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Need some help getting started
« on: August 09, 2010, 12:11:11 am »
My short history:

Many years of SAD. About 15 years ago, had some success with atkins for weight loss for a year. Revisiting atkins a year later resulted in kidney stones. Many years of mismanaged health care led me to my worst condition ever, with a doctor playing the blood test -> treat the numbers with pills game. This led to out of control blood chemistry, diabetes, high blood pressure, and at least 150 pounds of extra weight. I felt like I was dying, and his solution was to tell me I needeed even more pills rather than work with me with lifestyle changes. This is when I started taking control of my own health.

Did raw vegan (mostly green smoothies) for about 9 months. Not 100% faithful, kept cheating with cheese as I craved it. Reversed the diabetes, got the blood chemistry under control. Lost 70 pounds (probably including lean muscle weight). Felt bad, was b12 deficient and suffering from adrenal fatigue (diagnosed with spit test).

for 12 months I Started eating raw red meet in addition to raw veggies and fruit. Stress would push me to icecream binges during this period. Also, my adrenal condition was unimproved after a year of eating like this, and taking a ton of supplements prescribed by a naturopath. This bummed me out. I got back in there and did more research. I had been too wiped out to do my own adrenal fatigue research and let my naturopath guide me. Learned sugar was the enemy for adrenal recovery. This led me to the idea of low-carb raw paleo.

So, for the past 3 days I have been <50g carbs per day, and I am sure I am entering ketosis. I have lost 8 pounds in water weight in those 3 days as well. My appetite is largely suppressed.

I am eating almost exclusively grass fed pastured beef I bought from a local farmer last year. It is the lean meats, ground and steaks/roasts. When I was eating this for one meal a day, I really looked forward to it, now at 3 meals a day of just this, I am already bored with it. The flavor no longer excites me, and it is a chore to eat it. Once per day I have a little treat with some raw unfiltered honey, pumpkin seeds, and raw cacao powder. Just a small amount as a treat. I hope to get this out of the diet over time, but I am keeping it to a small amount (<20g honey, 1tbsp cacao, small handful of seeds, total carbs <30g).

Also, when I eat my meals, usually 1/2 pound to 1 pound of beef, I am really tired about an hour after i finish eating. I fight to stay awake. Dose in and out of sleep. And it lasts for about 40 minutes.

So my questions:
Any reading advice on making food choices. I have a lot of grass fed beef in the house, so that will be a staple for a while. I already have a deposit on another cow for this fall, and will be getting the organ meats this time around. I am guessing I am eating about 50% fat (thanks to cron-o-meter estimates). What should I consider adding for additional fat? What can I do to get over the post meal fatigue? Is more fat the answer?

My primary dietary goals are: general good health, weight loss, adrenal recovery.

Thanks for any pointers.


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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 04:26:42 am »
Welcome Rob. :)

What should I consider adding for additional fat?
Ideally a separate source of animal fat such as marrow or suet. If you can't get access to these or do not want to eat them then perhaps eggs or worst case IMO, and for many temporarily, look for raw dairy.

What can I do to get over the post meal fatigue?
Two things that personally helped me with that recently were stopping the addition of salt to my food as well as transitioning to 2 meals a day.

Is more fat the answer?
When eating RZC or carnivorous it usually is (but isn't always).

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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2010, 04:55:26 am »
welcome rob, and congrat's for your successes so far!

as for the fatigue.. maybe that's part of your healing process?  but i was also considering, do you remain seated for periods of time during/after eating? 

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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2010, 07:37:40 am »
The post meal fatigue seems to be a post feeding issue, not healing. I may be wrong, but it is like my body is using a lot of energy to be digesting the food I just ate.

I am concern with cutting out the salt, as I have read it is helpful in adrenal recovery. Also, I am concerned with 2 meals per day. THe larger the meal I eat, the worse the fatigue, plus fasting is discouraged with adrenal fatigue, and I am unsure what duration between meals constitutes fasting.

I am going to experiment with salt fee for tomorrow, and try grazing more by gradually picking at my food over the course of the whole day.

I will look into getting my hands on both marrow and suet this week. Does the marrow come in the form of "soup bones"? I am really interested in trying marrow anyway.

Thanks for all the pointers so far.


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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 07:47:06 am »
Also, I am concerned with 2 meals per day. THe larger the meal I eat, the worse the fatigue, plus fasting is discouraged with adrenal fatigue, and I am unsure what duration between meals constitutes fasting.
I agree that it seems counterintuitive but the 2 meals in a day, spaced roughly 5 hours apart, have allowed me to full digest the food and not overtax my digestive system. When eating 3 meals a day it seems like I was just adding additional burden to my stomach. I will concede that intermittent fasting is not recommended for adrenal fatigue.

I will look into getting my hands on both marrow and suet this week. Does the marrow come in the form of "soup bones"? I am really interested in trying marrow anyway.
"Soup bones" should have marrow in them. Just make sure to confirm that they'll have a decent amount as some vendors sell bones with minimal marrow as the soup and sell the others as marrow bones.

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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 09:16:25 am »
Based on the food I had on hand tonight, and what I could get easily at the store, and the fact that I just couldn't bring myself to eat another steak, I went out and got some macadamians.

Not raw, not ideal, but 6oz of macadamians went down easily and left me without the post meal tiredness. I am hoping getting some animal fat this week will provide similar benefits.

Does the marrow come in any other form than Marrow bones?

I am a little uneasy about suet, but I am not going to let that get in the way. I am really hoping to get some grass fed animal fat tomorrow at the butcher.

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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2010, 05:48:00 pm »
I know that fasting of any kind is discouraged for adrenal fatigue sufferers, but I had adrenal burnout issues and found that actually eating 1 large meal a day worked out far better for me than eating all the time - maybe I'm an exception that proves the rule, though.
Many other RVAFers also have found that healing/recovery only happens during periods when one is not constantly digesting, so that frequent small meals throughout the day are not a solution.

Marrow only comes in bones. Too much hassle to remove it as marrow is so cheap.

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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2010, 05:53:11 pm »
Not raw, not ideal, but 6oz of Does the marrow come in any other form than Marrow bones?

    Ordering online in the USA you can get marrow out of the bone.
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Offline Rob

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Re: Need some help getting started
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2010, 08:33:23 pm »
Tyler, I think what you are saying actually resonates with me quite a bit. I did my greatest healking ever when I was blending every meal, dramatically lowering the digestive load on myself. It worked great until the veganism part of it all came back and bit me in the ass. Perhaps I'll be less afraid of "Conventional Wisdom" on this one.

RawZi: where can I order this marrow out of the bone? In case I can't find it locally I'd love a source.


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