Author Topic: Newcomer needs some expert advice  (Read 3324 times)

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Offline zbr5

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Newcomer needs some expert advice
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:04:15 am »
Throughout whole 2010 year I experimented with diets, cutting off more and more foods. Eventually, I became raw vegan, completely convinced that it is the best diet possible. I am concerned about animal rights etc but my choice was never ideological - I just look for diet that works best for my energy levels. Even tough first 40 days brought many positive effects, I found myself cheating on the diet a lot. The reasons where that I never felt full and at some point I could not look at and eat salads (my organism was fed up with this). In addidition i developed some glaze problems and candida.

Few days ago I surfed through amazon to see that Suzan Schneck - big raw vegan authority is no longer a vegan. I was shocked but soon I was to discover that neither is Paul Nisson and many other raw vegan gurus. Meanwhile I got here. I spent at least 20 hours since yesterday reading this board as well as Stanley Bass webpage that I found here.

And I think I am willing to give Paleo a try! From what I read so far I created few rules for myself:
- I give up or limit alcohol, sugar, coffee, tea, bread, pasta, dairy (it is not difficult as most of it was required in raw vegan diet)
- I eat no more than one fruit (or a cup of juiced fruit) a day
- I add 1-2 raw eggs yolks a day
- I eat blended or tossed veg salad (1 a day)
- I eat main meal that consist of raw meat
I think I could create 2 meals a day from these rules as I do not usually have appetite in the morning anyway.

I think I will have no problems with eating carpaccio if I prepare it well with spices. However,  I do not see myself eating organs or fish at the moment. Today I tried eating raw salmon but had to spit it out because it was terrible (i did not use any spices for this, not even salt).

So I would like to know if I should just try to jump into waters or maybe you recommend some transitory stage?
What do you think of my rules above?
What do you think of cooked potatoes - is it really that unhealthy?
What do you think of steamed fish - today I ate this salmon steamed and it was delicious and nourishing - maybe I could keep decreasing steaming time untill it can be eaten raw?
Do you have any advice for newbie as far as any other issues are concerned?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 05:41:53 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Newcomer needs some expert advice
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 05:45:24 pm »

Cooked potatoes should be  avoided as they contain toxins like all other cooked foods.

Some people find raw seafood easier to get used to than raw meats. Try things like raw scallops or raw tuna or raw swordfish or raw mackerel etc.
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Re: Newcomer needs some expert advice
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 09:09:45 pm »
what up zbr?! Glad to hear you're going to make the switch.

Your guidelines are good, but make sure not to be too rigid. You can have your cake and eat it too. The idea is real optimal health, not a narrow, rigid, limiting way of life. I don't feel limited by my way of eating and if you do, beyond a certain extent then perhaps it should be reevaluated. And i wouldn't try to go 100% raw right away, just transfer over at a rate that is comfortable to you. This should be a pleasurable experience mostly, not a burden.

Tips for getting down raw meat. Warm it up very slightly and gently to room or body temp. Most people aren't in to cold meat and I'm no exception. I much prefer meat at body temperature to fridge or room temp. A very QUICK searing is ok to start off with too, if done right, it will only cook the first millimeter of flesh or even less and the inside will be completely raw and unheated. best if left to room temp instead of cooking straight from the fridge. Eventually you will get to a point where searing is no longer necessary.

Yes like Ty said, anything cooked is going to form toxins, it's just how much you're willing to accept. I eat fried plantain, because I loooove fried plantain, but I do so knowing I'm not doing the best I can be for my physical health. Same would be for potatoes. But cooked food is one thing, processed food is a whole other. I would cut out processed foods to as great an extent as possible ASAP.

Steamed fish is going to lose it's enzyme and microbe value, and will form a limited amount of toxins, but is vastly better than dry heat like broiling or frying. Yes you could ramp it down until you hit raw, nothing wrong with that. I view 100% raw as a great ideal and I'm always striving towards that, but even after 3 years on this diet I'm still eating plenty of cooked. It is all about what you're willing to accept. Is it worth it to you to have that flourless chocolate tort, even though it's got sugar and other cooked ingredients in it? To me that would be a giant hell yes, once in a while, but then I will eat a bit of extra grass fed fat and/or some extra veggies to counteract it a bit and also I accept whatever the consequences are.

It's a personal journey and only you can decide what opportunity costs you'll accept. Buona fortuna!

Offline zbr5

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Re: Newcomer needs some expert advice
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 12:15:32 am »
Thank you very much CH, your opinion was spot on for me as I did not keep with guidleline I listed in last post. I enjoy raw food more and more and I can see that it is rather a slow and steady process than overnight thing. Thanks for your support.


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