Author Topic: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^  (Read 4037 times)

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Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:47:51 am »
Well, I came to this site as Ive been told by a member of another site i had stumbled across that the people here are far more open minded and accepting... I must state though that I have literally NO interest in raw land based meats, I don't think there is anything wrong with it, its just a texture and flavor thing for me, just like how I hate the texture and flavor of tapioca, but most people I know love it... some things I just cant stand... I do however love some raw sea creatures, and I love raw veggies and fruits and some sprouted grains... tried to get into juicing and stuff, but its a pain in the butt to juice with nothing other than a blender and some cheesecloth... my friend keeps making a joke that since I'm so poor, I should put up a donation button for a juicer and real dehydrator,LOL...  but I'm not THAT much of a bum, not yet at least,LOL... anyway, from what Ive read on here so far, it seems like my friend is really right about all of you, and I'm really glad to be a member here. :)
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Re: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2010, 08:50:47 am »
I started with Wai Diet and got bored with just sea food.
If you stick with raw paleo diet long enough, you just may get curious enough to try land animals in the future.
Take your time.
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Re: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2010, 08:58:04 am »
Ive tried land animals, the texture makes me nauseous raw... I am fine with it medium rare, even a bit closer to rare, but the texture I just cant handle raw... interesting thing to point out, I actually HAVE to eat a diet rich in LDL cholesterol, or else I could die, as when I was mostly vegan, my LDL levels dropped to 20, and under... many people think that would be a good thing, but they don't realize that your body NEEDS LDL cholesterol to survive...  its what he neurons in your brain are made out of, it reinforces your cellular walls throughout the body...and its the main ingredient your body uses to form your stomach acid... so I guess I was literally BORN for the paleo diet, just not sure if I can ever do it raw,lol...
"We think much less than what we know, We know much less than what we love, We love much less than what there is, And to this precise extent, we are much less than what we are."-R.D. Laing

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Re: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2010, 09:18:24 am »
I ate alot of foul tasting fish and poultry before I ever ate red meats. Ironically now the thought of cooking fatty meat has gag appeal and yet I think almost universally fish and chicken taste far better cooked, with some exceptions like tuna and crab, and some ties like scallops. I'd have to be in a pretty desperate state to eat alot of the Atlantic fish like cod and haddock as regular fare again.

interesting handle. do you curate something or other?

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Re: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 11:51:37 am »
er, I live in a town where I can get the fish fresh and still alive, so they all taste sweet and mild, not the least bit "fishy" raw, foul tasting ocean fish means that fish wasnt fresh at all... I cant eat chicken raw either, texture thing too... Cod is wonderful raw, if its gets nasty fast if it isnt.

Thanks, I do actually, I curate life,lol... or at least I try to... Curator is latin for Guardian, and thats part of who I try to be,  Guardian for the weak and the innocent, a Guardian for that which is beautiful and pure... all that sorta stuff, im not perfect, I screw it up, but I do my best...
"We think much less than what we know, We know much less than what we love, We love much less than what there is, And to this precise extent, we are much less than what we are."-R.D. Laing

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Re: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2010, 12:20:24 pm »
Ah, I live in a seafood town for sure, I was more talking about changes in preference than anything else. 'Foul' I was using subjectively. Chicken is still fine to eat but its not any kind of treat is what I meant. I get cod caught that day, and probably eaten 50 lbs of it, but it still tastes like crap to me. The only fish that tastes 'fishy' to me is Mackerel, which I find is an excellent fish to eat. fishes like tuna and swordfish, I can easily eat no matter how old as long as they are wild.

I've never heard of live wild ocean fish. What do they keep them in? They put them in a tank on the boat? I've only seen farmed fish in tanks.

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Re: Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2010, 02:23:36 pm »
yeah, they keep them in a tank on the boat, there are these big live boxes they use that hook up to a filtration/aeration system and everything... my ex's dad uses them, he trucks fish live all up and down the west coast... I guess its personal taste really, cause I loooove them, and have been eating it for years... the mild sweet firm flesh...:D
"We think much less than what we know, We know much less than what we love, We love much less than what there is, And to this precise extent, we are much less than what we are."-R.D. Laing


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