Its all about relative perception... just as the female pea cock perceives the male with the most impressive display as the alpha, us humans use other criteria for forming the alpha archetype. Some traits are more universally accepted, and others are more ambiguous, while some are just out right weird. Its kind of like a game - those who can play the role of the alpha and be convincing enough to land a mate are the winners (all is fair in love and war)
Its funny how the same natural tendency's of humans relate to what I have witnessed on the meerkat manor show. Flower was the Alpha, and her mate was always on the prowl for other tail with his wing kat Romeo. Then there was the wayward daughter who got knocked up and was shunned from the group. If you follow the whole drama, you can see its just ironic how the love life of lower animals can so closely mirror that of humans.
BTW my wife sure does miss that Sexy KD avatar 
hehe, which one?
Alpha male is the guy who gets/or could get all the women (if monogamous). That's the only measure of Alpha. Could be unemployed, unattractive, have to catch the bus but if he can score with the ladies he is alpha.
yeah, I honestly don't know what people mean when they use that term from the perspective of this kind of lifestyle. To me alpha definitely implies someone who will dominate every situation (depending on their environment). If they move to another environment with another social circle, they will have to prove themselves (or just impress) in some way to that other environment or cease to remain alphas. In that respect I can see that being similar to nature.
you could have someone who is a local rock star or captain of the football team and they go off to college and just become drunks or whatever because no one cares..someone else is better looking, stronger, more attractive or more talented or whatever other undefinable manly qualties. You might have a dog at home thats king of the castle..and gets his ass kicked at the park or whatever.
So yeah, likely this is the same as the "man that men respect and women want to be with", but I'm not sure if that corresponds with the most decent person. Being a humble person that is confident and exerts power when appropriate seems like the (or a ) thing to do, but likely this isn't going to be the same as the most financially successful or the biggest playa' or - forgive me - the alpha male. To me these two types of people are quite different, although I can see that one can be seen as having alpha qualities when they don't have this or that other types of success.
I mean, what Dan is getting at seems to be on point with the kind of qualities perhaps a decent person (woman) might be interested in. but what does that have to do with reality?

anyway, back on topic my sex drive is still off the charts (but under control) after a long period of time..and I don't seem to be dieing from excitotoxins or i'll toss that theory back to the veg folks.