Author Topic: Foods, Body Care Products, & Supplements with Dangerous Nanoparticles  (Read 3379 times)

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I can't find the sunscreen thread now.  But I would definitely avoid them.  Nanoparticles are now in many products and foods (in the US at least). 

Here are a couple links.
"These products include 27 sunscreens that specifically note the use of micronized or nano-scale zinc oxide or titanium dioxide (Table 2). Neither of these two sunscreen ingredients have been comprehensively reviewed for safety in their micronized or nano-scale form by FDA. The European Union's Scientific Committee on cosmetics denied approval for micronized zinc oxide as a sunscreen in 2003, citing a lack of data on skin absorption and inhalation, and studies showing the ingredient to be potentially toxic in the presence of light (SCCNFP 2003, SCCP 2005)."  - This link has many articles on nanotechnology in the clothes, personal care products and food.


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Offline akaikumo

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Man, that's just really disturbing. We shouldn't have to get so educated on stuff to know what could be dangerous and what isn't. I'll have to read those.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin


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