Author Topic: Bloody goodness.  (Read 4948 times)

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Offline sabertooth

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Bloody goodness.
« on: December 15, 2010, 11:17:10 am »
I got a young buck that was hit by a car, (fairly good shape considering), I gutted it and butchered it without letting the blood drain, so the meat was more bloody than anything else I am accustomed to.
I found the blood delicious, and I let some cut up chunks of bloody meat air dry and it develops a nice bloody crust that tasted rawsome. Is there any real reason to let the blood drain out of the animals for us raw fooders, I figure that it was always done out of obsessive cleanliness and not for any quality reasons, (most people might not like blood dripping cuts of meat). I like it and crave it , I even licked the blood drippings off the bottom of my plate.
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Offline RawZi

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 11:25:43 am »
    I think blood started getting drained so the meat would last longer without spoiling.  Maybe also cause the hunters may have had a hard time carrying the blood all home to the tribe, and were thirsty after a long hunting trek.  Blood by nature must contain so many nutrients.  I don't see a nutritional reason you should avoid what you did.  I read on a naturalist site, from a link I got here, that a good way to use blood is to dry it in a bowl first.
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Offline SteakNchop

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 11:30:51 am »
Many healthy humans a long time ago had a large amount of blood im their diets. Blood is great for you. I always believe if you want to improve something, eat that. So if you want to get smarter, eat brain. If you want better/bigger muscles, eat muscle meat. Want better blood, eat/drink blood. I'm not sure if that is exactly accurate but it is pretty logical.

Offline RawZi

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2010, 11:47:57 am »
So if you want to get smarter, eat brain.

    That would be a good reason for some to get brain meat off the market.

    Yes, I think people with blood diseases (AIDS/HepC/etc) would fare better if they ate blood (of healthy lived animals).  

    Maybe some people should not eat much blood, to obtain best physical health.  Maybe they don't need it.  Like me, I don't feel best usually with red meat.  Maybe that would apply to blood too.

    Also, pardon Bible type stuff, but some of you may recall in the story of Cain and Abel, that God said that his brother's blood cried to him from the ground.  I think it may have other meaning than the traditional thought, that blood tells a story.  I think blood is very sensitive a product.  This is why I think you can only drink it from very healthy animals and must keep it well or use immediately like most hunters all through time must have done.  We don't want to take in the story of rot, factory farming, brother killing his only brother etc, kind of like karma or "you are what you eat" (or perhaps drink in this case).  

    Tell us or tell me what happens, how you feel/fare from this, if you don't mind please.  I haven't had truly wild terrestial meat or blood.  I love observing the differences people are already doing whom I know between what is good for health and what is not, without having to duplicate it myself always, unless it looks from that like it would help myself and others generally in health.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 11:56:49 am by RawZi »
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2010, 12:00:53 pm »
I ate the brain in two servings over the last two days, I also ate a kidney, the whole heart,the testicles, and pieces of liver. I also cracked open a leg bone and ate some marrow. It was a young buck and everything was so tender and good. I don't feel much smarter after eatting a whole brain, but I feel good and strong.

I put most of the bloody meat into my freezer so I wont worry about the blood spoiling, I left some out to eat on and have started some bloody high meat, after three days of aging at room temp it smells wonderfull, I think it may be my best highmeat ever. I always liked wild game high meat. I had a goose that made good high meat, this is my first high deer.
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Offline RawZi

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2010, 12:09:21 pm »
I had a goose that made good high meat, this is my first high deer.

    Lucky duck, you!  I've never tried eating goose yet, no real opportunity.  I'm going to get out more, for sure.  High goose must be great.  Is goose meat very much like duck meat?  My cats love duck as well.
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Offline SteakNchop

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2010, 01:44:43 pm »
Goose isn't as fatty as duck, though there is still more fat than a chicken or turkey. I want to get a goose sometime, but the only place they sell it is at Whole Foods for $10lb. I might as well get some good steaks for that price.

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Re: Bloody goodness.
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2010, 09:54:02 pm »
When you hang up your meat the blood is just going to keep dripping out from it, and its going to last longer if its not as wet (at least on the outside),  When you cut into one of the main veins/arteries or open up the heart, let the blood drain into buckets or some kind of container, then set it near something thats going to dry it out and in a few days it will turn into blood candies that will stick in your teeth really bad.. It is easy to bust up into a powder though and you can put it into anything from there, since nobody is going to drink a whole animal worth of blood from something as big as a deer.
That's not paleo.


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