Author Topic: RAW MEAT DOCUMENTARY CASTING  (Read 97138 times)

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« Reply #225 on: February 19, 2013, 08:01:58 am »

I second your post!


You stood up well. Like the rest of us, you are in a battle that really all you can do is hold off the naysayers. You'll not convert them. You stayed patient and pleasant. Excellent.

Too bad the others in the family didn't get a blood test. That would probably be an eye opener. Unless they are being looked for, parasites etc, don't show up in blood tests.

All of us are full of bacteria and parasites. The difference between a healthy and sick person is that they don't get a chance to take over. But you know that.

I was hoping you would mention your illness and how the Doctor's medicines did nothing, but the diet brought you out of it.

Good job.

I don't tell my family. Too much trouble.

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« Reply #226 on: February 19, 2013, 09:58:36 am »
Pretty good.  I've been following this thread and was really hoping I would see an at least semi-finished product at some point.  I agree with what the others have said, if nothing else you look far healthier than everyone around you who is advocating other diets.  There's certainly a lot of agenda pushing, but your case is stated pretty clear and simple, and it's plain to see that you are on this diet and not having problems (in fact, solving a bunch that you had).  If there is a finished product that is give or take the same as this, I'd call this a definite success.

Splaying out the high meat at the dinner with everyone else was a little much for me, with all the shock factor/gagging, but it seemed obviously staged, and I think that will come across to anyone who is willing to challenge their beliefs on this kind of stuff anyway.

I thought it was interesting seeing the woman (sister? I didn't catch it) that didn't seem as concerned about the raw piece, and just wanted you to pull fruits/vegetables into the situation.  I didn't expect to hear that view on it.

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« Reply #227 on: February 19, 2013, 11:03:09 am »
I myself have not tried eating maggot infested meat.

With just the stink of ageing meat in the refrigerator my mother in law complains already.

At the beginning of my raw paleo thing the family and in laws did not complain about raw fruits, raw vegs and raw fish.  They only squirmed at raw red meat.   

Then I would demonstrably heal people they knew first hand with temporary raw paleo diets: my kids, my mother in law's boss, my in-laws' driver, my driver, our plumber, etc... so the entire raw paleo diet paradigm has proven itself to be worthy of recognition in the family and extended family.

These days they don't complain as long as I don't stink up the dinner table, and I eat civilized looking.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 11:10:42 am by goodsamaritan »
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« Reply #228 on: February 19, 2013, 02:50:48 pm »
I've just watched a bit of the video and was impressed. I suppose, like with that wifeswap episode, you will get morons phoning the police to complain, but still. I love the gnawing on that large carcass! It's so offensive to prudish, limited people.
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Offline Löwenherz

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« Reply #229 on: February 20, 2013, 09:25:44 pm »
This is not the actual episode. My cousin found the original pilot that was somehow released on the web, there still no word on if an actual show will be aired. The interviews were cut to shreds and the editors put their own spin on the show, but overall they didn't portray me too badly.

Very professional! They produced a nice TV drama about your lifestyle. It's very smart to start the show with a roadkill shocker.

Little to nothing is said about the possible health benefits we can get from raw animal foods. But who expected this?

I hope you got a suitable amount of money from the producers..


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« Reply #230 on: February 20, 2013, 09:37:13 pm »
Well there were the constant overtones of "bad bacteria this, parasites that, it's only a matter of time until one of these awful things causes your entire body to explode, etc.", but there is also the story of how awful he was doing on mainstream food, how he was wasting away and couldn't keep it down, but how he is now doing much better and having none of those problems.  I think the good was definitely represented, even if quietly and overshadowed a bit for the folks who will take it at face value.

Offline Projectile Vomit

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« Reply #231 on: February 20, 2013, 09:45:08 pm »
If this piece airs as presented, then I think Derek has done a great disservice to the raw food community. You sold out man, you accepted whatever pittance they offered in return for letting them butcher and sensationalize your story. They made you out to look like a sullen nutcase who's slipping off the deep end. Which, admittedly, you might be.

I don't understand how anyone can watch this piece and see anything positive in it for the raw food community.

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« Reply #232 on: February 20, 2013, 10:04:10 pm »
Seems we need to make our own videos then.
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« Reply #233 on: February 20, 2013, 10:06:17 pm »
Eh.  I definitely don't think it's the best way it could be portrayed, but I do agree with the sentiment that some others have that at least you're getting it out there that there's a person that's doing this, and they're not immediately dying, in fact they're solving a lot of their health issues with it. 

If this airs, there's a lot of people who will see this and think it's gross/disgusting and that he's crazy, that's for sure.  On the other hand, some people will see it and it will make them think, and may challenge their ingrained beliefs that raw meat = death.  They may search around the internet and end up on this forum to learn more. 

I think that's the best you can hope for really right now with the current norm attitude to this thing, if you have any interest in reaching out to people who have never considered the diet before.  On the other hand, if you want to just shell up and not be noticed by mainstream society, this is certainly a bad thing.

To me, though, the major points that seemed like they were meant to attack him, failed pretty hard.  1) a doctor told him he had some parasite, which could harm him if he weren't healthy... duh, and that there's all sorts of "terrible bacteria" on this meat that he's eating... and somehow it's making him healthier, 2) the family got all grossed out by him eating at the table, this is just shock factor/sensationalism for tv, anyone who has any chance of questioning their beliefs on something like this shouldn't fall for that anyway, 3) the psychiatrist at the end trying to diagnose him and bring the family together, he mostly stood his ground, but made some compromises to work with his family, and the questioning she was doing was just a bunch of bull anyway.

Offline Projectile Vomit

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« Reply #234 on: February 20, 2013, 11:04:45 pm »
Eh.  I definitely don't think it's the best way it could be portrayed, but I do agree with the sentiment that some others have that at least you're getting it out there that there's a person that's doing this, and they're not immediately dying, in fact they're solving a lot of their health issues with it. 

Why is it enough to just 'get it out there'? Why can't we hold ourselves to a higher standard? I think some raw food enthusiasts have become so accustomed to being ignored that they think a little press is always good. I guess I disagree with that sentiment. I think for press to be good it needs to be good press, and this isn't good, no matter how anyone looks at it.

Offline jessica

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« Reply #235 on: February 20, 2013, 11:20:52 pm »
I dont think its a disservice, neccessarily.  I'd have to admit that parts where Derek talks about "becoming an animal" and having an alter-ego of a sabertooth is pretty weird to me.  If i werent already hip to eating raw meats, that's the point where I would stop listening.  But you have to understand that the producers want to tell a personal story about someone who is different, so we can all gawk.  And so they highlight what about that person is strange(thinking one is becoming more animal) or unconventional(eating raw meat).  If it were me, and even if I thought that, I would certainly not express it to the media, and just focus on the benefits that have accumulated through a raw food diet and a more "natural, wholistic" lifestyle because in truth we ARE animals, so portraying ones self as going more back to nature doesnt seem as weird as saying "im becoming an animal!".  Its definitely all about presentation and stringing together a great story, you can draw folks in and convince them of anything if you are clever enough.

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« Reply #236 on: February 20, 2013, 11:41:51 pm »
I guess it all depends what your goal is.  To me, it's more important to get the information out to people who can actually use it, maybe help a handful of people challenge their beliefs and find a better way of life.  I guess if what you're looking to do is improve the popular mainstream opinion of raw, this video could be seen as a negative.  Even then, at least you're getting out that people DO eat this way, and you start to let the shock value of that wear off.

There might be ultimately "better" ways to get it out, but I don't think this is a bad one, again depending on your goals.  I don't think in this current climate you have any hope of getting something less sensationalized than this out to a large audience.  People could be creating videos that shine a better light on it, and some even are, but I'd say the most views on those are coming from people that area already aware/interested in eating this way.  It's more of helping those that are already interested along the path, versus showing new people that it's possible.

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« Reply #237 on: February 20, 2013, 11:49:26 pm »
If we are to gain any presence in the media, we will have to endure this sort of thing at first. As someone once said re truth:-"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
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Offline eveheart

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« Reply #238 on: February 21, 2013, 01:32:11 am »
If we are to gain any presence in the media, we will have to endure this sort of thing at first. As someone once said re truth:-"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

I like that concept of the stages of truth, but I also feel that the perspective of the film was sensationalism because there was no discussion of the benefits of eating uncooked food. I saw a portrait of a family torn apart by the delusions of one member who believes he is a wild animal. I have a family who eats cooked food, and I never parade my raw food in front of them, nor do I find that I am separated from family because of what I eat.

There's another saying: "You can either be a shining example or a dire warning." This film is a dire warning of how not to talk about eating raw meat. There are excellent movies about paleo-style eating, and I would prefer to see a documentary about eating raw food that was informative and sensationalism-free.
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« Reply #239 on: February 21, 2013, 02:41:20 am »
 I listened to a book not long ago that told of a young woman who signed up for a makeover show. She would get a free cosmetic surgery. Her family had previously not mentioned their sister/daughter's facial issues and were very supportive, but somehow the camera crew managed in an interview, to get them to admit she was ........... not attractive.

The young woman was in another room separated by a 1 way mirror during that interview. Anyways now she was 'wound up like the proverbial 2 dollar watch' to have this operation and when she was suddenly dropped from the show, she committed suicide 4 months later.

The latest is that her family is suing the show.

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« Reply #240 on: February 21, 2013, 06:29:12 am »
hey Derek.  I felt compelled to write to you.  When I first started watching the video, I said to myself,  "oh no".   But then that all changed, and I was there supporting you.  I found you to be most genuine, and amazingly centered without judgment or anxiety; two traits that healthy people have.  I cringed for you when I saw the manipulation set upon you by the therapist.  They should have simply called her a mediator, at best.    I could see the love your father has for you, and your mom too.  Brother and sister appear to be lost in their beliefs and fears, but also it's clear they love and care for you also.  I do think, that it would be showing compassion for them to follow through as mentioned and eat 'safer' foods in front of them.  And or if you bring foods to their houses to eat, bring the most acceptable  and presentable foods you can,  maybe something of a sushi presentation, maybe a few carrot strips, or sliced tomato, avocado on your plate all nicely arranged with maybe thinly sliced layed out meat.   I would have loved if somehow you could have found out the doctor's chlorestorol, and even better to have looked at the 'good and bad' levels she had.    And again, I thank you for your honesty throughout the presentation.  And the complete lack of any aggressive rebuttals towards the nay-sayers.    I hope your family as time goes on can accept your way. 

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« Reply #241 on: February 22, 2013, 02:28:42 pm »
Thank you for posting your groovy video Derek - you come across very clearly and look super healthy. Well done for solving your teenage health problems so well, on your own, and standing up for what you believe in. You look the healthiest by far out of all of the people in your family! I will be interested to hear if you do change your road kill & maggot meat eating practices, and start eating some tomatoes & avocados  ;)

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« Reply #242 on: February 22, 2013, 07:21:09 pm »
I thought it was great. I laughed out aloud all the way through.
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« Reply #243 on: February 22, 2013, 09:16:33 pm »
I found it odd that Derek's family seemed to not notice or mention the increases in his health. 

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« Reply #244 on: February 23, 2013, 03:34:05 am »
I found it odd that Derek's family seemed to not notice or mention the increases in his health. 

This genre of programming is not scripted to portray a balanced point of view.
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« Reply #245 on: February 23, 2013, 07:27:30 am »
Where's the link to the video? I'd like to see it.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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« Reply #246 on: February 23, 2013, 07:31:15 am »
I found it odd that Derek's family seemed to not notice or mention the increases in his health. 

Hey Derek,

What do your family members feel or know about your recovery from illness?
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« Reply #247 on: February 23, 2013, 07:33:46 am »
Where's the link to the video? I'd like to see it.

If your browser has no flash you cant see embedded videos in this forum.

Here's the link Extreme Animal Obsessions on Vimeo

Click below.
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« Reply #248 on: February 23, 2013, 08:58:08 am »
I think it was definitely sensationalized or portrayed to be more than it really is.

But Sabertooth/Derek didn't help in making raw paleo seem like something that could be a part of 20th century living. I really think the high meat and maggots would've been best left out.

I definitely would've stressed how important it is for the animal to be healthy/grass fed/wild. For example, when the doctor reading him his test results explained about the dangers of the bacteria. I'd have mentioned how with conventional meats, stressed antibiotics, hormones and unnatural diets. And likely have given a visual by mentioning Food Inc. That with those there's dangers eating them raw. But with grass fed meats, there's little to no risk.

As bad as I think it'll look to most people, and make people have little/no interest in raw paleo. It's clear to someone who's paying attention that Derek recovered from a health crisis, and looks much healthier than the rest of his family.

Again though, overall, he made raw paleo look bad. Even like a reckless, careless, and dangerous practice (partially due to the directors).
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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« Reply #249 on: February 23, 2013, 11:05:56 am »
Sabertooth, I just seen ur video on facebook. Wow! U look amazing from the rest of ur family members. Thank u soo much for ur maggots meat. I m looking to make it myself to consume. I take one ball size of high meat without maggots everyday and I will do with maggots now. Don't worry about what others saying, all we could prove that , even living 100 yrs old as an active elderly person, without going to doctors. Our brain is not foggy like others. Since the 1st day I try raw meat, I m loving it. God bless to all my raw paleo friends
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