Author Topic: Remote locations and RAF  (Read 3780 times)

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Offline tdister

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Remote locations and RAF
« on: August 06, 2010, 02:31:46 pm »
I've recently begun RAF (well, 85% and closing) and life has thrown me a curve ball, as it will do. I had given up hope on a certain job but it's recently presented itself again and I'm almost certainly going to go for it ($$).

The issues are that it's in a remote location. If I'm lucky, I will get to a tiny town once a week or a bigger metro area every 2 weeks or so. Hopefully grass fed/pastured stuffs will be available at those times. There is also very limited freezer/fridge space in a small propane fridge for several people to share. It's also going to be moderately labor intensive, so food quantity is a concern. I'm thinking I will be cheating with cooked food more than I'd like.

I'm thinking my egg intake will rise drastically (is a dozen daily too many? maybe one day per week with none). I am going to start sun drying some jerky tomorrow. I have just over a week before leaving and will be there for 3-4 months.

There are squirrels and rabbits around, maybe a deer (once hunting season is open, of course). Is there anything to watch for eating these wild creatures raw? Anyone scared of chronic wasting syndrome?

Any additional ideas? I've pretty well eliminated fruits and veggies right now, save for a carrot here and there. Roughage is no good for me at this point. I will have my fermented cod liver oil as a supplement but need calories. Not much body fat left to live on after all this experimenting with diet.

Offline wodgina

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Re: Remote locations and RAF
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2010, 03:09:58 pm »
I've worked on a minesite in the desert and still was eating mostly raw. It can be done and you have to plan. I had my own fridge in my Donga (a small room a bed, toilet) I would transport eggs/meat/fish. Pemmican is also a good option which I didn't know about then. Vacuumed meats and jerky can work too.
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Re: Remote locations and RAF
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 07:40:06 pm »
There are squirrels and rabbits around, maybe a deer (once hunting season is open, of course). Is there anything to watch for eating these wild creatures raw? Anyone scared of chronic wasting syndrome?

I'm also interested in the answer to this.
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Offline tdister

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Re: Remote locations and RAF
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2010, 11:52:34 am »
It looks like the area I'll be in is free of the Chronic Wasting nastiness. You can find maps on GIS.

I'm doubting that I'll be able to stick to my raw and zero carb experiment intentions. I plan to resume it later but I think I'm going to need too many calories to not have some fresh fruit juice and any decent cooked meats thrown my way (I'm 5'10 and usually just under 140). I'm going to try keeping it mostly raw and animal based, though, as I feel there's something to this.

I'm picking up 16 dozen quail eggs tomorrow and made a bit of jerky already. Also taking some tallow that I disliked at first but have taken a liking to. That should get me there and tide me over for a short bit if i have a rocky start locating foods. Also getting some canned wild salmon and sardines as a last resort (before grains) stash.


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