Author Topic: Trick-and-Treat  (Read 3557 times)

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Offline Nicola

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« on: September 12, 2008, 07:57:30 pm »
Perhaps some would benefit from this new book by Dr. B. Groves:


Offline PaleoKyle

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Re: Trick-and-Treat
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 04:09:29 am »
I am excited to read his new book. I have it preordered from amazon to get Oct. 15. I don't recall it being on his website for long...did he just announce it? I saw it on amazon a couple months agao.

Offline Nicola

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Re: Trick-and-Treat
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 05:18:32 am »
I am excited to read his new book. I have it preordered from amazon to get Oct. 15. I don't recall it being on his website for long...did he just announce it? I saw it on amazon a couple months agao.

He has mentioned it a few times to me in private mails (I asked why he was sooo quiet)

I have been very busy this last year with another book called Trick and Treat, which will be published -- guess when? Yes, the end of next month. Actually it has nothing to do with the American kids extortion with menaces game -- at least you get a choice with that. T&T, subtitled "how 'healthy eating' is making us ill", is about the corruption, fraud and misinformation we, on both sides of the Atlantic, are subjected to so that we are made ill and can be exploited for profit by drug companies, food manufacturers and the 'health industry' generally.

T&T is just over 500 pages - the biggest book my publisher has published so far and, she tells me, 'the most readable'. Clarissa Dickson Wright, a British TV food celebrity, has said of it: 'A great book that shatters so many of the nutritional fantasies and fads of the last twenty years. Read it and prolong your life.'

Best wishes



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