what i am against is this blind religious belief that animal food is ALWAYS superior to all other forms of food ( plant AND supplements ). this is not a reflection of reality - but a reflection of the desire of people for SIMPLICITY. people prefer simple explanations to correct ones, and i am fighting that 
I think many of us here agree with you that animal food is not always superior to plant food. The ZCers are the most vocal on the board hence thinking everyone feels this way.
Also, don't forget that many people on this forum have come from
failed vegetarian/vegan diets, cooked and raw, and have strong conviction in the importance of raw animal meat & fat because it has helped them recover so noticeably.
somehow our ancestors were smarter than you people. they would kill their enemy, eat his heart and drink his blood. they would not focus on his fat. why is it that they could think straight and you can not ? they ate his heart because they wanted a stronger heart. they drank his blood because they realized that blood is what gives life. but they were not particularly obsessed with his fat because they didn't really want to be fat all that bad.
I don't think they were smarter but they did have a much closer & direct connection to the land and it's food sources. There is too much disconnect between "hunter" and "prey" nowadays. Most of us can't get things like fresh blood or brains because we're not killing our own animals.
The "obsession" with fat is purely from a survival necessity. If one is not consuming much/any carbohydrates then one must eat adequate fat for their energy source. Protein is great but you can't eat a high protein diet for long without harsh effects on the body; you need to buffer with one of the other macro-nutrients.
And again,
fat does not make you fat. Good quality raw fat is very healthy for the body.
it appears that the ONLY logic behind the advise to eat more fat tissue is a childish rebellion against the conventional advice to avoid it. can't we do better than that? just because conventional diet is wrong doesn't mean that the opposite of it is right. reality is not 1-dimensional.
For some it may be. Again, for many it's purely a function of the body's needs.
Nuero, you need to understand that there are two types of "ZC"ers. There are the ones who are doing it to lose weight (which it will help with) and the ones who have gotten here because they find it is the best diet to help with their health problems. Most of the posters here on this forum who are ZCers are in the second group (most value raw more than solely animal products) while the first group tend to frequent cooked forums. You can fight our convictions all you want but functional experience from our many members where they've regained health trumps all of your arguments so far IMO.