Milk consumption has been recorded 20.000 years BC. I'd say that is a fair amount of time to adapt.
Anywho, I wont be as arrogant and obnoxious as to tell you that you should or should not drink milk. Try it out, see how you fare on it and then make up your mind.
A lot of people here have problems with it. I for one, have no problems what so ever and am thoroughly enjoying my milk experience and think it's of great benefit.
I never tell anybody that he or she shouldn't drink milk, everyone being free to eat and drink whatever they want. I just warn that dairy may induce serious trouble in the long term (even if everything is fine in the short term), as the wide scale and long duration experiments undertaken by Burger and friends in the 60s and by Seignalet in the 80s showed.
You and most Nordic people don't have any short term problems with dairy. It's a known fact that milk consumption has been established in Scandinavia and Alps mountains far longer than in South-East Asia and Africa, so there is probably a partial adaptation in Northern and Alpine European people – and perhaps some individuals may even be completely adapted. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know if one is totally adapted, partially adapted or not adapted at all, because short term well being is no proof that the stuff is safe in the long run. The phenomenon of habituation should be taken into account: habituation is not adaptation, it only means that the immune system has given up to reject a particular kind of antigens since the body is continuously inundated with it.
For the body to get out of tolerance to some stuff, one needs to suppress the thing sufficiently long. Then, by suddenly reintroducing it, troubles may immediately appear – or may not appear.
That said, raw dairy still is a food that contain valuable nutrients able to counter nutritional deficiencies and it is certainly better to consume raw dairy than no animal food at all.
Sorry if I appear pedantic, but I’m from Lausanne, Switzerland, where more than 40 years of experience, testing, experimentation, questioning, thinking over and brain storming about this subject has been done by people I know well. Unfortunately all the accounts of their experiments on hundreds of mice and other animals have been lost after Burger went to Mexico (apparently nobody paid the rent of the premises where these documents were stored and the owner of the place burned it). But these experiments can easily be reproduced by anyone.