Author Topic: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations  (Read 5954 times)

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Offline ThatWasJustYourLife84

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Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:35:13 pm »
I've been raw flesh/raw eggs for a couple of months now. Problem was I couldn't find raw fat anywhere, and was stuck eating heated/homogenized/treated fat which didn't agree with me very well.

1. There is absolutely nothing on this earth, to me, that tastes as good as raw animal flesh. I don't do the high meat or age it because I have an amine intolerance issue (candida, leaky gut; but maybe this will resolve with time on the raw diet). Raw red meat is my favorite, especially organic grass ged. I shovel it down my throat it's so good. I believe this to be instinct.

2. The raw beef suet is beginning to make me feel high after a meal. I remember reading somewhere, I think, that the body requires saturated fat in particular to synthesize hormones (such as the adrenal cortical complex). I'm beginning to think that the body requires RAW saturated fat to do this, if it's been treated or heated the body can't utilize it properly. I feel a sense of euphoria after consuming the raw fat. It's pretty cool. I also noticed a couple of times yesterday that I felt metabolically the way I did before my self destructive days (alcoholism and drugs) which I've been looking to achieve for years now.

3. I'm pretty much zero carb except for a little black pepper I use to season. I have/had severe reactive hypoglycemia and can't tolerate significant carbs in any form.

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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 12:24:35 am »
    You ever try cinnamon or celery to lower your sugar?

    Does old meat have amines?  I think it often doesn't.  I do have some pork that went moldy and bison seems to get sour to me, as does of course liver.  I've never had a problem with high fish, chicken or other meats though.  I know banana peels, yogurt, olives, cheese, wine, avocados, durian etc get those sickening amines but highmeat too?
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 08:40:03 am »
I have also had past digestive issues ,leaky gut, poor digestion, fungal overgrowth, as well as high blood sugar, .

Cooked fats would pass out in oily stools and I would feel ill after eating anything.

Within the first week of going cold turkey onto a raw meat and fat diet my food began to digest and my sugars normalized.

I started high meat two months in and began to feel better than I can remember, I believe that the positive immune stimulating benefits of high meat offset any potental fears about aggravating candida

From my experience high meat distroys candida in the gut while zero carb starves it out.

(good luck)
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Offline ThatWasJustYourLife84

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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 09:27:40 am »
I have the exact same problem, except the only difference is low blood sugar tendencies instead of high.

I'm very interested in high meat, but still am afraid of it because of my programming from the mainstream media and what not.

I'm trying to implement changes one at a time so as to evaluate exactly what is working and what isn't. Perhaps high meat should be my next inclusion?

I'm also considering taking Dr. Christopher's Pancreas formula. It's supposed to help heal the pancreas from both diabetes and hypoglycemia.

The Candida is a huge problem. Even zero carb doesn't completely get rid of it for allot of people.

I'm on a very high dose probiotic as well as high grade digestive enzymes, even with the raw food. Perhaps it will just take some time eating all raw to heal my organs. I put them through an immense amount of stress over the years with my AWFUL diet as a kid and severe alcohol abuse for about 5-6 years.

Can't expect a silver bullet, nor can you expect it to heal over night.

Offline ThatWasJustYourLife84

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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2010, 09:29:56 am »
    You ever try cinnamon or celery to lower your sugar?

    Does old meat have amines?  I think it often doesn't.  I do have some pork that went moldy and bison seems to get sour to me, as does of course liver.  I've never had a problem with high fish, chicken or other meats though.  I know banana peels, yogurt, olives, cheese, wine, avocados, durian etc get those sickening amines but highmeat too?

I have the opposite problem. My blood sugar tends to go too low. I've tried lowering formulas before and one time almost went into hypoglycemic shock because of it.

Of course I was on a high carb diet at the time, and had a large amount of circulating insulin.....since I'm zero carb now maybe this isn't true and it wouldn't matter.

Cinnamon did nothing for me. Never tried celery though.

Aging meat creates amines. They aren't heterocyclic amines, but they are amine compounds regardless and I get a severe rash on my chest and back of head when I eat foods high in amines. Olive Oil and Coconut Oil being the worst offenders, along with fish.

Offline MoonStalkeR

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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2010, 10:08:39 am »
I remember when I unintentionally removed raw fat for a month or so I began to feel weak and "unshielded".


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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2010, 07:16:59 pm »
Aging meat creates amines. They aren't heterocyclic amines, but they are amine compounds regardless and I get a severe rash on my chest and back of head when I eat foods high in amines. Olive Oil and Coconut Oil being the worst offenders, along with fish.
Have you tried aged grass-finished or wild meats yet to confirm that these cause an issue for you?
FWIW I too am recovering from systemic Candidiasias and a leaky gut. I too also gravitate to hypoglycemia (but this has basically disappeared since going RAF). While I personally have not experienced the benefits others have from high meats I have noticed that meats that have aged some digest noticeably easier for me and cause no issues with the Candida. Obviously your mileage may vary but it might be worth a try. :)

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Couple of days in to the raw fat, couple of observations
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2010, 08:18:39 am »

The Candida is a huge problem. Even zero carb doesn't completely get rid of it for allot of people.

I'm on a very high dose probiotic as well as high grade digestive enzymes, even with the raw food. Perhaps it will just take some time eating all raw to heal my organs. I put them through an immense amount of stress over the years with my AWFUL diet as a kid and severe alcohol abuse for about 5-6 years.

I had yeast growing out of both ends and had tried pro-biotics for two years with no effect.
I think that pro-biotics are practically useless if not harmfull on a raw animal food diet.
Acidophilis is only good at digesting diary and plant matter(which isn't Ideal to be eatting anyway}
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.


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