Author Topic: Introduction new member part2  (Read 3370 times)

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Offline sydney

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Introduction new member part2
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:30:33 am »
Back again to finish. I also try to take clay which I think is a great thing. The thing is its recommended to take it away from food so it gets forgotten too often. I am interested in anything anyone has to say about clay. I find it a fascinating subject.
The reason for the regime is to eat regularly. I'm sure for many eating irregularly is beneficial, I'm intrigued by paleo views on the subject. But for me I just am running on empty too much of the time. Maybe its about insulin/motabolism?
I am in good health so for me about maintaining health with optimal nutrition but also to fit my lifestyle as a single person. Sydney ;D

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Introduction new member part2
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 04:34:09 pm »
I've had good but limited success with clay. It does seem to bind well with toxins, so once one's been a long time on rawpalaeo, one doesn't find it it is needed any more, at least from my own experience.

I understand your need to eat quite regularly. We mostly go in for lots of raw animal fat so there's much less need to eat constantly as we feel fully sated, much of the time.
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