be more likely to cleanse before going on the diet, honestly.
Anyway, I'm trying to make the transition as well.
I'm starting out by eliminating dairy, legumes, grains, and other non-paleo foods. I'm limiting the number of vegetables and fruits I eat, because I support a mainly-carnivorous or low/zero carb diet. I'm craving carbs like mad, and I've already had the social thing bite me in the ass, which ruined my good record for a few days. But, I will prevail!
I haven't had a chance to go grocery shopping or order anything since deciding to finally go on this diet. I've been eating the hamburger and chicken we have, just so I can eat meat of some kind. I'm still cooking it.
But when I do finally go shopping, I plan on stocking up on fish--it's the easiest to get used to eating raw. I already know I like raw salmon. I figure getting used to eating raw fish on a regular basis, along with occasional raw vegetables, like spinach, will help in the transition. The problem with that, is it's expensive in comparison to beef or other meats, so the transition period is going to have to be quick.

Just enough time to smack the idea that raw meat is bad out of my programming.
I plan on ordering from Slanker's. I haven't decided how much or what--I'm considering trying the mix that Lex is on since he's having good success with it (his journal is brilliant, if you don't read it):
Image/Description, but I'm unsure whether I could handle that immediately or not.
I'm also trying to think up a sauce to use if the raw meat is that hard to get down. I'm considering just a ton of black pepper and ketchup.

EDIT: Alternatively, you could lower the temperature you cook the meat at over days/weeks/months. I've heard some people go through a sort of "detox" when they switch to raw cold-turkey, which isn't that pleasant. Others don't have that issue. I was originally going to switch slowly and lower the temperature over time, but I've decided I'll probably go cold-turkey.