Author Topic: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...  (Read 6272 times)

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Offline OnyxPoet

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Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:16:52 am »
Hello again all, i recently posted about 6 hours ago and am still a pure newcomer attempting to grasp the scene so i have many questions, and since i had no replies and already a very long thread i decided to post this one so as to not crowd it.

As i understand it, blue rare meat is meat that has been cooked for maybe about 10 seconds per side to eliminate bacteria. Bacteria is still a large focal point for me even though i live in America where they damn near use Superman Death rays on any meat product before selling it to us.

Now my Main question is, without a biased answer if at all possible please, will blue raring my meat kill all the enzymes therein? I know this is not quite paleo if its blue rared, and i apologize for asking this on this forum, but you all are much more akin to me than i am to anyone else on this matter and its very hard to find people who know a gosh DARN Flipping thing about this eating style.

But yes, please do reply, if it doesnt kill all my enzymes and vitamins i am Certain i will still get a good amount from them. I mean sheesh even if its only like 75% i already take enzyme supplements and probiotics. I mean the way i see it, your body has to heat up to a certain internal temperature as it is in order to heat water or digest food so BARELY heating it can't do it too much injustice.

I do NOT believe in Overcooking as its obviously a dead, worthless piece of flesh with little to no nutritional value, and though BLUE rare isn't as much the middle man mediator as rare is ... i would go for severely undercooked as its closest to raw anyday, just so as long as the bulk of the meat ( about maybe 75-80% of it) was still able to do what it was meant to do.

I desperately want to taste the blood of a dead animal again as i did in my rare days when the meat basically mooed at me ... and the soft, juicy fat and muscly flesh therein ... please do reply if you can :). I am willing ... and incredibly eager!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 06:22:58 am by OnyxPoet »
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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 06:24:32 am »
    I can't relate, but many people here find the best path to raw meat is to blue it first, as you described.  For me personally it's always better raw, and better not beef.
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Offline OnyxPoet

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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 06:32:55 am »
HAHA WOOO, Thank you SO Much for replying ^_^, a kindred spirit on this journey makes me so happy. I am generally a lonely guy as it is so you can see how THIS topic would cause an even greater deal of that lol. But i digress, so you say blue rare is ok ... thats incredible and very good news to me not to mention it won't quite gross people out as much heheh, like my wife :P.

But another question comes to mind ... if external bacteria is the only problem really with meat here in America ... why do they focus so much on Internal temperature which doesn't get any oxygen to supply the bacteria? ... Is it botulism they are worried about? ... i mean truly if i do indeed blue rare the meat am i honestly destroying any potential strains of E-coli in the mix? Thats really my greatest and only concern and i dont give a rat's furry hide about Salmonella. Any more info would be much appreciated, many thanks and farewell for now :)
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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2010, 08:14:35 am »
Are you eating or planning of eating supermarket grain-fed/finished beef? If you are I definitely think a quick sear is a good idea due to the more virulent strains of E.Coli these meats are inherently exposed to. If all you do is a quick sear you'll get most of the benefit from the meat which seems to be your question.

If I can give you one piece of advice above all else it's to find yourself a good source of grass-fed/finished meat. There's a lot of debate out there about the difference between grain and grass finished meats but from my personal experience the grains in the animal's diet comes through which causes plenty more problems for the body.

The longer you stick with this the more you'll get over the fear of the bacteria. Any complaints from RPDers are few and far between compared to a regular cooked SAD diet. The bacteria really just help your immune system if it's not compromised by everything else in your diet. :)

Offline OnyxPoet

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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 08:43:56 am »
hm i see ... wow ... so you say, uh ... the grains come through? Is this um, documented or official? Because i hate grains and part of this is my intentional abstaining from them ... i would hate to end up eating them in my meat by accident as it defeats much of the purpose i have going for me here. I am also researching raw butter and raw milk and finding that, even though i dont drink milk because of the lactose ... its dang near impossible to find any of it in the states, raw butter Or milk.

However, i am finding that at least Cltured butter and CUltured yoghurt (no sugar) is available, that mixed with some raw eggs in a blender sounds like a good amount of fat/protien for my 70% fat/3% carbs/27% protein lifestyle.

But i suppose thats beside the point, so yes, is it documented and official or can i get away with slightly educated wishful thinking on this?
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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2010, 09:22:40 am »
hm i see ... wow ... so you say, uh ... the grains come through? Is this um, documented or official? Because i hate grains and part of this is my intentional abstaining from them ... i would hate to end up eating them in my meat by accident as it defeats much of the purpose i have going for me here.

But i suppose thats beside the point, so yes, is it documented and official or can i get away with slightly educated wishful thinking on this?
I'm allergic to corn and grains. When I eat grain-finished meat I get much the same symptoms as if I ate the corn/grains directly albeit it somewhat reduced. Grass-finished meats and wild game/fish do not elicit the same immune reactions. Unfortunately I have no scientific backing on this just my personal observations and experiences; do with it what you will.

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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2010, 11:44:06 am »
9/10 its going to depend on what your goals are. You might find others here have different goals or requirements or that yours yourself change.

If you are switching to a totally diffident diet than what you are used to, surely reducing the most harmful of cooking methods even eating some pasteurized fats and best quality meat you can manage and so forth will yield some benefit for now. there are no raw food police.

from an ideal standpoint there are issues that have been hinted at

certain meats that "arn't healthy to eat raw" should probably not be eaten at all as mentioned and if they are, they probably should be prepared with methods greater than searing. Although I'm sure some will dispute that. There are some people that say if they are not sure about a meat (as in havn't seen the source directly) they might sear it, but that is still expressing faulty notions about bacteria and the nature of illness. Some people manage to eat supermarket meats, but yes if one wants to ear on the side of complete caution and avoid any potential symptoms than yes best to avoid that altogether.

a side issue for me with the searing thing which I never see addressed, is even if you arn't 'killing enzymes' of the interior or whatever and leaving much of the nutrition intact, you are still cooking part of the meat, and therefore basically mixing raw and cooked meat. one of the main advantages of raw, and 'enzymes' etc.. is that the food passes naturally through the digestive system quickly without effort. any cooking or mixing with cooked matter (or even raw matter like vegetables) can back up digestion and even move slower through your insides and cause issues.

So I recommend you do what feels most healthful. I personally if I was to cook up meats especially fish -which would be my first choice for cooking- I will then cook it thoroughly. If something truly did have dangerous bacteria I would personally feel cooking lightly would not help me.

Offline OnyxPoet

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Re: Blue Rare or Pure Raw ...
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2010, 11:57:09 am »
excellent responses all of them, i am truly grateful for the continued support and information from the lovely people of this forum. I appreciate your help and guidance and will be sure to take it all into heavy consideration. I will make Certain not to ever eat rare ground beef unless i grind it myself as i have learned on the forum :).

And i will truly consider either the fully raw or most likely blue rare, because i cant see how blue rare, barely searing any of the meat, could cause too much indigestion if the enzymes are available to break it down, and the meat already has to be heated by your body to a certain temperature in order to be digested.

I could totally be wrong but thats the point of all this research eh? :), Thanks again for your info, any is always welcome and truly i appreciate you all.
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